He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Derek, a new Pit Crew member, shows up on the Road Rules site over on MTV

In an interesting change of events, MTV has added yet another Pit Crew member, presumably to replace Abram (South Pacific) and his being kicked off the show.

Derek is 23 years old and from Jacksonville, FL. He was a football star and apparently went to the Olympic trials, so he could potentially "run circles" around the Roadies.

MTV (of course) doesn't clarify whether or not this is a permanent Pit Crew member or if this is just the winner from the sweepstakes that Road Rules is doing with ask.com. (If you don't know, log on to ask.mtv.com and answer the questions to get a chance to be on the show. If this is the case, Derek will be replaced next week with another viewer. The last time this happened was when Lori (Back to New York) was selected as a finalist for the casting process and then actually made it onto the show.

Stay tuned for more info!

Denver Episode #17: The roomies sort stuff out and Colie's relationship ends over the phone

The episode starts out with Alex (Denver) hooking up with Jenn (Denver) right in front of Colie (Denver). Then we get a classic split screen of the two coples having sex. Brett tries to explain to Tyrie (Denver) what went down at LoDo's.

After all is said and done, Jenn and Alex hook up in the shower. Colie gets up and sees them in the shower. The two girls seem split about how Jenn seems to be getting in between Alex and Colie.

Brooke (Denver) goes to lunch with Davis (Denver), Stephen (Denver), and PJ and talks about how she feels better. Brooke mentions that she wanted to swap beds with Alex, but realizes that she won't be able to and will have to sleep in other people's beds.

Meanwhile, Colie tells Corey that she wont talk to Jenn about Alex anymore. They talk about how Jenn uses alcohol as an excuse. The topic then switches to Corey and Colie's long-term relationship status. They're both unsure of the future, especially after they've hooked up with other people.

Brooke calls her mother and tries to rationalize her problems with Colie and Jenn. Her mother tells her to just be open with the both of them, even if she can't stand them. Jenn attributes it to sensitivity and emotional state.

Corey ends up leaving Denver and the two don't really make up their minds about the status of their relationship. Jenn and Brooke patch things up between them, and it surprises Brooke, because she believes that she was still pissed off about the confrontation. Colie tells Tyrie about Alex not saying anything to her. Tyrie heavily discourages anything between the two of them. The two have a somewhat drunken awkward confrontation in the hot tub, with Alex somewhat rejecting Colie's advances. And, finally, Corey breaks up with Colie over the phone.

Next week: Brooke and Davis get in a fight at Outward Bound.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Denver Episode #17 : Post your reactions here

Post your reactions to the second part of this two-parter episode. It'll sure be drama when Alex (Denver) and Jenn (Denver) hook up one more time after the Colie (Denver) and Corey hook-up.

MTV is airing an afternoon sneak at 4:30pm. The episode airs at 10pm. Check your local listings.

Road Rules is being pushed to Wednesdays at 10:30pm setting up an hour of Real World and Road Rules

MTV is undergoing several changes, so there are naturally several changes that are going on with the shows. We can see a lot of it in Road Rules as the rules are being changed before our eyes and now programming schedules are being messed with.

On last night's episode of Road Rules, it was announced that the series would be moving to Wednesday nights at 10:30pm to be aired after The Real World: Denver.

This probably means that there will be no more afternoon sneaks of Road Rules and that we'll be getting twice the BMP action in one night while sacrificing our Tuesday nights to another channel. So, don't forget, Road Rules airs on Wednesday nights instead of Tuesday nights.

Viewers Revenge Episode #5: A brutal pit, a failed mission, and a sacrifice

The episode opened up with the Pit featuring Kina (Extreme) and Angel (Viewers Revenge). Both seemed a bit nervous and when the game was revealed, it was pretty evident that it would be no simple task for either competitor to win the game. The game was Scorpion, each castmember had nine tags on their back. While connected by the wrist with their left hand, they would have to attempt to rip off the tags from their competitor's back. The one who successfully ripped off all 9 tags would win.

