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Fresh Meat II

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Aftershow: Casey willingly dishes the dirt to Blair and takes it out on Kina and Jodi

Casey (Fresh Meat) visits Blair (The Quest) in this week's Aftershow.

Blair congratulates Casey for winning the Fresh Meat Challenge. He asks her about the scholarship that she said that she would set aside with her prize winnings. Casey came to this new Challenge to give her all. She talks about her rollerderby heat win.

She chose Robin (San Diego) because she wanted to challenge someone who was the most physically different from her. She knew she was going home. She talks about a short hook-up with Derrick (Extreme), then she talks about John (Key West). She admits to sleeping with him, although they didn't get a chance to talk.

She points out the hypocrisy of Kina (Extreme) in how she would play both sides. Check it out, as the Aftershow plays clips that seem to back up Casey's assertion.

The Basket Game:

John: Great kisser.
Kina: Kinda of a bitch. Looks like a lion. Did you see what she was wearing in the credits? Not a good person inside.
Jodi (Extreme): Didn't rub her the right way. She might've rubbed a few other people the right way. She says her and Kina weren't very nice. Rolled her eyes when she heard about her and John. Accuses her of hooking up with Evan.
Beth (Los Angeles): Not as bad as they said she was gonna be.

The Sh(& You Didn't See: Casey taking forever to prepare for the Duel. Casey making faces at the camera. Derrick and Casey in a pillow fight.

Duel Episode #5: Beth expands the alliance, CT dominates, Svetlana takes it home, Casey takes on Robin

Last night's episode of the Duel was a good one. It started out with Beth (Los Angeles) who is now dominating the strategy of the game picking up stragglers Casey (Fresh Meat) and Svetlana (Key West). She even mentions a second plan to pick up Brad (San Diego) once Robin (San Diego) is sent home. All this, is in retaliation for what Beth calls the "drama mafia", which is the alliance of Robin, Kina (Extreme), Jodi (Extreme) and Diem (Fresh Meat).

We see the Challenge and it's a pretty crazy one as castmembers are required to jump from platforms in the air collecting flags. CT (Paris) blows away the competition by landing his jumps on his feet. On the women's side, Svetlana (Key West) narrowly wins the competition when she finds a flag stuck in her bathing suit.

So, with Svetlana out of the running to be chosen and with her beginning the chain, the "drama mafia" is clearly scared of the implications of Svetlana winning. Svetlana picks Wes (Austin) which starts the "Beth Alliance." However, Casey is left out of the numbers game. She, along with Diem, Eric (Fresh Meat) and Evan (Fresh Meat) are the last standing.

Evan selects Casey. Casey picks Robin. The Duel is pole wrestling. Robin wrestles the pole away from Casey, Robin wins.

Duel Spoiler Alert #5: The Question of the Day - Will Svetlana go home tonight?

So after all three Key West castmembers have been sent home, you'd believe that Svetlana (Key West) would logically be the next person to be sent home. Well, that's not the entire story. If you don't want to find out what happens tonight, stop reading.

Alright, here we go. Tonight is a girls Duel day. The girls are obviously scared mostly because only Fitz is left from Key West.

Well, the girls actually end up selecting none other than little Casey (Fresh Meat). That's right, rather than going after Fitz, Casey is the last woman standing this time. (If you remember back, she's often the last girl to be picked along with the Key West crew. Plus, she's supposed to be close friends with Fitz.)

So, when it comes time for Casey to choose who to go into the Duel... She chooses Robin (San Diego). Bold choice.

Highlight to read who goes home: Casey unfortunately can't pull off the win and is sent home by Robin.

Tonight they're airing the Spiderman 3 trailer alongside the Duel. So be sure to catch that as well.

Road Rules 14 cast may be replaced with new castmembers instead of alumni

Here's an interesting tidbit: We all know that the press release announcing the return of Road Rules let us know that the castmembers who would be returning in the 14th season would be alumni. Bunim-Murray stated that the season would begin filming in January with six old faces behind the wheel.

What's also interesting, is that BMP is now casting for Road Rules, simply meaning that they will most likely be replacing the alumni with the new.

The format is relatively unclear still. It seems like there will be some sort of vote off period that the viewers at home will be able to select who to kick off, then there will be some sort of face-off (like the Challenges) between castmembers.

Should be interesting once it comes up in January.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tyrie gives an interview to Get Real Denver and explains his time in Denver and the Challenge

Tyrie (Denver), who is probably not allowed to reveal much anyway, granted an interview to Get Real Denver in which he explains that "officially" he's the first one voted out of the Challenge. (This, assuming, because CT (Paris) was "unofficially" sent home for hitting someone.) Also, he comments that he doesn't really have a desire to go back again.

More than likely, the castmembers are targeting the Denver cast, which is what always happens on the Challenges. However, maybe one of the last three remaining Denver-ites: Colie, Davis or Stephen, may make it to the final Challenge just like the last two Challenges in which newbies made it to the end.

Anyway, he also talks in some surprising detail about his time in Denver. He doesn't really give away storylines, but he does give some insight onto how the cast gets along and whatnot. It's an interesting read considering that he can't really reveal anything.

November 22: The premiere of the Real World: Denver.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today is Election Day... Don't forget to go to the polls and let your voice be heard


Today, November 7th, is Election Day

Voting is an understated privilege in this country today. Not only do millions of Americans fail to exercise this privilege, but policies are essentially enacted that typically do not represent the interests of our electorate at large. Typically, young voters, some of who visit this site on a regular basis, are commonly excluded from politics because their voice is not heard in the polls.

Go out and vote. It doesn't matter what you vote for, it doesn't matter who you vote for. All that matters is your vote.

Check out your polling place and be sure to cast your vote. Every single vote matters. Your voice matters. Get your friends to vote. Get your family to vote. Everyone needs to vote.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Footage from the user who leaked Denver footage of CT flashing Diem and Robin hits YouTube

So, obviously, MTV is leaking videos.

After the Denver video of Tyrie, Brooke and Jenn in the hot tub, comes this little tidbit from the Duel. This YouTube clip shows CT (Paris) flashing Diem (Fresh Meat) and Robin (San Diego). All nudity is blurred. (Like the Denver footage, it still has the timestamp on it.)

Also, Robin gets at CT in this hilarious clip where CT is passed out:

Dan has a new part-time gig, he's the newest reporter for NBC news in South Florida

Dan (Miami) has an exciting new job on his long list of things that he does for a living.

Dan is currently doing reporting for the local NBC affiliate in South Florida. He actually covered ballroom dancing (the 36th Annual Grand National Ballroom Dancing Championship) and says that NBC might be inviting him back again to do some investigative journalism.

You can check out the actual video at Channel 6's website. It's pretty funny. Check it out.

Dan's blog is nominated for the Gay Bloggies; Be sure to vote for Dan

Dan's website, which is hosted over at Typepad, was nominated for the Gay Bloggies.

You can vote for Dan (Miami) in the category of "Best Writing" over at The Gay Bloggies website. Under the heading of "Best Writing of a Blog" you'll find Dan's website listed under "How was your day, Dan?"

Note: The link leads to other suggestive content not suitable for children under 18.

Congratulations to Dan and good luck!

Spider-man 3 trailer is to be attached to the next episode of the Duel

Spider-man 3, Sony Pictures major vehicle and superhero franchise, will release its long awaited trailer on Thursday alongside this next episode of the Duel.

Originally slated to be released in theatres, Sony decided to move up the release of the trailer and will release it upon MTV.

So, if you're a fan of Spider-man and a fan of The Real World and Road Rules, you're in for a treat on Thursday.