This one of the only websites that actually contains up-to-date facts regarding us reality TV folk. -Sarah (Campus Crawl)
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update on the Website

Welcome back to the blog.

First, an explanation is in order. In a month without updating, several posters had taken over the comments section and had "announced" that I was dead. In an unfortunate series of events, they managed to convince some people of an imaginary family grieving over the loss of their father. Let me assure you, this is not true. The comments section is entirely out of hand at times and I am seriously considering permanently shutting it down. There seems to be one or two posters who ruin it for everyone, but Blogger has yet to introduce features to ban these troublemakers.

Over the past few weeks, I have been inundated with work in real life and it has become increasingly difficult to keep up regular postings on the Blog. Some have even commented that in the past few months before that, the quality of posts had gone down anyway. There a lot of reasons for this, not only personal. But the "spoiler environment" has quickly dissipated in the past few years. Production is more sporadic than it has been in the past. There is usually more than one season filming at a time, but it has been almost a full month since Hollywood stopped filming and six months since the Gauntlet finished production. In addition, a lot of the information that castmembers share with their fans is now relegated to MySpace, making it difficult to centralize information.

Nevertheless, I know people still enjoy reading this site, so I'm opening up the author duties to anyone who wants to come into a collaborative effort to join the blog. You will most likely be a part of a team of bloggers who will post regular updates on the internet. Before I post a detailed list of instructions and expectations, I want to gauge what kind of interest is out there. If you think that you will be interested in posting to the blog, email me at Further instructions will follow.

As for the future of the site, it's not closing anytime soon. I will be posting as updates come and go, so keep on checking in. Thanks for being a loyal reader to the site and have a wonderful day.