Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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New Orleans 2010
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Philadelphia promos begin to air on MTV

For those of you waiting for those Philly promos, MTV has started to air them. There are several different types of promos being aired at this time, but they're not in heavy rotation and probably won't be until the week before the season premieres in September. Probably check's website as they will probably update fairly soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Bon Jovi issues a press release for the Real World Philadelphia

For those of you hardcore Jon Bon Jovi fans, Another official press release has been released over at Bon Jovi's site confirming that the seven strangers will be working with the Philadelphia Soul. The short bit says that there will be some Jon Bon Jovi and Philadelphia Soul footage, but it is unclear how much will be included. You can probably expect the band frontman not to have a vested interest in the Real Worlders job, but to have a presence similar to that of George Maloof in the Las Vegas season, where Maloof delegated supervision of the seven strangers to someone else... The article posted on the site also tagged on the press release that was at the Soul's webpage (see previous post), which cleared up some confusion which had the Real Worlders working with the Soul's community program after the football season ended during early taping of the show.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Philadelphia Soul issues a press release for the Real World

Check out the Philadelphia Soul website for a news release about the Real World Philadelphia. Also, check out the casting special on MTV on August 24th, the Real World San Diego marathon on September 4th and 5th, and the premiere of the new season on September 7th.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Ibis will be chatting with RealitySpot this upcoming week

Check out RealitySpot this Wednesday, August 18 at 9pm eastern time for a live chat with Ibis (RR Extreme).

The Philadelphia cast is ending their job with the Philadelphia Soul today

According to's Dan Gross, The Real World: Philadelphia cast will be ending their job with the Philadelphia Soul today. The arena football team, owned by 80's rocker icon Bon Jovi, has hosted this season of The Real World as the seven strangers will be working promoting games. With the season primed to end relatively soon, Gross says that the castmembers are busy shooting the opening credits to the show and doing press. The premiere special will air August 24th, while the next week will be devoted to the Video Music Awards, and the first official episode will air September 7th.