I would like to commend you on a great site. -Jamie (New Orleans)
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Gauntlet 3
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Fresh Meat II

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Donations in Mary-Ellis Bunim's name should be made to National Breast Cancer Coalition

We have compiled our letter of condolence for Mary Ellis Bunim and it will soon be sent. Thank you for the hundreds of people who showed concern for a great mind in reality television. There will be a memorial service held today at 1 p.m. at the Hollywood Hills Forest Lawn cemetery in Los Angeles. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be sent to:

The National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund
1101 17th St. NW, Suite 1300
Washington DC 20036

Friday, February 06, 2004

Philadelphia cast may work with restauranteur Stephen Starr for new season

With E!Online announcing that they have had a "source" confirm the Philadelphia season, there are rumors flying about regarding the fifteenth season. Thanks to Danielle, once again, she reports that both Buddakhan (4th and Walnut) or Tangerine (3rd and Market) are Stephen Starr's closest restaurants and are both being optioned to be the Real World job site. So, what's the job for the Real Worlder's this time? According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, working at one of Stephen Starr's, a Philadelphia entrepreneur, classy restaurants.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Murmurs from Philadelphia suggest that the house may have already been chosen

UPDATE: Apparently, mum's the word on this season for a lot of different reasons. MTV or BMP is refusing to comment on the status of the fifteenth season of the Real World. Why? Well, MTV has not yet committed to a fifteenth season. There is really no official word on why MTV has not yet decided to pick up the Real World... However, there could be several factors at work, one being the impending outcome of the San Diego rape incident. This season is slated to begin filming in April... which is usually late in the year. Some magazines in Philadelphia are reporting that Philadelphia was already cast and the house was already chosen. However, unhappy with the casting, producers cut the cast and recasted. The location we reported has seen NO ACTION from personnel from the show, but it is still widely rumored that they are living there.

According to a fan, Danielle, the new house for Real World: Philadelphia has already been chosen. Although filming is in April, apparently the site for the house is 3rd and Arch St. The location, which is also near the Betsy Ross House, is in the Old City section of Philadelphia. Recently renovated on the corner of Third and Arch, is a section of previously abandoned buildings called Merchants Row. They were converted into luxury apartments, with Starbucks and Papery on the ground floor. Also on the corner is an art gallery which is home to the Philadelphia Fringe Festival every September. The corner also served as the set for Oprah's 1998 film Beloved. And there's also an Italian restaurant on the corner named La Locanda Del Ghiottone. So it serves an interesting backdrop if it is actually the site of the new house.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

CT and David are somewhat related and knew each other before Real World

Think you know everything about the Inferno? Well, think again... Did you know that none other than David's (Seattle) uncle is none other than CT's (Paris) godfather? That's right... CT and David knew each other even before CT showed his face in Paris. It's not the first time castmembers knew each other before even being on the Real World. In fact, David and Nathan both knew each other from VMI and were cast together... But what you might have not known, was that Nathan and David both knew Rebecca... As for CT's performance in the Inferno... he says that he's proud of his performance and that he did some damage.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Opinions of the first episode of the Inferno

Tonight's episode of The Inferno aired... If you don't want to know what happened (if you live on the West Coast) don't read... Also, this blurb is full of opinion, so if that's not your cup of tea, don't read it: (HIGHLIGHT TO READ)

So, the Inferno premiered a few minutes ago. This season definitely will have its ups and downs, but there are a few things to look forward to. I have to say, the greatest disappointment of the night was Ace (Paris) being booted. We knew it was coming, but Ace is too nice of a guy to play the Inferno. Then there was that whole thing with Mallory (Paris) being there and Coral (Back To New York) questioning his Inferno performance... You can't help but feel sorry for Ace. And we actually get to see Jeremy (South Pacific) actually be an integral part of the cast, instead of showing up in the last few episodes. I'd have to say... The best thing/most anticipated thing of the season? It's gonna have to be Julie (New Orleans). The fight between Julie and Melissa during Battle of the Sexes was a huge deal, mostly because it mostly took place on the internet. But the Julie/Veronica situation really captures Julie's competitive spirit... (as in she'll do anything to win... Remember the Extreme Challenge?) I'd love to see Julie in an Inferno... but I am waiting to see how Coral and Julie play out their situation... Also, the Mike/Trishelle/Coral/Kendal storyline also has potential. It looks to be a good season. Hopefully, it will be.

Some preview links of the new season of the Challenge: the Inferno

The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno airs tonight. This is the seventh installment of the Challenge series and the last of a two season pickup that MTV ordered after Battle of the Sexes finished airing. To get your Inferno fix, visit the following links:

MTVs Description of the Inferno
Upon Julie's (New Orleans) return home from the Inferno
Mike's (Back to New York) Inferno Preview