I think you have a great site. -Cameran (San Diego)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
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Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, July 13, 2007

Real World Sydney promos begin airing announcing premiere date of August 8

MTV has begun airing promos for the Real World: Sydney, the 19th season of the Real World.

The promos show brief glimpses of various different fights/hook-ups/etc during the season, but gives no real glimpse into who the seven strangers are. The MTV website is not yet up and running.

The Real World will premiere August 8th.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Real World Casting has its ten finalists and a seventh roommate will be picked on in five days

Real World Casting, the search for a seventh roommate for the 20th season of the Real World, is finally coming to an end. After a long and convoluted process, which included confusion and cheating allegations, producers ended up choosing ten finalists for you to vote on.

Essentially, no one will knows who will win because casting has made this round "blind", meaning there's no way to tell who's in the lead and who will go on to live in the house. Presumably, we will find out once the season begins.

Here are the ten profiles:

Hashisback - link
AjayPaulS - link
MissFallon07 - link
VictoriaR - link
MissCAMERA - link
Kanik - link
Antasha - link
Caesar - link
Katiebaby88 - link
PretyBoy - link

There is no word yet for the location of the twentieth season.

Reunited Season Finale: The cast happily leaves the Palms one last time with no regrets

On this final episode of Reunited, we see the cast start to wrap up their experience in the Palms Hotel/Casino for what may be the last time ever. The group goes to the Augustana concert and Frank (Las Vegas) and Arissa (Las Vegas) remark about how they are both glad they did the reunion, but are ready to leave. Steven (Las Vegas) is still angry at Alton (Las Vegas) for the remark he made at the Mint, and isn't sure that he would ever be friends with him.

As the group is in the suite, Awesome Anne, the motivational speaker that helped them the first time around, came to speak to the group once again to see if some of the relationships in the group can be repaired and some ill-feelings be alleviated. Most of the cast were under the impression that the experience was done, so no one is particularly receptive to Awesome Anne's advice. Alton leaves the group several times, especially after feelings about Irulan (Las Vegas) begin to surface. Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Steven seem to be opposed to the idea of Awesome Anne giving them advice.

When Awesome Anne asks the group to criticize each other, the group collectively agrees that they don't want to do that on the last day. The group does end up complimenting each other. Alton ends up getting some sort of closure with his relationship with Irulan as a result. However, he and Steven will seem to leave Las Vegas with a broken friendship.

The cast is at the pool next and they begin closing the pool as bees swarm the pool deck. Brynn (Las Vegas) actually gets stung and the group enjoys one last bit of fun as they take turns dressing the wound back up in the suite.

It's time for the cast to leave. Alton leaves first. Brynn is then greeted by Austin, Halen, and Nash, and she seems relieved that the experience is over and is looking forward to doing some laundry. Arissa (Las Vegas) and Irulan leave next, and they leave together, which is a change from how they came into the house, as near enemies. The last to leave are Frank, Steven and Trishelle who seem to be good friends. They remark that they will see each other in LA. Trishelle ends the season with appropriately saying that she knows in her heart that this will be the last time the seven of them are together.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Reunited Season Finale: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the last new episode of Las Vegas Reunited.

Say goodbye (once again) to the Las Vegas cast as they party it up one last time in Vegas. Maybe Trishelle (Las Vegas) said it most appropriately when she mentioned that she knew it in her heart that this would be the last time the seven of them would ever be together.

Post your reactions here.

Inferno 3: Top 10 Moments instead of traditional reunion is aired

Last night, in what was supposed to be a traditional reunion, MTV aired a "Top 10" segment, that brought the final 12 castmembers to comment on the Top 10 Moments of the Inferno 3.

Maybe MTV is trying to cut costs by saving the airfare and studio time, but last night's episode only featured comments on the Top 10 dramatic moments.

Although it wasn't the traditional reunion, the episode last night was relatively interesting. Tonya (Chicago) told us that she knew that CT (Paris) was lying when he said he was passed out after punching Davis (Denver). Susie (Australia) pretty much deemed herself the "new Beth (Los Angeles)", while John (Key West) spent most of the episode berating her. Ace (Paris), of course, is Mr. Nice Guy and is secretly in love with Cara (South Pacific).

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Inferno 3 Reunion: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the reunion for the Inferno 3.

Watch as the cast re-hashes memories from this memorable season of the Challenge. This will be the last Challenge until Gauntlet 3 airs later this Fall, so make sure you catch this last episode of Challenge goodness until MTV releases yet another group of alumni in Mexico.

Post your reactions to tonight's reunion here.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Real World Sydney given a premiere date of Wednesdsay August 8th

The Real World: Sydney is schedule to hit your television screens in less than a month's time.

Now that Reunited is ending its run this week, we'll be without a Real World or Road Rules fix for quite some time, so MTV decided to premiere the new season of the seven strangers this upcoming month.

Little is known about the seven strangers, although their MySpace pages have been popping up on the internet, while some pictures have been floating around of each of them.

MTV is tenatively scheduled to air Sydney beginning Wednesday, August 8th, presumably to fill in the timeslot that Denver had and Reunited currently has.