He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, July 23, 2004

Ayanna is voted off; Girls are losing to the boys; Jisela was supposed to be on this Challenge

The following is spoilers for Battle of the Sexes 2. (Highlight to read:)

Ayanna (Semester At Sea) has been voted out. And some people have been asking if the girls are faring better than the boys, since we're hearing more about the boys' being kicked off than the girls... The answer is no. The girls had a rough start and it seems like the first Battle of the Sexes, without a winning streak to start things off.

And apparently, there has been a line-up change in the girls' side. One of Road Rules girls decided to drop out of the Challenge right before boarding the flight to New Mexico and was replaced. My guess is, since it happened before the Challenge started, the other person will not be mentioned at all. Definitely more on this later.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Jacquese appeared on TRL today meaning that he will be voted off; Abram and Adam are both gone

Here's some minor, minor spoilerish info. Don't read if you don't want to know about Battle of the Sexes 2:

Someone mentioned that Jacquese (San Diego) was on TRL today, so he is definitely voted off. And over at Tubescan, they have confirmed that Abram (South Pacific) and Adam (Paris) have been both sent home. There is definitely more to come!

There's a picture of Jillian over at another website

We all know that Jillian will be joining the RR Extreme cast in the near future. What you might not know is what she looks like. The people over at the Tubescan message boards have found a picture of the new cast member. Check it out here.

The Blog gets a new domain name

A few updates on our site. You can now find the site at www.rwrrblog.com. A little easier to type than our blogspot and cjb addresses. They will still be functioning as well though.

It looks like we may have some more spoilers in store for you on the horizon. Not sure though. Check in later today on further updates.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Pictures of Abram, Dan, Mark, Eric, Randy, and Shane at the Challenge surface on the internet

For your viewing pleasure... These are the first pictures ANYWHERE on the internet from Battle of the Sexes 2. Here you have Abram (South Pacific), Dan (Northern Trail), Mark (USA Tour 1), Eric (New York), Randy (San Diego), and Shane (Campus Crawl). Lisa from NM submits these exculsive pictures. We want to send a big shot-out to her!

Abram (South Pacific), Dan (Northern Trail), Mark (USA Tour 1), Eric (New York) Johnny Moseley (Host)

Big Ran (San Diego) Shane (Campus Crawl)

With Lisa's information at hand, the latest information for the participants on the Challenge are:

Girls Team:
Cameran (San Diego)
Robin (San Diego)
Arissa (Las Vegas)
Tonya (Chicago)
Aneesa (Chicago)
Coral (Back to New York)
Ruthie (Hawaii)
Genesis (Boston)
Beth S. (Los Angeles)
Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Jisela (The Quest)
Sophia (The Quest)
Katie (The Quest)
Tina (South Pacific)
Ayanna (Semester At Sea)
Veronica (Semester At Sea)
Remaining Road Ruler
Remaining Road Ruler

Boys Team:
Brad (San Diego)
Jacquese (San Diego)
Randy (San Diego)
Ace (Paris)
Adam (Paris)
Frank (Las Vegas)
Steven (Las Vegas)
Mike (Back to New York)
Eric (New York)
Derrick (Xtreme)
Patrick (Xtreme)
Abram (South Pacific)
Chris (South Pacific)
Shane (Campus Crawl)
Darrell (Campus Crawl)
Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Dan (Northern Trail)
Mark (USA Tour 1)

This obviously completes the boys' team and the remaining two Road Rules girls are most likely, definitely from Xtreme... Lisa from NM (much Blog love to ya!) also confirms that she saw Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour), Ruthie (Hawaii) and Derrick (Xtreme). There is also a mission with punching bags hanging over a river. Castmembers have to hold on the punching bags and the person who holds on to them the longest wins. Once again, thanks to Lisa and remember you heard it first on the Blog!

Some additional added info: The pictures were taken at a local rodeo on Sunday. Randy, Eric, and Shane were said to be the nicest of the group. And, if the picture is enlarged enough, it's noticable that Eric (New York) had a ring on his fourth finger on his left hand...

If you're in the New Mexico area and happen to snap pictures, send them over to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com.

The Vista Clara Ranch will host the Challenge; Dan and Ayanna are a part of this Challenge

After we received a tip from one of our message board posters, we decided to check out Vista Clara Ranch as a possible stomping ground for Battle of the Sexes 2. After repeated attempts to reach the information line, the Blog got into contact with a representative for the Ranch, who told us "they were not allowed to discuss that information" with us. Hmm.. Interesting.

Vista Clara Ranch is a spa resort that heavily resembles locales used in previous Challenges. Located in historic Galisteo Basin, southeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Vista Clara occupies eighty acres of land once home to the Tewa Indians and later settled by Spanish ranchers.

Our web poster also mentions that Dan (Northern Trail) and Ayanna (Semester At Sea) are also a part of this Challenge. She also says that Johnny Moseley is once again returning. More info on this later!

