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Friday, March 10, 2006

Brad explains the loss against Derrick in the latest Overdrive

Overdrive Episode Summary
Brad (San Diego) | Monday March 6, 2006

The Interview

Brad is branded an "almost winner", having come so close to winning in the challenges he's been in so far. Brad says that everyone has alliances before the challenges begin, so you're basically screwed if you're not in one. Brad talks about his strategy, which was having a good time in the beginning then basically getting down to business toward the end. About the Susie (Australia)/Cara (South Pacific)/Brad alliance: He calls it a misunderstanding, but looking out for each other in the situation. Basically, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He and Cara had a falling out about it, while he and Susie are "neutral". Rockstar Racing Inc. is Brad's new thing he has going. Check that out on his Myspace webpage.

Beat Blair Challenge - "Most Likely"

Who's most likely to eat an entire cow to keep up their protein? Ibis (Extreme)... Brad saw her eat 4 sticks of butter on BOTS & cowparts on Road Rules.

Who's most likely to appear on every reality tv show ever made? Mike (Back to New York). Brad says Mike & Coral (Back to New York) are the same in that area.

Who's most likely to smoke an entire carton of cigarettes in one day/week? Katie (The Quest), but Robin (San Diego) isn't far behind. Brad says it's like their competing. Chain smoking weirdos were mentioned.

Who's most likely to brew their own beer in their garage? Randy (San Diego). Brad says he would want to be creative.

Who's most likely to have sex with a D-list actor just to say they had sex with an actor? Trishelle (Las Vegas)

Who's most likely to stab you in the back? Eric (New York). The jumprope was mentioned. Brad says he will never trust another man with a jumprope.

Wheel of Truth - "Word 4 Word"

Jodi (Extreme): BJ
Randy (San Diego): Philosopher
Beth (Los Angeles): Shady
Cara (South Pacific): Shadier
motorcycle: Love
alliance: Don't have one
alcohol: Trouble
Derrick (Extreme): Boy
losing: Sucks

Wheel of Truth - Me No Likey

What are your 3 biggest pet peeves? Brad says honesty, then Blair says, "What, you don't like honesty?", then Brad asks what it means, & Blair informs him its something you DON'T like, & Brad says he's been misusing the word for years. People that are dishonest, being late, & people that aren't clean.

What's your biggest fear? Being 30 & still trying to figure out what you're going to do, or being 45 doing the same thing.

What would your best friend say is the most annoying thing about Brad? For sure it's the mouth.

Wheel of Truth - Me Likey

What's your guilty pleasure? Riding bikes.

The Shit You Didn't See

The Veteran's team making fun of the clue's that come up on the Sidekick, Brad thinks it's so funny he spews drink out of his mouth. Mark (USA Tour 1) passes out in the bathroom in a puddle of urine. He doesn't want to be helped up, but continues to lay there in it and has someone shut the door. Kina (Extreme) wants to see what she looks like on camera. Then everyone else starts belching in front of the camera. Everyone acting goofy on the "green" backgrounds

Thanks to Amber for the recap!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mike is moving to the big leagues with WWE Smackdown

It's happened. Mike (Back to New York), now better known as The Miz has finally made it in the big leagues. The Miz will officially begin appearing on WWE's Friday Night Smackdown, which airs every Friday on UPN. While he'll make his debut this Friday, word is that Mike will begin developing his storyline soon. If you remember, Mike was the runner-up in the last season of Tough Enough and he was constantly referred to as a reality show veteran, so probably expect some mention of his past appearances on Real World. Congrats to Mike!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Overdrive with happen with Brad later this week

We're still looking for someone to review this week's episode of Overdrive. While there's plenty of people who have Overdrive (who may see this as a nuisance), there's a large group of people who appreciate the Overdrive summaries. So, last call for this week's Overdrive episode with Brad (San Diego).

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dan is an editor at the online magazine Queerty

Congratulations go out to Dan (Miami). He is the new editor at Queerty.com.

Derrick beat Brad in the Gauntlet, pulling an upset

In one of the most stunning upsets in the whole season, Derrick (Extreme) beat Brad (San Diego) in the Gauntlet. While our notes had Brad making the finals and Derrick bowing out right before the end, Derrick pulled off an upset last night. While we're fairly certain of who will end up bowing out, we apologize and are shocked by the turn of events.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Another Gauntlet episode airs tonight, keep watching your screens

Slow news day today: Just remember, tonight's another Gauntlet episode. The second to last Male Gauntlet Day. While we took a week off with the Overdrive recaps, remember that we are still taking them. Many of you appreciate them, since low-speed connections and Mac users cannot access Overdrive.