Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Back To New York
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New Orleans 2010
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Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Don't forget: A brand new episode of the Duel airs tonight only on MTV

Tonight is another episode of the Duel. Unlike previous weeks in which we have told you the winner and loser of the Duel, we decided to give a break. It should be a surprise, as the preview for next week shows CT (Paris) in potential danger from being sent home.

Like we told you when the season first started, there will be several weeks in which we won't spoil the outcomes. So, be sure to check out the Duel tonight, as another male will be going home.

For those of you who are disappointed, we'll re-hash the outcome of the season, which we announced back in July. To find out the outcome of this season, highlight the following blurb: The final four are Brad (San Diego), Jodi (Extreme), Svetlana (Key West) and Wes (Austin). Wes and Jodi win.

Denver Aftershow: Tyrie explains his womanizing ways and explains his protecting Davis as protecting family

Lacey (Austin) once again joins Saul in the Fishbowl to talk to Tyrie (Denver). While last week was crazy, this week was hot and fun, all about the ladies. The ladies' man explains his situation with juggling Ashley and Jazalle. He wanted to see if he could do and wanted to see what he wanted to get from both of them.

He then explains how his relationship requirements work. Saul then asks him before how much this happened to him, without the cameras. Tyrie says that "either way", that he has to go and approach women. His verbal game "had to be right or he would be going home."

They then applaud Stephen (Denver) for his crafty, smooth moves to avoid a meeting between Ashley and Jazalle.

A caller actually calls into ask Lacey about her boyfriend, who are still together. She didn't need a wingman to pick him up. They then make fun of the roommates dressing up for the 06.06.06 party. They then talk about the incident at the bar where Davis is made fun of by the locals. Tyrie just says that he was standing up for his family. He then makes a crack about Nehemiah (Austin).

He says that he related at different levels with the castmembers, saying that the dynamic constantly shifted. Then Saul asks the "kick out, bring in" question. He says he'd kick out Colie (Denver) and put in Ibis (Extreme), Aneesa (Chicago), Shavonda (Philadelphia), Trishelle (Las Vegas), Arissa (Las Vegas) and Coral (Back to New York).

Trishelle (Las Vegas) will be joining the show next week with a yet unnamed Denver guest.

Denver Episode #5: Tyrie juggles his various girls and he saves Davis from ridicule

Davis (Denver) and Tyrie (Denver) are making breakfast in the kitchen. Tyrie mentions that he needs ass. He meets Ashley at a bar and tries to pick her up. He gets her number and tells her that he'll remember her name. The next night, he meets Jazalle, the best set of legs he's seen in a long time.

Davis is planning a ski trip for the rest of the roommates. They have to wake up early. Brooke (Denver) tells Davis that she's more of a sun girl than a snow girl. Then, Tyrie calls up Jazalle, asking where she's goin to be clubbing. Then, he calls up Ashley who tells him that she's a flight attendant. He finds out that they're both going to the same club on the same night and they both want to meet Tyrie. Then Alex (Denver) and Tyrie have a discussion of who's better and who's not. Alex tells him to meet up with both girls at the club. Stephen (Denver), being the wingman that he is, invites Ashley to the house, while Tyrie brings Jazalle. Then, Stephen has to tell Ashley that she's no longer invited to the house.

While Jazalle is in the house, Ashley waits outside. Tyrie briefly leaves Jazalle to say goodbye to Ashley. Then he says that he's been "Darc Kenting" Jazalle for a while. Then the two go into the bathroom for a while.
Meanwhile, Davis wakes up at 8AM, and only Alex and Stephen want to go out and ski. The three bond over falling in the snow and drinking. Tyrie then has a date with Ashley, where the two kiss. Then, he tries to have sex with Jazalle. Tyrie is then disappointed and says he'll give it a week before anything else happens.

The girls then get excited for the lingerie party for 6.6.06. They obviously overdress for the party, where no one else is dressed up. Then, some drunk guy comes up to Davis and calls him some homophobic slurs, and Tyrie stands up for him. They run into Jazalle and Tyrie tries to distance himself from her. Tyrie is somewhat interested in her and the two patch up their rough spots. He then claims that she's gotten his heart.

Next on: Jenn (Denver) becomes an angry drunk and fights with Tyrie after a night on the town.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Need a great gift idea for the holidays? Head on over to for some awesome apparel

The now-infamous College Dropout, Veronica (Semester At Sea) and Rachel's (Campus Crawl) company is having a t-shirt sale for the holidays.