Within seconds, both girls hit each other in the face, with Kina getting penalized for hitting first. She lost a tag immediately. This seemed not to even faze Kina. Kina kept at it and Angel was having clear difficulty in ripping off her tags. Near the end of the match, Angel attempted to fall on the floor to prevent any more tags getting ripped off, and she even shed a few tears because of the brutality of the Pit. When Kina won, the tension between the two exploded as Kina pulled at the wrist binding to be released, dragging Angel a couple of feet. This sent Angel to scurry off the set, calling Kina a transvestite with super-human strength. Kina went right back to Angel and taunted her for not getting on the RV.

So, Kina's back in the RV. When the group sees her on the side of the road, everyone is completely overjoyed that Kina made it onto the RV again. It looks like that they're really playing the "Viewers" card here, because "reading the blogs" seems to be a mainstay of the episodes now. So go to roadrules.mtv.com to check out the blogs. Dan (Viewers Revenge) and Tori (Viewers Revenge) flirt over the blogs, but there seems to be some underlying tension underneath it all.

The group gets their mission to go to Monterrey, CA to go to a racetrack. The presumption is that they'll be driving cars, so everyone is excited. When they arrive in Monterrey, they learn that they'll spend six hours trying to learn how to drive stick and maneuver cars around the track. Kina seems to be especially worried since she doesn't know how to drive stick. By the end of the day, however, most of the cast seems to get a handle on it.

That night, when the group is waiting for Mission Day, Dan thinks about a funeral that he missed. One of Dan's friends who served in the military and died while in combat had a funeral that day. He seems a little distraught over the fact that he just spent the day racing cars around a track. Tori tries to console him, but he just tells Tori to leave him alone.

In the morning, the Roadies find about their mission. They have to drive a complete lap around the race track in less than 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Adam (The Quest) volunteers to head up the team and the Roadies are confident that they'll get the job done. Near the very end of the lap, Dan spins out and the Roadies lose their first mission.

Dan clearly feels responsible for the loss, but the Roadies attribute it to bad luck more than anything, as that could have been any of them. While Dan brings himself up in the nomination process, Susie (Down Under) steps up to the plate and nominates herself to the Pit as a gift to Dan in order for him to enjoy the process of Road Rules. So, Susie is in the Pit and will face another Pit Crew girl this coming Wednesday on MTV

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Viewers Revenge #5: Post Your Reactions Here

Discuss tonight's episode where Kina (Extreme) or Angel (Viewers Revenge) will join the Roadies and the Road Rulers find yet another mission in California!

Pit Battle: Kina will face the Pit and we'll find out who gets onto the RV tonight

Once again, MTV.com showed the beginning of the Pit Battle. If you don't want to know who is nominated, stop reading as we'll soon reveal who Kina (Extreme) is taking on in the Pit.

Surprisingly, Veronica (Semester at Sea) didn't get to the Pit Battle this time around, which is somewhat disappointing as we'll have to wait to see an alumni-vs.-alumni Pit. Angel (Viewers Revenge) wins the opportunity to face Kina in the Pit this week.

To find out what happens, unfortunately, check out tonight's episode of Road Rules.

Melissa from New Orleans has recently posted on her website that she is enaged to the infamous J

If you visit Melissa's (New Orleans) website, you probably know that she has a boyfriend that she only refers to as "J". He's in a band. For a long time, no one knew who he was until Melissa posted a picture of him on her MySpace.

Anyway, Melissa recently announced on her webpage in a long, long, long post that she and J are engaged. The two have been living in Long Island for quite a bit of time and we congratulate both Melissa and J on their recent engagement!

Monday, February 26, 2007

MTV begins to show repeats of old seasons including Austin and the Gauntlet II

For whatever reason, may it be a programming error or just a blatant need to fill up time in its schedule, MTV has begun airing repeats of old seasons on its main channel.

The very first episode of Austin was aired sometime last week during the middle of the night, while this upcoming week, two episodes of the Gauntlet II are being shown.

While there has been no official notice from MTV, this may signal the beginning of the re-airing of old episodes. MTV, which has pretty much abstained from the practice, even when a new season premieres, usually holds back on showing old episodes of prior seasons. Most episodes of the Real World and Road Rules, however, have been sold into syndication and will probably be not shown on the channel.