He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, July 27, 2002

Battle of the Sexes filming in Round Hill Hotel; Vancouver cast is revealed


That's where the Battle of the Sexes takes place! Much like the Battle of the Seasons local. We have confirmed that through Jamaica's film commission that they will be filming in the Round Hill Hotel & Villas in the St. James/Montego Bay area. If you are currently in the Jamaica area, email us at newrwroad@hotmail.com. We'll give you more information if you need it!

More about the hotel! This is a five-star hotel! BMP has spared no expense this time around. There are 110 rooms and 27 suites on premises. There are three different meeting spaces in the hotel. Plus, the rooms range from $240 to $5,550 a night! There is a fitness center, tennis courts, a pool, and even a golf course. Some other activities the hotel offers are windsurfing, snorkelling, sailing, paddle boats, kayaks, and glass bottom boat rides. (Might be used for some missions!) RWRRB Admin2 reported that they will be doing a mission for Hedonism II in Jamaica which Becky, Julie, and Heather B. went to during the New York season. The site used to be a 100 acre pineapple, allspice, and coconut plantation. Again, if you are in Jamaica and interested in meeting the cast, email us at newrwroad@hotmail.com!

Also, here are two more links to pictures:

Entrance to Suites

More to come as we get more information!

Meanwhile, TV Guide.com gives us more insight to the Real World: Vancouver cast, giving each cast member a pseudonym:

Adam- the frat boy
Keith- the quiet one
Omara- the serious one
Cash- the sensitive one
Liz- the sexy one
Boomer- the artist
Melinda- the virgin

Go to MTV.com site to find extended bios and pics!

Two Chicago castmembers may have dropped out because of shooting on doorstep

Hello! Here's some new information that many, many, many of you probably have forgotten...

Long, long ago... back in January, when the Real World: Chicago was filming, it was reported that two cast members opted to leave Chicago and film for Las Vegas. Remember that? Let us fill you in... Apparently, within days of moving into the house, there was a shooting at the Chicago house. A man died in front of the building. Well, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that there was a shooting in front of the Real World house, letting every single person in Chicago know where the house was. Well, soon after that, protesters were surrounding the house telling Real World to leave Chicago. It was a big deal at the time. Apparently, producers gave the cast the choice of leaving the show to do Las Vegas which would begin filming in July. Two original Chicago cast members dropped out. Who were they? Why were they replaced? No one seems to know... Many believe that explains the reason why there was NO casting special for the first time since Boston. And many believe that there will be no casting special this next time. Don't count on BMP airing that tidbit though... Since the departure of Melissa of Miami fame (She left the house shortly before filming ended... but she was kept on the show.) , BMP has been known to keep their mouth shut on casting during the season (ie. Irene (Seattle), Justin (Hawaii), Ruthie (Hawaii)), trying to make the Real World as real as possible. Hopefully, they will satisfy the cravings of some wild fans!

Battle of the Sexes 2 cast spotted at Hedonism in Jamaica

I got an e-mail just a while ago from rastagirl2233, and here's what the e-mail said:

Just got back from Jamaica. On Wed. July 24, MTV was filming at Hedonism II in Negril.

This is who I saw:

Blair (RR, Quest)
Lori (RW, Back to New York)
Ruthie (RW, Hawaii)
Anessa (RW, Chicago)
Theo (RW, Chicago)
Syrus (RW, Boston)
Shane (RR, Campus Crawl)
Christina (RR, Australia)
Anne (RR, Northern Trail)

There were another two but didn't recognize who they were. They shot some footage in the main dining room and in the disco.

So apparently possibly somemore have been voted off....We'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 26, 2002

Las Vegas given the premiere date of September 17th; Vancouver cast revealed

Thanks for all the emails lately: Bunim-Murray recently released their premiere date for the Real World: Las Vegas. It is officially due to premiere on September, 17 2002... A long ways away... Don't worry! Promos for the twelfth season will begin August 6th!

Also, yes! Stop sending us emails about the Vancouver cast! We know! MTV posted their pictures! ;) Here's the LINK! We posted that info three days ago! Get with it!

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Eric keeps posting bidding information from the Challenge

Yet another item put up for auction by Eric from the Road Rules: Campus Crawl. This time it's that uniform from Citadel, check the item out at this LINK. Here's his latest post at his site, Road Rules Blog:

Hey yall,
Because it seems like there is a lot of interest for RR gear, I told my friend that he could put up another item. This item is from my favorite mission... the Citadel!!! Well here is the item number: 1551864987

Eric making all these posts is he still on Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle of the Sexes or what?

