You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Gauntlet 3
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The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The rape in the San Diego may put the Philadelphia season behind schedule

This is a call for all webmasters that have websites about the San Diego season, to submit your links, so we can post them on the left side of the page! If you have a site, like this one about Jamie from this season's cast, send 'em in! We're posting em!

Also, about the next season, which is supposedly supposed to be filming in Philadelphia in April... Reality TV World, posted a report, saying that the reason why casting is so behind this season, is that the show was thrown into jeopardy after the San Diego rape incident. Although the proceedings on the rape incident are still going, there's no real clear understanding of both MTV and BMPs accountability in the rape. So, apparently, according to Sasha Alpert, who's been casting for The Real World for a long time, they're looking for 18-24 year olds who aren't in school. Reason? The fifteenth season will start in April, which is already in the middle of the new school semester, making it hard for potential applicants to take a semester off to do The Real World. And apparently, the reason why the season will start late is supposedly because of the rape. Read.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Alton and Irulan want you to vote as part of the Declare Yourself campaign

There is a new campaign out there being hosted by alumni from the Real World. If you been sleeping under a rock for the past few months, this year is a presidential election. And actually, if you live in Iowa and are a democrat, you should have voted. Moreover, there is a lot of important legislation that is passed that the young people of America really disagree with. The only way to change that, is to register and vote. Anyway, back to the campaign, the campaign is called Declare Yourself and they are going around to college campuses around the country encouraging students to vote. A centerpiece of the campaign is the Declaration of Independence, which they will be encouraging students to actually read. There are workshops, speakers, etc.,

The first to host an event is Alton (Las Vegas) and Irulan (Las Vegas) and they are going to be in New Hampshire.

If you want to learn more, go to! Go Register and Vote!