Rape charges dropped in San Diego incident

According to the LA Times, the San Diego county district attorney dropped the case brought on by the 22-year-old woman who was alleged to be raped in the Real World: San Diego house. After reviewing both hard evidence and tapes that police obtained from producers, prosecutors decided there was not enough evidence and decided to drop the case earlier this week. "At this point we're not filing," said Paul Levikow, a spokesman for the district attorney's office. "That could change if new evidence comes to light."

If you remember, back in November, one of Randy's friend's, who goes by the name of Justin, picked up a girl at a night club. The woman alleged she was drugged and raped in the bathroom. Two castmembers were apparently witnesses, one unknown who claimed to have seen the woman stagger out of the bathroom, incoherent. And the other, known to be Jamie, who said she saw Justin coming out of the bathroom saying, "I just hit that." The issue of the rape never made it onto the air and in fact, most of the latter part of the filming of the series was omitted, presumably because of the rape incident.

Real World cast earns a jeer from TVGuide; MTV is holding its first ever Reality Awards

In the Cheers and Jeers of Reality TV issue for next week's TVGuide, the Real World makes the list amongst the plethora of shows out there. TVGuide jeers both Ruthie (Hawaii) and Puck (San Francisco) for their behavior during their seasons. The magazine points out Ruthie's alcoholic behavior and Puck's peanut butter habits as reasons for the jeers. However, TVGuide also lists The Real World in a blurb about the decline of reality TV, praising its early seasons for tackling tough issues. Check it out.

MTV is holding its first ever Reality Awards on August 3 at 10PM. It's unclear on whether this will be an actual award show or will be a segment/scripted show hosted by someone, but nevertheless, you can vote for your favorites at MTV.com. In the eleven categories, both shows together scored 17 nominations in 8 different categories. Las Vegas and Paris both picked up 2 nods. San Diego picked up 4. South Pacific, the only Road Rules show to be nominated only picked up 1. The Gauntlet picked up 1. And The Inferno picked up an incredible 8 nominations. The Real Worlders and Road Rulers up for the awards are:

Bad M*F*
CT (Paris)
Coral (Back to New York)
for Inferno
Julie (New Orleans)
for Inferno

Spit Swappin'
Brad and Cameran (San Diego)

Knuckled Up
CT (Paris) picks a fight with a stranger
Abe vs. Donnell (South Pacific)
Veronica (Semester at Sea) vs. Katie (The Quest) in the Inferno

Most Important Shirtless Male
Alton (Las Vegas)
Abe (South Pacific)
for Inferno
Mike (Back to New York)
for Inferno

The Fishbowl
Julie (New Orleans) attacks Veronica's (Semester At Sea) harness in the Inferno
Frankie (San Diego) freaks out over big boats

Most Unwatchable
Gauntlet cast for eating Ice Cream sundaes

Pause Worthy Female
Cameran (San Diego)
Coral (Back to New York)
for Inferno
Trishelle (Las Vegas)
Jamie (San Diego)

Cry Me A River
Mike (Back to New York) for Inferno

Julie (New Orleans), Coral (Back to New York), Mike (Back to New York), CT (Paris), and Cameran (San Diego) all picked up 2 nominations. While Abe (South Pacific) and Veronica (Semester At Sea) also picked up 2. Donnell (South Pacific) and Katie (The Quest) were the only other Road Rulers nominated. Go Vote Now

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Production is currently seeking cast for 16th season; Ace and Cameran confirmed to be voted off by Kristin

Bunim-Murray is searching for the next lot of seven strangers to live in a house... Yes, BMP is officially casting for the sixteenth season of The Real World. (The fifteenth season is currently wrapping up production in Philadelphia.) Although no location or taping dates have been officially set, BMP is asking for hopefuls to send thier tapes in. Take a look at the following two helpful links before you decide to apply:

So You Wanna Be on the Real World?
Bunim-Murray's Casting FAQ

Finally, if you are between the ages of 18 and 24, you can mail your video tape to the following address:

Real World Casting
Bunim/Murray Productions
6007 Sepulveda Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91411

Also, minor note. Kristin from E-Online picked up our exclusive on the first castmembers booted yesterday (her chats were held after we broke the news). But she also adds this little tidbit: She mentions that two of the people booted are dating. No mention as to who, but the options are obviously limited.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Genesis, Jacquese, Cameran, Ace are the first four sent home fromt the Challenge

Major spoilage! The following is a great tidbit from the Challenge filming right now in Santa Fe, New Mexico. If you have been living under a rock, 36 castmembers have been filming Battle of the Sexes 2. The Blog has exclusive information as the first people BOOTED from the Challenge. Highlight to read:
The first four people to leave the Challenge are Genesis, Jacquese, Cameran and Ace.

Theo says that this Challenge has amazed him and is super interesting

Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) posted from his website Friday that this Challenge has "amazed us all with this Battle of the Sexes 2". Theo describes his castmates as being "super interesting" and wishes that all of us could be there experiencing it with him. No telling yet what makes this time around so interesting... But it must be good. Check it out at Reality Spot