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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Issac calls himself the "alpha male" of the cast, yet he's also "conceited and a little brain-damaged"

Issac (Sydney) seems to be making the rounds with the newspapers. He granted yet another interview with an Arizona newspaper. This time, he talked to the Arizona Daily Star.

Issac says that he was this season's "alpha male" and "party boy". He also throws it in there that he wasn't afraid of swimming naked in the fish tank. He talks about how the cast gawked at the amount of cameras in the house, but he wasn't worried he says, maybe because he's "conceited and a little brain-damaged."

This season's casting special airs August 1st. The series begins August 8th.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

KellyAnne is worried about being the "crazy bitch... a la Brooke"; Arizona locals disapprove of Issac

KellyAnne (Sydney) has been profiled on MM Agency's website and she says that she has seen the first episode of the show and she's worried that she is going to portrayed like the "crazy bitch" of the house.

KellyAnne confesses to having ADD, which seemed to make her unstable in the house, and confront her issues much like last season's Brooke (Denver).

In other news, responding to the article that the Tucson Citizen wrote yesterday about Issac (Sydney), several UA students and supporters seem disappointed that Issac will be representing the UA student body.

Taking messages of its online community board, posts like "Please tell me that UA is not being represented by someone who poses like the Ali G of the trailer park." are showing up, which are disapproving of Issac's partyboy status. Read the article.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Issac tells a newspaper that he put himself in the emergency room to attend a casting call and stayed in Sydney a month after Real World

Issac (Sydney), the castmember who is already being labeled the quintessential joker of Sydney, granted an interview with the local paper in Tucson, the Tucson Citizen. Issac attends the University of Arizona as a business major.

Issac reveals some tiny tidbits for the paper. Most notably, he tells the paper that, of course, he had the time of his life. He was getting paid to live his life in a mansion. He spent an extra month in Australia, working at a restaurant and backpacking up the Australian coast.

He wanted to apply for the Real World, but the day of the casting call, he was scheduled to go into court for a DUI. So, being the asthma sufferer he is, he smoked cigarettes until it put him in the emergency room and the courts gave him a week's extension. The rest is history.

He says that the seven of them were "cool" people, he generally got along with everyone, and that he messed with Cohutta (Sydney) the most. The seven of them left as friends, he says. He also tells the paper that although he wasn't supposed to tell the paper, one of the castmembers dies.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Johanna posts pictures from the Gauntlet 3 of girls just being girls

Johanna (Austin), who is a part of the upcoming Gauntlet 3 Challenge, recently posted some new pictures on her MySpace of the Gauntlet 3.

There are other photos surfacing out there, but this one has a pretty good group shot of a large group of girls huddled around in their "costumes" for some sort of party the group had when they were in Mexico.

Check out her MySpace for more information.