Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Viewers' Revenge Episode #9: Post your reactions here

This week we see Dan (Viewers' Revenge) face the Elimination Pit after his tryst with Tori (Viewers' Revenge) and how their relationship is perceived by the viewers at home. You can actually check out who Dan competes against and what game they'll be competing in tonight by looking at this video. Also, you can get a jump start on voting tonight, by using the voting tool embedded in the left menu toolbar here on our site.

Use this thread to talk about tonight's episode and discuss what went on in the RV tonight.

Denver Episode #21: Post your reactions here

This week, we see the roomies go back to Outward Bound once again, but this time it looks like the job will instigate a couple of conflicts between the seven strangers. Stephen (Denver) is forced to confront Colie (Denver) after Stephen had seemed to avoided confrontation between them by just not talking to Colie. Also, we'll see Tyrie explore the decision to leave Denver in light of his arrest on last week's episode.

Discuss this week's episode here in our comment section.

Jamie shows up as an extra in Kelly Rowland's latest video "Like This"

Jamie (San Diego), who we last saw take home the grand prize in the Inferno 2, recently appeared in Kelly Rowland's latest video "Like This". There are a couple of extras in the video, all of whom are dancing to the track at a party, but Jamie is in a couple of shots near the beginning of the video. Here's a quick snapshot:

You can catch her maybe once or twice more apart from this shot. You can also check out the video in its entirety on YouTube. For this particular video on YouTube, she shows up on 01:03 and 01:20. Check it out.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New video reveals who Dan will face in this week's Pit

This week, MTV is bringing you a small sneak peek of the upcoming Pit. If past Pits have been any indication of the intensity of this week's Pit, it looks like this week will be super intense. Don't watch the video if you don't want to know who is in the Pit and who Dan (Viewers Revenge) will go against.

Monday, March 26, 2007

MTV has posted a unfinished website with not much information for the upcoming Inferno 3

The Inferno 3, which premieres on April 10, has just opened up its website over at

Follow the Link

So far, the front page only has the biographies of various castmembers and small pictures. However, the links don't lead to anything yet and most of the castmembers don't have pictures yet. MTV will most likely update the website as the premiere date nears. As always, come back to the Blog for the latest information on the newest Challenge.

New Feature Allows You to Vote for the Pit Crew right here at the Blog

So, in a pretty nifty feature that MTV has provided us, so YOU the viewer can vote for your favorite Pit Crew member without having to go through the broadband channel has up, MTV is allowing you to vote for your Pit Crew nominee through this nifty feature they debuted for fan sites.

If you scroll down a bit you'll see a window in the left menu bar, where you can vote for your favorite Pit Crew member to face the nominee to the Elimination Pit that week. Instead of going through a broadband connection to do it on, you can simply come here and vote for your favorite Pit Crew member!

This week, Dan (Viewers Revenge) nominated himself for the Pit. However, that episode has already been filmed and that Pit Crew member has already been selected. But that doesn't mean you can't vote for next week. Get to voting!