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       Road Rules
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Extreme Challenge
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Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bands get no money for their songs which appear on the Real World

If you were wondering if the bands whose songs are featured on the Real World ever get any cash from the network the answer is no. Check out an article at RealityBlurred to find out what the deal is.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

STA Travel is offering a Real World Costan Rica adventure

If you want to take the wonderful Costa Rica trip that the Austin cast took, head on over to STA Travel to check out the replica deal they're offering.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Kill Reality has Trishelle, Steven, Tonya; Movie is now available and isn't all that bad

We here at the Blog had the pleasure of reviewing Kill Reality's end product, "The Scorned". Many of you had the opportunity to catch the edited version on E! which aired Halloween night. Fishbowl Films releases its uncensored, unedited 2-disc DVD version of the Scorned romorrow exclusively on The Fishbowl and E!. We got our hands on an advanced copy and give the lowdown here.

Well, first of all which Real World stars appear in the film? Steven (Las Vegas), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Tonya (Chicago) all have major roles, while Irulan (Las Vegas) has a cameo appearance. They all join a gaggle of other reality television stars from other television shows such as Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor, Big Brother, etc., And if you're familiar with the cast of Kill Reality, you're familiar with those other reality television stars who scored major roles in the film.

As for the story itself, you can't really call the Scorned much of a horror movie. It's much more a parody of the stars itself. Most everyone plays gross exaggerations of their alter-egos that once appeared on television. Every joke in the movie is pretty much geared toward reality television. If the story can't keep you reeled in, the movie poking fun of itself will.

The DVD also comes with an extra disc of extras, including director's commentary, Rob C.'s history of reality television, a bloopers/gag reel, the auditions of the stars of the movie (oddly featuring Jonathan of the Amazing Race), and a passcode for other features only included on the web. And again, this is the uncensored version of the movie, so yes, there is tons of nudity in the film. The DVD will become available tomorrow exclusively on The Fishbowl and E!. It will become available via major retailers early next year.