I always enjoy the updates on your site, they are very informative and often entertaining. -Trishelle (Las Vegas)
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Gauntlet 3
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Fresh Meat II

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Duel Episode 12/13: Interesting night of the Duel tonight with two episodes after a week of no Duel

This week, MTV returns with two episodes of the Duel, while we had to spend one week without a Duel episode. Here are the two upcoming previews for each of the episodes. One should be a male duel, the other should be a female duel. However, it shows that Wes (Austin) and Evan (Fresh Meat) clearly fight about some sort of strategy in the first episode, while the second episode (highlight to read)shows CT (Paris) in the Duel with Brad (San Diego), which CT loses. This is also where the fight between Wes and CT takes place. There obviously should be a female duel somewhere this night, but the drama seems to surrender the guys. This trailer, which is not being shown on MTV, also shows CT making light of Wes' relationship with Johanna (Austin).

The 19th season of the Real World may be headed to Sydney Australia

MM Agency is reporting that the 19th season of the Real World may land in Sydney, Australia. There have been rumblings of a season of The Real World heading down under ever since Road Rules filmed a season there for its sixth season.

While Sydney has always been rumored to be in contention, there has never really been any concrete information about a season heading to the land down under. MM Agency uncovered a posting on craigslist which was looking for production assistants to film a 19th season in Sydney.

The posting contained a name of a known producer, but the debacle of Detroit being the site of the 18th season went down much the same way, with Denver winning out last minute.

We'll let you know as soon as MTV confirms this information.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Denver Episode #8: Outward Bound guides, Jenn gets a little wild (again), and lashes out at Alex

Tonight is yet another episode of The Real World: Denver. Be sure to catch it, as the cast gets their jobs as Outward Bound Guides tonight. As you see, Brooke (Denver) has some major trouble getting used to the job, but look for her to make the most dramatic turn by season's end. The cast will take Katrina survivors on Outward Bound Adventures for their job.

Here's the clip:

Monday, January 01, 2007

First Story of 2007: Road Rules 14 will be titled "Road Rules 360", premieres 1/30

Happy 2007!

The new fourteenth season of Road Rules which has been brought back after a long hiatus has officially been given a title. The fourteenth season, which will bring back alumni to the RV in a new environment where fans will interact with the cast, is being called Road Rules 360.

We have also been given a premiere date of January 30, which is Tuesday, at 9:00PM. MTV's nightly lineup will now begin at 9PM, not at 10, which it normally has in the past.

Also, the folks at MM Agency has given us a rundown of the seasons that will be represented in the new season of Road Rules. They are:

2 Extreme castmembers
2 South Pacific castmembers
1 Campus Crawl castmember
1 Semester At Sea castmember