You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
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The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Alton and Robin will be at Northern Michigan University on Halloween in a speaking engagement

For those of you who are nearby Northern Michigan University, both Alton (Las Vegas) and Robin (San Diego) will be speaking on Halloween night: Tuesday, October 31 at 7 p.m. in Jamrich 102. They will be speaking on a variety of different topics, but they both will be available to answer questions after the session.

It is free for NMU students with an ID and $3 for the public. This may come as news to some, as at least one of these castmembers was thought to be in South Africa filming the new Challenge.

Friday, October 27, 2006

A starstruck, nervous Paula goes on the Aftershow to talk about the Duel and flirt with Blair

Paula (Key West) went on the Aftershow this week and began with being a bit starstruck with Blair (The Quest).

She talks about being a newbie on the Challenges. Not having the team element messed up any hopes for the Key Westers. Especially since her roommates were Tyler (Key West) and Beth (Los Angeles).

She talks about she gravitated toward CT (Paris) and how they played pranks on Kenny (Fresh Meat). Then she talks about her relationship with Kina (Extreme) and got Paula through the first couple of Challenges.

She wanted to get picked for the Duel, especially after the mission with Aneesa (Chicago). She talks about wanting to do another Challenge and not be so intimidated the next time.

Then it's the basket game: Robin (San Diego): They shared their "craziness." Evan (Fresh Meat): The girls and Tyler (Key West) love Evan. Robin, Jodi (Extreme) both "tried". Tyler (Key West): Still pissed off at the reunion. Tyler likes the camera and pointing fingers. Aneesa: She's fun on Saturdays.

The S(*$ You Didn't See: CT playing with a hot dog weiner in his pants. The cast dancing in the streets of Brazil. Paula spilling drinks on himself.

Duel Episode #3: The girls finally face a Duel, Brad wins a motorcycle, Jodi wins, and Paula and Aneesa battle it out

This week's episode of the Duel featured a pretty intense competition in a mission that really required the physicality of the castmembers to shine through.

The mission, a rollerderby mission, where the group competed in heats, tested how far were the castmembers willing to go to win by physically fighting with other castmembers. The girls took a more laid-back approach, especially in the last heat. However, Aneesa (Chicago) took out Paula (Key West) in one of the first heats, which caused Paula to seek some sort of revenge.

Later, Brad (San Diego) who is a motorcycle fanatic beat CT (Paris) in the last heat in order to win a BMW motorcycle.

This caused the chain to start, which left Paula and Svetlana (Key West) at the end. Eric (Fresh Meat) chose Paula at her own insistance. Paula chose Aneesa because of the mission. So, it was a bit tense. The two had to grab a pole and the one to let go would go home. Paula Walnuts unfortunately let go and was sent packing.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Denver casting special hosted by Paula and Tyler is now up on Overdrive

The casting special, which was originally thought to be hosted by Dan (Miami) but is now hosted by Paula (Key West) and Tyler (Key West), is now up on Overdrive. So here's a play-by-play:

Jenn - 22 (Martinez, CA) - Cheerleader since 5 years old. She used to cheer with the Oakland Raiders. She doesn't have many friends that are girls, but has many friends that are guys. She's a party girl.

Alex - 21 (Houston, TX) - Swimmer from the ASU swim team. No longer swims. Is more confident in himself as he grows older. Not a "chronic bachelor". Not ready to give the hard work for true love.

Colie - 22 (New Jersey, New Orleans) - President of her sororitory at Tulane. Remodeled her sororitory the day before Katrina hit. Her casting tape showed her touring destroyed New Orleans and helping rebuilding New Orleans. Claims drinking brings the worst in her.

Sneak Peek Clip: Alex kissing both Jenn and Colie on seperate occasions. Then the three of them kissing in a bar together.

Davis - 22 (Marietta, GA) - From Stetson University. Works at the Stetson University Post Office. Likes the attention of girls and the guys being jealous of him. Comes from an extremely Christian background. Has "two girlfriends" who he likes the attention from, hoping that they turn him straight.

Stephen - 22 (Sacramento, CA) - Goes to Howard University. Used to do things "by the book." Was Student Body President from the 6th grade. Student President of the Howard University, his fraternity, and he is a black Republican. Grew up Baptist in a Conservative environment. Part of the reason that he's not a Democrat is because of their support of gay marriage.

Sneak Peek: Stephen telling Davis that there's something wrong with him for being gay. Then Davis telling Stephen there's something wrong with him being black.

