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Friday, December 01, 2006

New Trial Feature Available: Leave comments on individual posts, talk to other fans

We're always trying to bring you the latest news and best website that we can possibly bring you. So in that spirit, we've unveiled a new feature of the site that will be running on a trial basis.

You can chat with other people on the blog, by click on the comments link at the end of each post. You don't need to register with Blogger, you don't need to post your name or email either. It's a pretty easy process. It's sort of like a mini-message board with each post.

So, if you ever have anything to say about a post, now you can chat with other fans about it! A few words of warning: People will inevitably spoil the seasons and will do so without warning. Read on your own risk. People will inevitably say something offensive. Do your best to keep it clean. Do your best not to be offended. If it gets too out of hand, the trial period will end and we'll pull it off the site.

But other than that, have fun! We're glad to bring you this feature and we hope that you come to use it frequently!

Check out the trailer for next week's episode and this nifty little Wes promo

So, you might have missed the trailer for next week's episode, since they ran a "fall finale" trailer showing scenes for the rest of the season. Here's Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) battling it out:

And here's a funny promo that uses footage from last night:

Denver house has finally sold for $3.3 million and will become an upscale restaurant

The once nightclub under the name B-52 Billiards, which was then bought by MTV for $2.7 million has now been sold once again.

Check out this article by the Denver Post which says the Alexander Group, a father and son real estate developer team, has bought the property. Incidentally, they also bought all of the MTV decorations inside the house, which they say they'll keep 50 percent of.

The downstairs is going to be converted into a hip restaurant/bar. The courtyard will be transformed into an outdoor bar. The first floor will be an upscale restaurant. The basement will act as a nightclub of sorts. The top floor is going to be converted to office space, which the developer group says they already have a contract lined out for.

The last house to be converted into a restaurant? That would be Austin which is now the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant. Seattle's Pier 70 is now also the site of a fancy seafood restaurant. Chicago is now the site of a gym. Back to New York's pad is in a semi-similar state it was during filming and is rented for parties. Las Vegas is now a hugely expensive suite that you can rent out for the night.

Aftershow: Derrick shows up to chat it up with Blair for a sixth time, which is a new record

This week, appearing for the sixth time, Derrick (Extreme) showed up on the Aftershow to chat it out with Blair (The Quest).

Derrick wanted to face Wes and wanted to take on the "performance-enhancing", cocky attitude. He calls it the funnest Duel/Gauntlet he's been in. Blair asks his about the kissing bandit, where he found himself kissing Casey (Fresh Meat) in Brazil. But he doesn't remember it unfortunately.

Blair then brings up the "I'm a better kisser than he is" when Jodi (Extreme) is crying over Evan (Fresh Meat) and then it shows Derrick and Jodi kiss. Derrick gives Diem (Fresh Meat) support for hooking up with CT (Paris) because they're two cool people being happy together.

Now, they play the Basket Game:

Paula (Key West): He didn't get to see the drunken moments. She's pretty cool and she's got kind eyes.
Johnny (Key West): Funny. Steals his thunder.
Casey (Fresh Meat): Got to make out with her and didn't even remember it.
Tyler (Key West): Glad he sent him home. Douchebag. Didn't see the negativity he gives out. Should watch the show to see how he ends up looking after he spreads his negativity.

The Sh(* You Didn't See: Derrick wrestling with Kenny (Fresh Meat) on a hill. Kina (Extreme) wrestling Eric (Fresh Meat). A group fight with a whole bunch of castmembers.

Check out Eric's updates on the latest episodes of the Duel only on Inside Pulse

Eric (Fresh Meat), as we previously reported before, is giving his own take on the latest Duel episodes over at Inside Pulse. He takes the job from his former teammate Katie (The Quest).

He just recently updated his blog with last week's episode, commenting on what he personally thought of Beth (Los Angeles). After he's done with the whole Beth thing, he gives you his take on the episode.

After that, he even makes a short comment about last night's episode. Be sure to keep checking out his blog, as he'll update his thoughts on the Wes (Austin)/Derrick (Extreme) Duel.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A few alumni will be showing up in Milwaukee as a reunion in a club appearance

On last night's Duel episode, Wes (Austin) made a comment that he wanted to ask Johanna (Austin) to marry him. Want to know how that worked out? Well, Wes, Johanna, Melinda (Austin), Brad (San Diego) and other castmembers will be making an appearance at Cafe Milwaukee.

