C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Inferno 3 trailer premiered after last night's double dose of programming

After last night's showing of Road Rules, the Inferno 3 trailer aired.

Among the highlights:
The cast lined up in the Inferno: Good Guys versus Bad Asses
Grand Prize: Over $400,000
Some scenes from various Infernos
Scenes from various missions
Danny (Austin) blows up at his team
Aneesa (Chicago) and Ev (Fresh Meat) get into a verbal altercation
John (Key West) tending to Davis (Denver) after he has a massive black eye.
Abram (South Pacific) confronting what looks to be like Susie (Australia)
Susie crying after she feels ganged up on by the whole team
Tonya (Chicago) kisses Davis
Colie (Denver) explodes after being touched by someone
Paula (Key West) trying to avoid the Inferno by arguing
Tonya crying about hurting people
Kenny (Fresh Meat) and CT (Paris) in a pretty heated argument

The Inferno airs Tuesday at 10PM beginning April 10th.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Post your reactions here: Will Susie come back from the Pit?

It's a double dose of the shows tonight as The Real World: Denver airs at 10PM, followed by its sister show, Road Rules: Viewers Revenge at 10:30PM.

After volunteering herself for the Pit, Susie (Australia) might not be able to return to the RV, sending the third Pit Crew member to become part of the group. Will Susie pull through, much to the joy of her teammates, or will she be sent packing? Will the Roadies fail another mission? Will Dan (Viewers Revenge) and Tori (Viewers Revenge) patch things up?

Discuss all reactions, thoughts, and other findings about this episode in this comment section.

Post your reactions here: Brooke and Davis finally have a spat

It's a double dose of the shows tonight as The Real World: Denver airs at 10PM, followed by its sister show, Road Rules: Viewers Revenge at 10:30PM.

This week on Denver, it looks like Brooke (Denver) and Davis (Denver) have finally reached the breaking point of tension and the two explode at each other. It wouldn't be right unless it was during an Outward Bound trip either.

Discuss in the comments section what you think about the episode, the fight, and anything else related to the episode.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tyler is auctioning off his prizes that he won on the Duel and some swag he got from the VMAs

The self-proclaimed "sister in Kwan" is auctioning off a couple of items that he won while on the Duel and some stuff he got when he went to the VMAs last year as part of the Key West group. Tyler has three fresh items up for grabs and you too, can own a piece of Real World/Road Rules history.

The following items are for sale:

Seiko Coutura Kinetic Perpetual Cal 7D48 Won on MTV NEW


Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses DG 2001 24/71 MTV VMA Gift!


Nintendo DS System +1 Game Won on MTV RWRRC The Duel NR


Check the auctions out and see if you can make a bid on them.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Brooke posts a comment on her MySpace that presumably attacks either Colie or Jenn, but uses no names

In a world where reality doesn't stop after the cameras stop filming, it seems that Brooke (Denver) may still have a bone to pick with one of her old roommates. The recent episodes have focused around Brooke's struggle to feel comfortable in the house and the frustrations that come with that.

Recently, she posted a blog on her MySpace in response to someone saying Brooke has "deep-seated mental issues":

Thanks, friend. I'm not even going to try to defend myself. Now see, this is why I laughed inside every time you got wasted/high and told me how much you "love me" and consider me a "friend for life." Fuck you a thousand times.

We all know the real issue here: You were a mean-spirited, jealous, competitive, immature girl from Day 1. You never gave me a chance because of that. Well I have news for you: there is no competition. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

I don't care if you like me or not, but you pretty much blew me off as a waste of a human being. You have hurt me so much. And what's worse is that you are so dellusional and self-absorbed you could never see that or even care. You would be lucky to have a friend like me.

I am no longer going to try to win you over or figure out why, oh why, you just have to be so hateful to me for no good reason. I don't give a shit anymore.

So stop using the "f" word-- you and I are not friends. We never were and never will be.

I will be civil because I care about being professional, and I expect you to do the same. But please spare me the fakeness of pretending you give a shit if I were alive or dead.


Was it for Colie (Denver) or Jenn (Denver)? You decide.