Check out their MySpace page for more info!

Update: Just in case the bandwidth goes out on us again, here's the code: 9QPJ-SW0Z-NGAC-IHET-VWMM-NB57. Enter it at checkout! Happy shopping!

Tyrie begins his womanizing ways and he actually protects Davis from a local at a bar

Here's the trailer for tonight's episode:

Here's the brief synopsis of the episode:

"As the Real World seemingly moves past it's first three days for this
fifth episode, Tyrie has clearly been busy cultivating his "ho-train."
While "Dark Kent" is nervous about juggling two girls for the first
time, "Leroy Jenkins" is not shy in coming to the Davis' defense when
things get testy between Davis and a local [uh, he wants to beat Davis
up, get chore mind out the gutter maaaaaaan!]. Get on over to MTV this
Thursday at 10pm to see how many faces Tyrie threatens to break."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Real World may go international for the third time with its nineteenth season

The rumors are starting. According to this posting, BMP is considering moving the nineteenth season of the series all the way to Sydney, Australia. Recently, the Fresh Meat Challenge was filmed in Byron Bay, Australia, and of course, Road Rules: Down Under was filmed in Australia as well.

They list the top five cities that season 19 is rumored to be considering. If you remember, many people believed Detroit was the site of the 18th season, then a surprise announcement came from BMP announcing Denver would host to the seven strangers. Atlanta was heavily rumored to be the location for the 17th season, but producers threw a curveball and opted for Key West. And way back when, there were a lot of rumors that Real World was headed for Washington DC and even decked out a loft in the Adams Morgan section of the city, which turned out just to be a renovation of an old building.

They also report that the finalists for season 19 are all being asked if they have their passport.

Are we ready for The Real World: Sydney?

1) Sydney, Australia
2) Detroit, Michigan USA
3) Atlanta, Georgia USA
4) Washington DC USA
5) Montreal, Quebec Canada

Watch the trailer for the next Duel episode, which features the CT/Diem relationship, on YouTube

If you missed last week's preview episode of the Duel, you can check it out on YouTube:

Send in your questions for Evan who will be doing an interview with BuddyTV on Thursday

Evan (Fresh Meat) will be answering your questions in an interview that he will be doing with Buddy TV on Thursday.

Buddy TV, which is that interactive chat platform that both Evan and Derrick (Extreme) have used this season to chat with you about the episodes, is conducting an interview with Evan.

So, if you have any questions to ask for the Fresh Meater turned Duelist, be sure to send in your questions to by the end of the day today and we'll get them off to BuddyTV. In the meanwhile, you guys can actually visit BuddyTV which keeps an archive of all the chats they have in the past.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The "new" Road Rules 14 cast, composed of alumni, is rumored to be selected

Road Rules 14, which has yet to get a title, is rumored to have been casted. I'm getting word that the castmembers who are on the new season of Road Rules have already been contacted, although this is not entirely confirmable.

While you can probably figure out some of the favorites, the preliminary list that we have received seems like casting has attempted to somewhat include castmembers from earlier seasons. However, it is useful to note that all of the castmembers that are rumored to be selected have been on at least one Challenge. We still don't have a full OR a confirmable list, so it's still subject to change. As more information comes our way (especially when we get word to release names), we'll do our best to make the info available to you.

This season of Road Rules premieres next month although no official start date has been given. This season the cast will be based in California (a first for the series). Presumably, each week the cast will be given a mission to travel to somewhere close to their "home base." Once they complete or fail their mission, they are required to return to their home base in California and face the consequences of their mission. The show will actually be in real time, so there won't be much to spoil, but there will be a lot of online content. Stay tuned for more information.

New Years Bash: What the Denver and Fresh Meat kids are going for on 12/31

This website did a story about how much stars are asking for on New Year's Eve. Some stars are available for hosting your parties, while others will perform, while others will just show up. The most expensive? Fergie is going for $50,000.

How much are our favorite stars going for? Seeing as Denver is the hot season right now, you can get a member of the Denver cast at rock bottom prices. (compared to Fergie, of course) For just $1,000 each, you can get Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen or Tyrie to appear at your party on New Year's.

How about them Fresh Meaters? They weren't on the Real World or Road Rules, but a few of them seem to be Challenge veterans already. If you can't spring for the $1,000 bill for Denver, you can have a Fresh Meater for $500.

Of course, prices are subject to change. If you're actually interested in booking the castmembers for appearances, check out this website.