The event is on Friday, December 15th at 8PM. There's no cover and the drinks are $1. The bar is located at 1101 N. Old World 3rd Street in Milwaukee.

If you're in the area, check out the cast, you'll never know who'll you end up running into there!

Duel Episode #8: Evan wins the mission, Wes goes in and beats Derrick, Wes breaks down

Wes (Austin) begins this episode when paranoia sets in and he's fearful that he'll be sent into the next Duel. He makes a comment that he really wants the money, so he can ask Johanna (Austin) to marry him, and start a life with her. Derrick (Extreme) also tells Jodi (Extreme) that he really wants to win this, his fifth Challenge.

Meanwhile, Diem (Fresh Meat) and CT (Paris) are in heavy flirting mode, especially as its Diem's birthday. The cast learns that they'll be split up into two big teams in the first heat, attempting to grab a flag off a pole. CT (Paris) and Eric (Fresh Meat) are named team captains as they won the last two missions. CT's team pulls through first and his team of six CT, Wes, Evan (Fresh Meat), Diem, Robin (San Diego) and Svetlana (Key West) end up in the last heat.

The point of this heat is to run through a course that has slip and slide tarps up and down the sand dunes. Evan digs his feet into the tarp and into the sand and easily makes it up. Diem follows in his footsteps literally, and she wins on her birthday. The order is set off and with the "tenderoni" alliance gone, Wes looks to be targeted. After Wes looks to be the one favored going into the Duel, he tells the girls to choose him to go into the Duel, as he needs to take control of his destiny in the game.

Wes picks Derrick, and they get Pole Wrestle. Every single person in the Duel knows the two of them will brutually fight to the bitter end. The cast watches in horror as the two tear each other apart for nearly a 1/2 hour. Wes eventually pulls through with the win. After winning, Derrick thinks he wants to re-evaluate his life. However, when Wes makes it home, he calls Johanna, and breaks down. He isn't happy about winning and the Duel takes a lot out of him. He tells her that he wants to marry her and that he doesn't know if he can go through another Duel like that again.

Update: This episode has proven itself as a good way to usher in a new trial feature of our site. You can now leave comments on each of the news stories we post. So, if you want to discuss the episode with other fans, feel free to leave a comment.

Duel Spoiler Alert: Wes is sent into the Duel, who will go in there with him?

The next episode preview shows that Wes (Austin) chooses to make the decision to send himself to the Duel.

Robin (San Diego) has to make the decision between Brad (San Diego) and Wes (Austin). After Wes tells Robin that he's not worried about going to the Duel, Robin picks Brad sending Wes to the Duel.

(Highlight the following to read:) Wes chooses Derrick (Extreme) to go to the Duel with him and Derrick is sent home. This is a great episode you won't want to miss.

The Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Scenes from the Duel: Nehemiah and Wes taunt Kenny, CT is a victim of the girls troublemaking

Check out this two videos in anticipation of tonight's episode of the Duel:

This episode of the Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Denver Aftershow: Alex visits Saul and Robin to explain his actions

Saul and Robin (San Diego) talk about the craziness of the season with only three days into the season. They confront Alex (Denver) about his "scumbag" or "stud" status. He says that he wasn't trying to hide anything, but all he was trying to do was hook-up with his roommates.

He states for the record that Colie (Denver) was the better kisser of the two. The pizza incident, where the hosts accuse Alex of something happening during Colie finding them in the guest room, Alex claims that it was more a product of Jenn not wanting to know that they had hooked-up.

The night that the lesbian kiss happened, Alex was out with Davis (Denver). Alex also claims that he wasn't jealous, nor was Colie attempting to make him jealous. Alex talks about how he was sort of ganged up on by the girls.

When asked about the hottest female in the house, he gives a very diplomatic answer, basically complimenting all three of them. Robin then talks about how her cast was more about getting arrested than hooking up. Saul asks who he would kick out and take up, Alex wants to kick out Brooke (Denver) and replace her with Mallory (Paris).

