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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jo freaks out after seeing the debauchery that goes on in the Challenge

Everyone was surprised/excited to see Jo (San Francisco) on the roster for the Gauntlet II... The last time we saw Jo was when the roommates were going their seperate ways in San Francisco. Well, in the promos for the Gauntlet, it shows Jo talking to the police, being escorted off the property with police officers, and rebuking Ruthie's (Hawaii) efforts to console her. There has been rumors abound about what exactly happened. Highlight to read what happens:

Jo's own friends don't even know she was a Real World castmember, so the chance that she's been catching the last few seasons is slim to none. Apparently, upon seeing the debauchery that goes on during the challenges (sex and alcohol), she freaks out. Her season is still considered one of the most moving, progressive seasons of reality television ever. So, she really didn't expect what she sees when she arrives in Trindad and Tobago. As you saw on the promos, she calls the police and asks to be escorted off the property, because she doesn't trust the rest of the cast.

Nehemiah calls out Danny, Danny proposes to Melinda, the cast hates each other

If you missed last night's Austin reunion special, there's plenty of drama that you missed. Apparently, tons of stuff happened between the cast from the end of filming the show to the filming of the actual reunion special. Here's a couple of tidbits:

  • Rachel said she was on good terms with Nehemiah and Wes. Although they aren't the best of friends, she was glad that she knew where she stood with the two of them through out the season.
  • Danny and Melinda called out Lacey for talking behind people's back. While Lacey fully admitted to talking behind people's back, she also said that she wouldn't have said anything behind people's back that she didn't say to people directly. They seemed angry that Lacey had told Johanna that Wes and Melinda had kissed early on in the season, and then lied about it. Johanna defended Lacey, and Lacey said she told Johanna the truth the next morning. Both Danny and Lacey admitted that their relationship had deteriorated to nothing. But Lacey said there was no relationship there in the first place.

  • Lacey is still together with Ryan. Then Nehemiah made some off-handed comment about how it was easy to stay together if you weren't having sex.

  • Rachel is still together with her boyfriend.

  • Nehemiah professed to liking Lacey a lot more outside the house, after watching the show. Rachel and Nehemiah also seemed to patch things up as they took their friendship in smaller doses.

  • Wes and Johanna revealed that they were dating. During the final days in the house, the two got closer and once the show was over, the two decided to be exclusive. Wes is no longer allowed to talk to Wren.

  • Danny proposed to Melinda in Central Park the night before. The two moved in together and bought a house in Boston.

  • Susie, the TRL host, had asked where the cast stood with each other. This is where all hell broke loose. Danny and Melinda were saying something, then Nehemiah broke in, pointing out that Danny and Melinda had changed dramatically. Then it became a fight between Danny and Nehemiah of who had the bigger ego. Once that got heated, Wes stepped in and told Nehemiah to shut up and be respectful of a friend. Wes then accused Nehemiah of berating Danny and Melinda only in front of the cameras. Rachel then stepped in and said that the two had changed, ignoring her phone calls and emails. While they did hang out in Boston and Los Angeles, Rachel said that it was "horrible" and they could never "look her in the face".

  • Then, Susie, looking overwhelmed, after a very heated reunion, signed off telling the cast that they hoped that they would resolve their differences. Danny, Melinda, Wes and Johanna will all be a part of the Fresh Meat Challenge which should be airing in mid-2006. The Sh*! They Should've Shown, the bloopers episode, will air next Tuesday at 10PM. They will be re-airing the reunion special at regular intervals until then.

    What's really news is the very short preview that they showed on the Key West season. Key West is slated to debut February 28. They revealed the names of the castmembers which are Janelle, John, Jose, Paula, Svetlana, Tyler and Zack. And besides showing the back of castmembers heads, some of them running a flight of stairs, and a whole lot of shots of the hurricanes that hit Key West, the promo revealed nothing but their names.

    Tuesday, November 29, 2005

    Whether or not Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) actually get engaged on tonight's reunion special is still up in the air. However, I can confirm for you guys that it has happened... regardless of what happened on the special. The two Austin castmembers are happily engaged! They join other alumni such as Sean (Boston) and Rachel (San Francisco), Pam (San Francisco) and Judd (San Francisco) and Chadwick (Down Under) and Holly (Maximum Velocity Tour) who have been married to another member from the casts. Congratulations to Danny and Melinda!

    The Austin reunion special wil air tonight after they watch the final episode

    The Real World Austin will roll out its final original programming tonight, with a reunion special. See the roommates confront each other after they've all seen each other bitching behind each others back. It airs at 10PM.

    Monday, November 28, 2005

    The Gauntlet 2 keeps getting pushed back because of MTV's poor scheduling

    Instead of airing the first new episode of the Gauntlet 2 tonight, MTV will put up a re-run of Punk'd. The Gauntlet premieres its first episode next week at 10PM. If, by any chance, you missed the preview special Rough Seas Ahead, MTV is re-airing it six different times in the next week:

    Tuesday November 29 @ 10:00 AM
    Tuesday November 29 @ 11:00 PM
    Thursday December 1 @ 02:00 PM
    Saturday December 3 @ 09:30 PM
    Saturday December 3 @ 10:00 PM
    Monday December 5 @ 09:30 PM

    Don't forget, the Austin reunion special airs tomorrow night @ 10PM

    Sunday, November 27, 2005

    Danny and Nehemiah still facing future court dates for their respective cases

    It seems that both Danny (Austin) and Nehemiah's (Austin) problems with the law has lasted long after the season is over. While Nehemiah's case is yet to be over, the Austin Statesman reports on the incident between Nehemiah and the owner of a "Best Wurst" cart on Sixth Street. Nehemiah, who faces a December 7th court date, is facing up to a year of jail time, however the prosecutor says in the article he is seeking anger management classes as an adaquate punishment. The article also gives updates on Danny's case, which is still pending and Johanna's case, which was eventually dropped.