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Schedule of Back to New York, Chicago, Hawaii, New Orleans marathons

Here's the schedule of the Real World episodes airing in the next few weeks:

The Real World X: Back to New York
Watch your favorite moments with Kevin, Lori, Malik, Coral, Mike, Nicole and Rachel everyday at 3:00pmEST. Also, view unique reaction from crowds at the Jersey Shore.
Other airings at Saturday Aug 3 12:30pm EDT to Saturday Aug 3 4:00pm EDT

The Real World 10th Anniversary Special
Watch the 10th annual reunion with casts from New York to New Orleans.
Tuesday July 30 08:30pm EST and Friday August 2 9:00am EST

The Real World VIII: Hawaii Marathon
Catch the dramatic season featuring Colin, Amaya, Teck, Matt, Kaia, Justin, and Ruthie.
Beginning Friday August 2 10:30am EST Ending Friday August 2 10:00pm EST

The Real World XI: Chicago Marathon
Watch Keri, Kyle, Tonya, Theo, Cara, Chris and Anessa blow a storm up in the windy city.
Beginning Friday August 2 10:00pm EST Ending Saturday August 3 11:00am EST
Saturday August 3 04:00pm EST to Saturday August 3 09:00pm EST

The Real World: Hook-Ups, Hearbreaks and Happily Ever After
Becky and Syrus recount a decade worth of hook-ups.
Airing Saturday August 3 11:00am EST and Sunday August 4 3:30pm EST

The Real World IX: New Orleans
Go to the Big Easy to see Melissa, Julie, Jamie, Matt, David, Danny and Kelley once again.
Beginning Saturday Aug 3 09:30pm EST Ending Sunday August 4 6:00am EST

The Real World XII: Seattle
The Slap Heard 'round The World: Irene, Stephen, Rebecca, Nathan, Lindsay, Janet and David.
Beginning Sunday August 4 06:00am EST Ending Sunday August 4 01:30p EST

The Real World Reunion 2000
Watch Miami through Hawaii reunite in this second installment special.
Sunday Aug 04 02:00pm EST

Enjoy the endless marathons!

Back to New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Hawaii reruns begin next week

I just had to post this before I left to go, The Real World reruns officially START next week, aimed at Friday. Check your local listings. I saw reruns for Back to New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Hawaii, and Seattle. More may be played, but that's all I caught. So check your local listings if you are interested, I am so excited. I'll keep you posted. A good place to check local listings online is Yahoo! TV.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

I've obtained some information on The Real World:Lost Season movie, here's a summary from IMDB.com:

Things get a little crazy when an obsessed fan, who has been rejected during the audition process numerous times, kidnaps the cast and brings them to a new house. Here, he films them, using highly sophisticated camera equipment that is wired to explosives, just in case the cast doesn't play along.

Some of the cast are:
Melissa Howard (II) playing as Herself (Cameo)
Matthew Currie Holmes playing as Cash
Amaya Brecher playing as Herself (cameo)
David Burns (II) playing as Himself
Aneesa Ferreira playing as Herself
Megan McKinnon playing as Little Girl in Airport
Mike Mizanin playing as Himself

The Real World: Vancouver cast information can be found at the MTV.com site.
The movie will first air on MTV, commercial free, on August 6th at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Fans respond to Campus Crawl episode; Las Vegas promo to air during Lost Season; Devin is in an Extra commerical

Welcome! Welcome!

Last night's Road Rules episode was a first. People seem to respond greater to the Real World rather than Road Rules, so we only selected one synopsis this week:

"I thought that this Road Rules episode was so cool. The fact that they used the whole college motif to really integrate that into the cast. I thought it was so cool that they brought missions from the past back into the mix! Plus, I loved seeing James again. He seems like a huge dork, but he's seems so cool too! Yeah! I loved it! I think that Sarah should NOT get voted off. I'm so glad Kendal is finally taking a shine to her. :( I hope NO one gets voted off."

Pittsburgh, PA

In new news, I'm sure you've all seen the promos about the Real World the Lost Season. Just hoping the movie isn't anything like that. Anyway, expect more promos for that as time rolls by. And expect to hear about the Real World: Las Vegas at least by August 6th. We just confirmed that MTV will run some sort of promo for it's 12th season during the Real World movie. No word on when Las Vegas' premiere date will be.

Also, a related note... The movie is entirely scripted. It's really not a lost season...

In Road Rules info, BMP will release a Road Rules: Campus Crawl Soundtrack on August 6th. The compilation will feature music from bands like Jimmy Eat World. More to follow soon! You can order it right now on Amazon.com or CDNOW.com! MTV is now running promos for the CD, so look for that.

Also, an alumni update... Devin from Road Rules: Season 2 has recently been seen in an Extra commercial. Check him out. He still looks like Lenny Kravitz.

That's all for now! Have a great day!