Brooke - 24 (Nashville, TN) - She's an only child. Both parents are psychologists. She is a girly-girl. At 14 years-old, she was dating a 18 year-old drug addict and she lost her virginity at 14. Never was a slut, but was "highly sexual." Has had anxiety problems since she was 8, has had panic attacks since she was 18.

Tyrie - 23 (Omaha, NE) - Goes to University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He has the reputation of being "anti-white" and his preference for white women is due to his "liking ass." Has gone through a rough childhood. He was in a gang. Tae Kwon instructor and has been doing so for eight years, he's an instructor at the university.

It then shows Brooke and Tyrie being accepted on the show. They're both at home and they are told on the phone they are accepted. Both yell and jump for joy.

Sneak Peek: Cast toast, girls on a bar, dare from Tyrie for Alex to lick Colie, sexual tension between Alex and Jenn, Jenn apologizing to Colie (crying), Davis and Stephen discussing homosexuality over lunch, Davis and Tyrie fighting with Davis hitting the pull-up door in frustration, Brooke yelling at someone. Then a little snipet of fun times. Then, Tyrie gets in Davis' face (which looks like another incident), Jenn fighting with Tyrie in a van.

Evan will host yet another online chat tonight on BuddyTV

Dueler Evan (Fresh Meat) will be on BuddyTV tonight talking about the Duel.

If you've missed the past three weeks of updates, BuddyTV is this cool interactive chatting tool that lets you chat with Evan as he watches the latest episode. You can submit questions that he'll answer live on camera. It's a pretty great way to interact with castmembers and get up close and personal with one of your favorite Duelists.

So, if you have time tonight at 9:30PM EST, Evan will be chatting it up with fans. So, be sure to check it out.

Duel Episode #3: Two Key West castmembers are left standing, will they continue dropping like flies?

Last week's episode saw Tyler (Key West) get the boot after facing stiff competition from Challenge-vet Derrick (Extreme). This week, both Svetlana (Key West) and Paula (Key West) are left to fend for themselves as this week is a 'Girl Duel Day'.

If you don't want to know what happens in this episode, stop reading, as it contains spoilers. In the preview for next week, we see Aneesa (Chicago) furiously defending herself against what seems like attacks from other castmembers. We also see her tackle Paula during a roller-derby style mission.

This week, Paula is sent to the Duel. We're not sure how this ends up working out, but expect one of the Fresh Meaters to probably be choosing between Paula and Svetlana. Paula chooses Aneesa to the Duel. (Highlight to read who's going home: Paula Walnuts is going home.)

Don't forget to watch the latest episode of the Duel tonight at 10PM EST/PST and 9PM CST.

Alex hooks up with Brooke and a server at Lodo's, the bar across the street from the house

Because castmembers are under contract and can't reveal much about the new season, MM Agency interviewed Lodo's, the bar across the street from the Real World: Denver house.

Amongst the things they reveal: Brooke (Denver) and Alex (Denver) actually hooked up. However, they do mention that when they were kissing, no cameras were around. There will be a focus on the relationship that Alex has with Jenn (Denver), however, there was no mention of Brooke in this equation.

Also, the interview mentions that Alex hooked up with a server from the bar for about two weeks and that it might be mentioned on the show. All in all, the interview gives the impression that Alex will be a central character on this upcoming season.

Seattle's Irene does an interview with former Challenge host Jonny Moseley

Irene (Seattle) who has been doing her graduate work in communications and as a part of her thesis started an online radio show, No One's Listening. She recently interviewed Challenge host Jonny Moseley as part of her ongoing series on the radio show.

It's an interesting interview, as Moseley is now an American Studies major focusing on consumerism in our market culture. With Irene's status as a former Real World castmember and Moseley as the host of a couple of Challenges, the interview takes on an interesting tone as the two talk about the media's influence on sports. While the points they bring up are extremely valid and salient, you just can't bypass the fact that these two are Real World/Road Rules vets.

They also talk about the hosts of the Challenges and how "extreme sports" hosts are brought in. Moseley comments on how using past castmembers as hosts was problematic because of relationships they had with castmembers, the referee-aspect of the job, the on-the-spot nature of the rules, and Irene mentions that she will never go on a Challenge.

Check out the interview!

Is WWE superstar John Cena the new host of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge?

In addressing a rumor that's pretty rampant, at least in WWE circles and not in Real World and Road Rules circles... There's question to whether or not WWE superstar John Cena is actually going to be the host for the upcoming Real World and Road Rules Challenge, which is currently filming in Brazil, under the tentative title, Inferno 3.

