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Friday, February 20, 2004

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Kendal attempts to explain why Piggy left the Inferno shortly after the cameras began running

The absence of Piggy (Australia) from the Inferno has everyone wondering... If you look closely during the first episode, you can see Piggy there. She obviously left, and was replaced by Christena (South Pacific). Since it happened, internet rumors have been flying about what happened. NONE of it was ever substantiated, but it was taken into account as the truth... Now, Kendal (Campus Crawl) gives her synopsis of what the Piggy situation meant... Clarifying a lot for the first time:

"The first one is about the mystery of Piggy. I don’t know Norm nor why he felt it his place to spread a rumor about saying that she had “OD’d”. Apparently, he had HEARD about things that happened down in Acapulco and felt the need to spread gossip when is didn't involve him. My problem is not with Norm, but with the way the situation was handled. Mike mentioned a brief sentence about Piggy being in Acapulco as well. Again, none of his business… but I know mike likes to tell the 100% truth. I know he meant no harm, as I’m sure Norm is the same way. I shouldn’t even be writing about Piggy either… it’s not my place. But... I feel like there are so many rumors out there that are just wrong and damaging to one’s mental health. I can’t even imagine the impact these rumors must have on her. I’m hurt by them, and it’s not even about me.

Piggy was, in fact, in Acapulco for a brief day or two. She was going through immense personal problems at home and to be down in Mexico was just not the place for her to be. I don’t see why people aren’t respecting her privacy with these issues. It’s insensitive and unfair. Even the production staff asked us all to respect her privacy, cut her a break, and forget it even happened. She wanted more than anything to be involved with the challenge, but was needed more at home. She gave BMP/MTV and all it’s viewers a personality that can be loved and hated by all viewers, and some insight into her personal life and character. So why must it continue off camera? Did you ever think that maybe people weren’t supposed to know about her for a reason? And don’t you think that if piggy had “OD’d” they would use that for dramatic purposes??? If the production staff asked for her to be omitted then it was for a good reason. We all know how much they like to make a big deal out of our nonsense… so I think it’s time we let the Piggy thing rest and move on with our lives. As far as I know, she was needed most at home and it has been a much better experience for her. Piggy may have been loud, but she was always willing to give people the respect they deserve. I think she deserves at LEAST an end to these cruel and insensitive rumors. *deep sigh* thank you."

Read more at MissKendal.com

Sunday, February 15, 2004

David arrested for soliciting a prostitute in Chicago

Those amazing people over at The Smoking Gun, have found dirt from another Real Worlder. This time it's none other than the famed singer of "C'mon Be My Baby, Tonight", David (New Orleans). (If you can't remember that far back, David also recently appared on the Gauntlet as the first Real Worlder voted off.) Well, apparently David was caught soliciting a prostitute in Chicago. More details on the website. This is just a small part of the long list of former reality alumni who have been arrested after their short time in the spotlight. The Smoking Gun most recently points to Adam (Paris) who was arrested in Georgia while visiting Ace (Paris)... But there are plenty more.