Next week, Lacey (Austin) and Davis will show up on the Aftershow.

Real World Denver Episode #3: Colie confronts Jenn, Alex and Colie break it off

The episode started out with Jenn waking up to the morning after she was with Alex. After avoiding Colie all morning, Colie catches Jenn while she was showering and asks her how she got a hickey on her neck.

Jenn then confesses to Colie and the girls precede to cry over being stuck on one guy. Alex talks to Colie, who now doesn't like him and gives him the cold shoulder.

The three girls go out on a night on the town where Jenn denounces her hookup with Alex. While at the club, Colie picks up Nick who ends up doing some shady stuff with her in some alley. Colie brings him home and makes out with him in front of Alex. Alex is visibly affected by the hook-up, but everyone recognizes that Nick was brought to the house: principally to make Alex jealous.

Colie acheives her goal of making Alex jealous and the two begin to flirt after Colie sends Nick home. The two end up sleeping in the same bed together and making a drunken pact that they won't hook up with anyone else. Alex wakes up the next morning only to tell Colie that he didn't
remember anything they said last night.

Ultimately, Colie finds out that she and Alex are definitely not made for each other.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Episode #3 of the Real World Denver is tonight; Alex will be guesting on the Aftershow

Tonight is the third episode of the Real World: Denver. Unfortunately, there won't be a three-way episode, so you won't be able to catch it three times in one night. However, they are moving the series back to its regular time at 10PM.

For this episode, Colie (Denver) is finally pushed away by Alex (Denver), who begins to pursue his relationship with Jenn (Denver).

For those of you Aftershow fans, Alex will be on tonight, along with host Saul and veteran Robin (San Diego), so be sure to catch that as he will probably have some explaining to do.

Ratings debate over the premiere of the Real World Denver

Last week's episode of The Real World: Denver has come in with mixed reviews. While most of the reviews of the show weren't great (as usual), there was some surprising praise for the series as we reported to you yesterday.

But the ratings seem to be a point of debate amongst critics and supporters of the series. Variety is reporting that the ratings for this season of The Real World Denver is down 53% from last year's Key West premiere. However, Get Real Denver is reporting the number at around 8 million viewers, which is a huge increase.

The difference in numbers comes from looking at the numbers in its 1-hour premiere or 3-hour premiere. Over the 3 hours, more than 8 million people tuned in, but for the premiere itself, only a small number of people tuned in for that first hour. What is more impressive is that the Overdrive channel experienced an 82% increase in traffic after the episode aired as compared to the Key West season, so the show must be doing pretty well.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NY Daily News actually gives the new Denver season a good review

It's strange to hear journalists praise the newer seasons of The Real World. The precipitous decline of the series into binge drinking, promiscuity, and a whole bunch of other questionable activities usually make the series an easy target for journalists reviewing the series.

Surprisingly, this article by the New York Daily News' George Huff, actually gives praise to the series and wants you to watch the upcoming episodes.

Tomorrow is yet another episode of Denver, where we will see the aftermath of the Alex, Colie, Jenn hook-up.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Inside Pulse has regular updates by Eric and has an interview with Evan of the Duel

Here's a special treat for everyone, Eric (Fresh Meat) is a regular poster over at Inside Pulse, which was a job normally held by Katie (The Quest).

Eric tries to update you on the latest Duel episodes and gives you his own take on what went down in Buzios.

They also have an interview up with Eric's fellow Dueler, Evan (Fresh Meat). The most interesting thing that he says is that he talks about how he was cast originally on the Key West season of the Real World. Check out the story here.

Aftershow: Beth visits Blair to put the final nail in the coffin on the "tenderoni" alliance

Beth (Los Angeles) came on to the Aftershow to explain her fifth Challenge appearance. She takes one final swipe at Tina (South Pacific) and the infamous hit.

Blair (The Quest) comments on Beth's alliance which grew out of Kina's (Extreme) alliance and Tina being kicked out. She claims into bringing Nehemiah (Austin) into the mix because she thought he'd make it far. She then calls Nehemiah a "special guy." She then makes reference to some sort of relationship.