Kina's (Extreme) interview on a show that's heavily based on wrestling news broke the story, but since then, not much has been heard. Most recently, Cena was seen on this past Monday's RAW, so that immediately questions the validity of the statement that he's on this upcoming Challenge.

But then again, the Challenge is known to film only a few days out of the week. But is it really feasible for Cena to pull off weekly flights in and out of South Africa just to film the Challenge?

Note: Kina later commented on her MySpace that she thought the hosts were kidding. However, it's important to point out that the rumor appeared on the internet before her interview on Below the Belt. It's still an unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

Randy and Kina are still a couple; Kina gives an interview with an online radio station

Here are the Blog, we get tons of questions in our email everyday. One of the most commonly asked questions: Are Randy (San Diego) and Kina (Extreme) still together? Last time we saw them "together" was when they both filmed the Gauntlet II. But, now we can officially tell you that the two of them are still together and going strong.

Also, Kina was on this radio show talking about the Duel. (The radio show is on 560AM in Balitmore. If you're listening in, her interview starts at 1:18:23. She talks about how the cast reacted to the Beth (Los Angeles) and Tina (South Pacific) incident, how she interpreted Diem's (Fresh Meat) removing her wig, how she and Randy are together, and even how Angela (Extreme) was on Entourage.

It's a good interview, so check it out!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stephen from the Denver season does a pre-season chat with the Washington Post

Stephen (Denver), whose season hasn't even begun to air yet, has done an interview/chat with the Washington Post.

Aside from mentioning Colie (Denver) and Ty (Denver) and the relationship Stephen has with both of them now, there isn't really "insight" to what this season will hold. Stephen is under contract, so he can't reveal much about his time on the show.

Regardless, the chat is a particularly interesting window into Stephen's personality and character. It should give you a heads-up to what to look for when this next season premieres in less than a month.

You may need to register with the Post to see this article.

Paula was on the Tyra Banks Show talking about her season, Jose shows up to give support

In an item that was missed, Paula (Key West) showed up to talk to Tyra Banks on her show shortly before she left for South Africa for the new Challenge.

Paula spoke about how she was forced to come to terms with her eating disorder and the fact that she needed help once she came to Florida. She says that watching the episode made her painfully aware of how she was ignoring help and only her roommates opened the door for her to get help for herself. She told the audience to seek help if they thought they needed it and not to be afraid to let others in.

Then Jose (Key West) surprised Paula with flowers and came out just to give her his support. We wish all the luck to both Paula and Jose in the future.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Which castmembers should be brought back for the All-Star season? You decide!

Since they are bringing back six original castmembers to start off in the winnebago this season, we thought that this would call for a poll.

If you want to put your two cents in about who should be a part of Road Rules 14, check out our online poll. You do have to register at our message board to vote, but after you register and vote, be sure to stick around our board and talk with other fans about this new upcoming season.

We'll be posting the "dream team", the group of six castmembers (three male, three female) who you voted for the most on the main page sometime soon and we'll also be posting a somewhat comprehensive list of alternates as well. So what are you waiting for? Vote!

The Real World Denver moves to Wednesdays; Premiere is on November 22

Yes, yet another switch in the schedules. After moving Challenge nights from Mondays to Thursdays, folks over at MTV thought it would be appropriate to run The Real World on Wednesday nights.

After the promos started running regularly over on the channel, MTV announced that its first episode will air November 22nd (the day before Thanksgiving). So don't forget to set your Tivo's and DVRs.

The only thing that would make this complete is if they put Road Rules on Tuesday nights. Then you would have three consecutive nights of the best shows on television.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Road Rules is officially back on MTV, new season premieres in February

After a long hiatus, BMP has been successful in resurrecting Real World's sister show: Road Rules.

Yes, The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Road Rules will be back in January, under a different format (as we have told you in the past), where viewers will actually get to select who gets to go and who stays.

This is good news for us, as we can bring you the latest updates as they occur. They will be airing episodes in sets of two, one airing on the channel and the other airing on Overdrive.

What's more interesting, however, is that there are reporting that six of the most "infamous" castmembers will be returning to the wheel for the first time around. So, does this make it more of a Road Rules reunion or a Challenge-like show? And will other former castmembers replace these evictees?

This is the first announcement, but there is most likely more news to come. Welcome back to Road Rules!

Update: CNN posts an article.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Blog hits eleven million visitors today; Thank you to everyone who visits

The Blog has officially hit eleven million visitors today!

Thank you to everyone who comes to the Blog day after day and really keeps the Blog going. Without you, there would be no eleven million, nor would there even be a blog.

Thanks! And hopefully another eleven million will come soon!