He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Challenge is renewed for a 22nd Season

CT and Johnny get ready to face-off in one of the most memorable eliminations ever. 
Immediately after the success of the season finale of Rivals, MTV issued a press release stating that they have renewed the Challenge for the 22nd season! Thus, we get to see our favorite competitors once again battle each other in a test of wits, athleticism, and tenacity for at least one more season! With that news, we decided to write five tips to the producers, telling them what to focus on for next season.

1. Focus more on character development, not fights and hook-ups: Part of the reason why Rivals worked so well, was that each of the teams had some history that made good TV. While some teams didn't really hate each other, others provided season-long storylines that encouraged viewers to come back week-after-week. In this season, the fighting and hook-ups were NOT started under a night of drinking and revelry (OK... sometimes they were), but the game forced the castmembers to face their differences because of the game.

2. Don't recycle old, tired formats: I'm not sure why producers choose to do a second and third Inferno or Gauntlet. While Rivals worked extremely well, I don't want to see another season of Rivals right away. Also, it's kind of a cop-out to just recycle old formulas.

3. Keep the rules simple: One of the biggest flaws of the Challenges is that the rules are always so unnecessarily complicated. Remember the Island's wildly weird key-holder, two-round elimination voting process? That season was a cheap imitation of Survivor and should've just copied the full format with one-person, one-vote. Who would've loved to see a weekly Tribal Council headed by TJ Lavin? For the next Challenge, I would love to see girls compete against guys, with a one-person, one-vote elimination.

4. Make sure the rules discourage the veteran alliances: Part of the problem with a one-person, one-vote elimination, which they have done in the past, is that the veteran alliances seem to have the game on-lock from Day 1. For some reason, the Challenges haven't instituted any kind of immunity, at least in recent seasons. It's the worst when the Challengers we see less of are sent home first.

5. Bring back some castmembers who haven't done the last eight Challenges: Going back to character development, fans want to be updated on those castmembers we haven't seen in a while. And I'm not talking about bringing back castmembers from New York and Los Angeles. Although that would be great, I can't see Julie (New York) and Aaron (Los Angeles) agreeing to come back for these Challenges, put some new blood on these casts.

What are your tips? Leave a comment and tell us what you'd like to see in the next season of the Challenge.

Challenge Rivals Ends the Season on a Ratings High

Paula and Evelyn embrace as they win the Challenge. 
The season finale of the Challenge: Rivals ended on a ratings high as the Challenge brought in 2.4 million viewers, a season high. Last Wednesday's episode revealed the winners of the Challenge and fans tuned in to see one of the toughest final Challenges yet. This is up 71% since last season's Cutthroat finale, the best rated season since The Duel II, and the most watched episode since the season finale of the Gauntlet III. MTV also hit a high note amongst 12-34 year-olds, coming in at #1 for that demographic for the entire night. Congratulations Bunim-Murray and MTV!

Watch The Real World San Diego Trailer

On the heels of the season finale of Rivals, MTV released the latest trailer for the 26th season of The Real World, headed to San Diego (again):

The trailer shows serious drama as some castmembers are interested in hooking-up and others are interested in fighting. This cast also has a gay castmember (Samantha) and a bi-sexual castmember (Frank). Two seasons have previously had this combination with Philadelphia (Karamo and Willie) and Hawaii (Ruthie and Justin). This new season premieres September 28!

Real World Hollywood's Joey poses naked for Playgirl in the September issue

Joey (Hollywood) joins the ranks of former castmembers who have gone on to pose nude. While Joey is the first castmember to make it to Playgirl, several other castmembers have posed for Playboy. Beth S. (Los Angeles), Flora (Miami), Veronica (Semester at Sea) and Jisela (The Quest) posed in a joint shoot for Playboy. Cara (South Pacific) actually is a Playboy Playmate. And others have posed for smaller shoots: Trishelle (Las Vegas), Arissa (Las Vegas), Tonya (Chicago), Mary Beth (South Pacific) have all posed naked for the cameras at one point or another. As for Joeycheck out the pictures of Joey in Playgirl.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Season Finale of the Challenge Rivals airs; Spoilers ahead

Tonight, the final episode of the Challenge: Rivals airs. Six teams are competing for the final grand prize and four teams will go home with nothing. To find out who wins the Challenge, check out our previous post.

Monday, August 22, 2011

CT gives an interview to the Boston Herald and says he will be back for more Challenges

Recently eliminated Rivals contestant CT (Paris) gave an interview to the Boston Herald recently, reflecting upon his time on the show. The article doesn't go into too much detail, however, the article mentions that CT is still trying to be friends with Adam (Paris), his status on whether or not he's dating someone from the show (he's not), and whether or not he'll do another Challenge in the near future.

Challenge ratings dips for the first episode of the final Challenge

Last Wednesday's episode of the Rivals took a slight dip with 1,987,000 people tuning into view CT (Paris) and Adam (Paris) be sent home. This comes after the Challenge hit a record with the the highest Challenge ratings since the Duel II.