Darrell never saw Road Rules before being casted

I discovered Darrell's opinion on some of the missions and a bit on being chosen for the season on Road Rules: Campus Crawl:

"Tight rope mission,(anything in the air is for the birds)& gainin weight in 4 hrs off junk food is not my type of #$%! smell me? now flippin a car and tearin some s#$! up is all me. I thought our missions would be more athletic type things. See me I never watch TV that much so I really never new what ROADRULES was about. I happen to be at the casting for it and a director came across me and was like wompty womp you wanta do this? I was like no doubt ya talkin bout. ever since then it's been a blessin REAL TALK" - Darrell

Now Darrell really found out what Road Rules was all about and he seems to have enjoyed his time on the show. Apparently, he never really knew what Road Rules was all about, but quickly found out.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Sarah, not Shane, will be the contestant to be voted off Road Rules

We officially got the word from Wanda at eonline.com. This is a spoiler. Don't continue reading if you don't want to know...

Sigh... Those idiots at BMP do the predictable, by hinting hugely in the beginning that Sarah and not Shane is voted off of Road Rules... Sarah is voted off this season.

Another predictable season of Road Rules. (Don't get us wrong, Shane is awesome... But that was too predictable for the first episodes.) Also, Wanda confirmed that the full Battle list she received is from MTV, so don't fret... Those are the Challengers.

Have a good night! Submit your Road Rules synopsis to newrwroad@hotmail.com! Tell us how much you loved seeing James again!

Eric and Julie post on their websites about the upcoming Battle of the Sexes

Hey everybody! The following news IS spoiler information about the Battle of the Sexes. Read with caution. If you do not want to know anything about the Battle... don't read!

Two participants from the Battle have posted information on their respective websites... Showing us that there have been people voted off. However, one doesn't mention ANYTHING about the Battle, only leading us to ponder his whereabouts.

That person is Eric from The Campus Crawl. Check out his site at Road Rules Blog. He did, however, post information about an auction he's putting on. BID! BID! BID! Here's the post:

"Hey Everyone,
As most of yall know, I am moving. Unfortuantly I am moving to a smaller place, and will not be able to take all of my stuff with me. This means that my friend will be selling some stuff online. He is putting up a shirt from tonight's mission at Tulane. The item number is: 1551423137
I hope that everyone is enjoying the seaon as much as I am.

Your Roadie,

No word if he was actually voted out, but nevertheless, interesting to know. He's selling a jersey that he wears in tonight's episode. Here's the LINK. He entitles it as "Mission Shit".

Also, one we know who WAS voted off is Julie from the Real World: New Orleans. If you missed that catfight with Julie and Melissa over their websites www.planetjulie.com and www.princessmelissa.com... You missed quite a bit. Julie had written a blurb about how closed off she felt Melissa was in New Orleans. Melissa fiercely responded in her website, saying that she had too much on her for Julie to be talking like that. Melissa also said something about telling Julie on a previous occasion to keep her name out of her mouth. So... there was HUGE speculation about an alliance being formed PRIOR to the Battle to kick Julie off. (Let's see if they kick Julie or Beth S. off first...) However, we do know that Melissa had formed many tight bonds with other cast members such as Amaya, Lori, and so many more... We couldn't say the same for Julie. Julie also revealed more spoilers, such as the winner will get EVERYTHING this time... no splittin'! Plus, they're not competing on season teams in the respect that they won't be voted off at the same time. (Apparently, the voting comes with the girls and the guys doing the voting... No word on any inner circle or things of that nature.) Here's the post:

"Well, the challenge was actually worse than I had imagined. Not that I was there long enough to even get a real feel for it. Before I even walked through the door, I had the odds against me. Between a less than warm greeting and a team of girls prepared to give me anything but the benefit of the doubt and a chance to say hello, I found myself back with Gabe before I could say "ya mon".

But if I had to go home, I was so so thankful to go home early, since the winner of this one takes all. Even though I am an intense competitor, I honestly don't think I could have lasted the whole month without any allies. It's set up that way. And I missed Gabe. We really do have more important things to do at home anyway. Life is about to get really interesting.

It's funny - I was only gone for a work week, but it was so good to get home. I love my life in Huntington so much. I really have zero desire to be anywhere else, or with anyone else. You can take Jamaica, Life is good here."

Here's the specific link to her diary: LINK

Have a great night and submit those Road Rules synopsis' to newrwroad@hotmail.com

Wild On is filming segments at Las Vegas' Skin; Send in your thoughts about Road Rules

Welcome! Sorry that we did not update yesterday. Thanks for all the notes!

Anyways, there is a Road Rules episode tonight. Be sure to submit your synopsis of the episode at newrwroad@hotmail.com. We will pick the best responses and post them onto the site tomorrow.

Also, we got a way for all of you Real World freaks to check out the new Real World pad in Las Vegas. Since Real World ended it's Chicago run last week, why don't you check out the Palms hotel/casino where the Real World would be filming at on E!. Wild On, that crazy show hosted by Brooke Burke, is holding their search for their new host in the swimming venue SKIN where the RWers were reportedly working at. Those episodes air every Tuesday at 10PM. Be sure to check it it out. It looks phat!