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Friday, September 22, 2006

Denver season slated to premiere on October 12, not October 2

TVGuide is displaying the premiere date for The Duel to be on October 3. This comes as a change and makes sense, as there won't be a season of The Real World airing until December. Right now, Two-A-Days is airing on Tuesdays, but that series is wrapping up. Parental Control airs on Mondays. The first episode airing on the 3rd, will be a casting special according to TVGuide.

Update: Promos are now being run on MTV saying that the premiere date of The Duel will be on Thursday, October 12. No word yet on whether or not the October 3rd special date is still valid.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Confessional takes on "Aspen forest theme" in Denver; The Denver house is profiting 600K from sale

OK, Part III of the Denver description. The confessional room, which has always been somewhat of a centerpiece in the house, will continue the Colorado theme. The room will be taking on an "Aspen forest theme".

And Get Real Denver is reporting that the house is getting ready to be sold, although it's not officially on the market yet. BMP actually bought this property for $2.7 million dollars. What's the estimated price on the property now? $3.3 million dollars.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Evergreen Room" joins "Mountain Peak" in the themes of the Denver house

Another update on a room of the Denver house: One of the other bedrooms, one of the two-person bedrooms, is called the "Evergreen Room", matching the Colorado theme and keeping in theme with the "Mountain Peak" room. One more slight detail will be revealed tomorrow and how they built the confessional room this time around.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Denver house has three bedrooms; First bedroom is revealed to be "Mountain Peak"

Some more updates on the Denver house: There are three bedrooms in total. One with three beds and the other two with two beds apiece. Each bedroom has a "Colorado theme" and the larger bedroom is called "Mountain Peak". No word yet on who takes the larger bedroom, but there are four guys and three girls, so the girls may just end up taking that bedroom.

Monday, September 18, 2006

AOL updates us on the whereabouts of SF's Puck and Hawaii's Colin

AOL came out with a feature article updating on the whereabouts of Reality TV stars of the past. In the gaggle of stars they include, both Puck (San Francisco) and Colin (Hawaii) are mentioned. Again, Puck welcomed his second child recently with his wife Betty and Colin is busy with the college lecture circuit and his book. Check out the article here.

Denver to carry Colorado theme similar to Texas theme of Austin

The new Denver house is apparently heavily themed. Similar to the Austin house, with its huge Texas theme, the Denver house will pay homage to its home state of Colorado.

The common areas include a yellow Jeep with a spider design near the pool table, with the Jeep acting as a sitting area. Also, the Colorado flag is represented in the upstairs floor behind the computer area, emblazoned across the wall. There's also a ski lift that has been re-designed to serve as another sitting area. There are three bedrooms with its own distinctive Colorado theme and the confessional also has its special Colorado theme.

We'll be providing more details about the house in the coming days as more becomes available.