Beth called Svetlana (Key West) dumb for picking her. Then calls the host "stupid, little TJ." She says she gets "better with age" at the challenges.

The basket game:

Nehemiah: her "tenderoni", one of a kind
Evan (Fresh Meat): a snake in the grass. Biggest asskisser.
Paula (Key West): a sweet girl, tougher, and should definitely stop drinking. She's a good girl.
Tina (South Pacific): Threatened by everbody who she thinks is prettier than her, which is everyone. Jealous. Crazy.
Casey (Fresh Meat): Great new set of boobs.
Derrick (Extreme): They go round and round. Make up and talk crap, make up and talk crap...
Robin (San Diego): She's insecure so she tends to follow who she thinks is cool. Robin can be the cool one, but she's got low self-esteem.
Diem (Fresh Meat): She seems like she's a very sweet girl. She knows what she's doing. She's using her sexuality.
Svetlana (Key West): Pure luck. She could kick her ass, anytime, anyday.

The Sh($ You Didn't See: Brad's (San Diego) side of the Beth/Svetlana fight. A burping montage.

Duel Episode #7: Brad gets in a fight, Beth is sent home by Svetlana

After alliances are questioned, Beth (Los Angeles) goes up to Brad (San Diego) asking what's the status of his alliance with Robin (San Diego). Somehow, Svetlana (Key West) gets involved in it.

Svetlana is hurt by Brad's accusations of starting drama. She wants to go home. So the mission is somewhat of a race, with different stages on land and water. CT (Paris) pulls off a win for the guys, while Beth makes an impressive showing, but ultimately loses to Jodi (Extreme).

The girls send Svetlana to the Duel, which leaves Svetlana open to pick any girl but Jodi. Svetlana picks Beth in order to make a showing against the girls.

Eventually, at the Duel, Svetlana makes an impressive showing against Beth, holding her own. But, Svetlana tires out and eventually Beth looks like she will easily take out Svetlana. However, Beth makes a crucial mistake and rips off the flag, sending Beth home.

Stephen grants an interview with Howard University's newspaper

Stephen (Denver) has given an interview with his school's newspaper.

In it, he talks about how he never watched the show before auditioning, juggling school with the show, and how his views changed after being on the show.

It's a pretty interesting read and it sheds a little bit of light on Stephen's persona. Be sure to check it out at the website.

Saul from TVGasm hosts the first live Aftershow of the Real World Denver

This is the first Aftershow that's "live" and for the new Real World season.

Robin (San Diego) guested on the show and watched the show with Saul. They're both excited for the "great, amazing" season." Brooke (Denver) was also on the show as a taped guest.

She says that she thought that Alex (Denver) was initially a normal, sweet guy. She was blown away by the house. She explains her choice for not getting naked in the pool.

Then comes the questions. They talk about the lesbian kiss, Tyrie (Denver), Stephen (Denver)/Davis (Denver), living with the cameras, people's being comfortable with the cameras, the Alex, Colie, Jenn affair, and who she would kick out of the house (Alex). Robin will be back next week, along with Alex.

Denver Episode #1/2: Drama begins within hours of moving into the house

So, from what MTV showed on their website, it begins with everyone showing up in the house. First, Tyrie and Jenn show up in the house. Then, Alex and Brooke arrive. Followed by Colie, Davis and Stephen. Then commences the greetings, the screaming, and then all the excitement.

Everyone but Colie and Davis goes out to buy liquor, so the two of them bond over Davis' homosexuality, although he didn't want to tell the guys right away. Then, Colie is talking about the automatic connection they share, especially with the connection between Jenn and Colie.

The cast then plays "truth or dare." The topic immediately turns to who will sleep with who. Then comes the Alex/Colie connection. Brooke expresses her disappointment with no gay people. The group goes out for drinks. Then Davis comes out to the group when Jenn asks who's gay. Stephen immediately expresses his unhappiness with Stephen.

Davis explains his deteriorating relationship with his mother to Brooke. Then you have Stephen re-visiting the controversy.

Eventually, you have the climax of the Alex, Colie, Jenn storyline. After Colie nearly catches Alex and Jenn together, Jenn and Alex end up consumating their relationship.