You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Philadelphia Soul season ticket holders will be given house tours of Philadelphia house

Ever wonder why The Real World house in Philadelphia is still furnished? Well, here's part of the answer why: The Philadelphia Soul will be giving season ticket holders a chance to tour The Real World house. For a limited time, the Philadelphia Soul are offering a tour of the Real World house just for purchasing season tickets. Season seats start at just $80 for the season and this is a real deal considering that it costs a couple grand to see the Las Vegas pad. The tour is to take place on Feb 16. (Hint to Yaron Properties who own the building: Rent out the house.) Contact the Soul for more information.

No decision has been made about the final fate of Road Rules

Here's some new light on the Road Rules situation:

The spin-off "Road Rules" might be hitting the road.
MTV confirmed that no decision has been made on its
renewal, although the music network has ordered two
more seasons of "The Real World/Road Rules Challenge."

"'Road Rules' has always been sort of the stepchild of
'The Real World,'" said Murray. "It usually gets
renewed based on the strength of its ratings. It's
been consistent in its delivery, but it doesn't get
the same press attention that it deserves."

Murray said there are still many destinations "Road
Rules," which crams six 18- to 24-year-olds in a
recreational vehicle, has yet to visit.

"They were focused first on the big 'Real World'
deal," said Murray of MTV's decision. "They're aware
we need to keep the challenges fresh. We need new cast

The New York Post also published an article much to the same tune of this one that was written. Check that out here. Thanks to Fred for those articles.

we now have confirmation that MTV is still mulling the decision to produce another season of Road Rules. MTV Networks, which is based down in Santa Monica, California, handles all the decisions to renew these types of shows. If anyone has ideas of getting the network's attention to NOT cancel these shows, feel free to email us.

In new news, we recently reported that Tonya (Chicago) confirmed Coral (Back to New York) as being part of this next Challenge which starts filming tomorrow. Well, Coral (Back to New York) nor Melissa (New Orleans) will be part of Naughty and Nice.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Road Rules has not been renewed, production is trying to hammer out a deal with MTV

A close source to the Blog that has been reliable in the past has corroborated the rumors that Road Rules was not renewed for another season. Either BMP is trying to hammer out a deal with MTV or they have canceled the series. We are awaiting confirmation on this. Expect an announcement from BMP relatively soon.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Real World renewed until Season 20; Challenge renewed for two seasons; Road Rules left in the cold

Is all of this talk about no more Road Rules bringing you down? Well here is something to cheer you up. According to an article posted at Reality TV World, MTV has renewed the Real World for five more seasons and the RW/RR Challenge for two more seasons.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tonya, Derrick, Veronica, Mark, Coral will be on this new Challenge

On today's Fishbowl chat, Tonya (Chicago) revealed who would be appearing on the new Challenge. She, Derrick (Xtreme), Veronica (Semester at Sea), Mark (USA Your 1) and Coral (Back to New York) are confirmed. But she also said Melissa would be participating. Unclear whether it is Miami or New Orleans Melissa.

Tonya leaves this Sunday, the 9th and there is no clue (as usual) as to where the Challenge will be filmed. Production will be taking away their watches and sunglasses. Possibly so they are up longer and can catch them crying.

The Challenge premieres in June.

Road Rules may be over after its thirteenth season

In an astounding development, Reality Blurred has posted that Road Rules may be at the end of its run. Citing an anonymous email from a producer of the shows, they say they Road Rules is postponed indefinitely. So, what's the deal? The following is a long, complicated history of the turmoil the show's been in. Skip if you please.

Well, if you are a reality television fan and have been following the saga that's these two shows, you know how these two shows The Real World and Road Rules have been so close to being cancelled in the past. In 1999, when Hawaii and Semester At Sea were being filmed, Bunim-Murray Productions announced that only two seasons of each show would be produced and then production would be stopped. There was buzz everywhere and it was pretty much official.

So, flash to the premiere of Hawaii and the incident with Ruthie being sent to the hospital. There was a lot of buzz around Hawaii with rumors fluttering about Ruthie's alcoholism and her leaving the house. So when Hawaii consistently brought in huge ratings, the decision was made not to officially stop the shows at season 10.

So, Real World was pretty much saved. Up to Paris, each successive season of the Real World pulled in larger ratings. However, Road Rules was a struggling show. Debuting in 1994, Road Rules was produced on a bi-yearly schedule. Once the decision was made to cancel both shows, BMP put Road Rules on a yearly production schedule. If you remember Maximum Velocity Tour, it was a heavy departure from the regular Road Rules fare. BMP played up the game show element of the show and strayed away from the inter-cast development.

Since then, Road Rules has gone through a number of stunning developments. Most notably, the vote-off rule, which was introduced in its 10th season (The Quest) has heavily changed the make-up of the series. So, Road Rules has been on a long journey since then. By all accounts, BMP was heavily pleased with the series when South Pacific turned out some of the most memorable castmembers since its early years. Producers even used the same casting producers to cast the San Diego season.

So that brings us to now. In the past, there have been times when the locatiion of the next Road Rules has been announced along with Real World. So when Austin was announced as the 16th season location, this raised a few eyebrows. Bunim-Murray Productions has recently gone through an expansion and they are changing things up a bit there. Anyone close to production can tell you that. However, the fate of Road Rules is still up in the air. Only an official announcement will confirm or deny its cancellation.

Will Road Rules 14 ever happen? BMP says not yet at least

There are rumors floating around that the upcoming season of Road Rules is being cast and will most likely premiere in June. Well according to BMP, those rumors are false. In fact, there has been no talk of a new season. Could this be the end of the road for the show? Check back for updates.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Lori fighting with Rob Cesternino over CD the Fishbowl put out

There's a mini-drama unraveling in the internet world. It seems that Steven (Las Vegas) and Lori (Back to New York) have been bickering on their respective websites. It also involves Rob C. who appeared on Survivor: Amazon and Survivor: All Stars. If you keep up with the reality radio network The Fishbowl, you know that both Steven and Rob are both regular contributors to the radio shows at Fishbowl.

The Fishbowl put together a CD that contained many different reality television stars singing different Christmas songs. Lori recorded Silent Night for the CD and also participated in a group song. Lori then wrote about how she didn't want to sing the song. You can read the excerpts at her website.

So on last Wednesday's Fishbowl Real World talk, Scott, one of the producers of The Fishbowl radio shows came in and told Rob C. to read excerpts off of Lori's website. We're not going to post a transcript of the chat, but Steven mocked Lori's website as a result of what she wrote about the Christmas CD. You can check out the Fishbowl for the full chat. (The Lori part comes at the end of the chat. Steven also talks about how a producer was to blame for his being kicked off Battle of the Sexes near the beginning of the chat.)

So after that show aired, Lori wrote another post on her website responding to Steven's site. And that has been the last word as of yet. Steven is scheduled to host another episode of Real World chat tomorrow.