C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pool of replacements on Road Rules includes eight new potential members

One of our astute visitors found this while Googling Road Rules the other day. If you type "Road Rules" into the Google search engine like it is done here here, you'll notice that under MTV.com's official website, you'll see the description of the site.

Under the description of the site it says a blurb about the new castmembers of Road Rules. While including Abram (South Pacific), Adam (The Quest), Kina (Extreme), Shane (Campus Crawl), Susie (Down Under) and Veronica (Semester at Sea), it also says the names of eight complete unknowns. MTV still hasn't updated the Road Rules website to reflect this, but it seems the pool of replacements to replace kicked-off Road Rulers is compromised of only eight people. The eight people are:

Angel, Dan, David, Ivory, Jerry, Kristen, Monte, Tori

Can any of them be found on MySpace?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Zach has formed a movie production company with two friends; Filming of first movie will begin in February

Zach (Key West), who we saw living the sweet life only a couple of months ago, is part of a three-person movie production company called Building Block Productions. His partners, Tony O'Brien and Mark Sayre, are embarking on their first big film project, a movie tentatively titled "Perfect Sport" that will be filmed in a small town in Washington where the founders grew up.

Zach, who serves as executive producer on the project, is looking forward to taking the first step to his career post-Real World. After the press was over and done with in Key West, Zach realized he wanted to have a career behind the camera. "I knew that it was all fake," he says, "I knew that signing up. A steep decline was next, and I want longevity in my career. I have no desire to be an actor. I want to do work behind the scenes."

The first step that Zach is taking to achieving that, is to begin casting for his movie. Zach's production company will be casting in Seattle, WA, Wednesday, January 24 at Nova High School, 2410 East Cherry Street. They're looking for actors over the age of 25 to play high school-aged kids.

Final Duel Aftershow: Wes sums up his experience and officially retires from the Challenges

Wes (Austin) joins Blair (The Quest) and is immediately asked about his workouts. Then they show Tyler (Key West), Eric (Fresh Meat), and Derrick (Extreme) saying he was hopped up on "performance enhancers". He said that he knew from Fresh Meat that he was doing the next one, so he worked out with an intense regimen.

He said that he felt the pressure to win after talking crap when he was partnered with Casey (Fresh Meat). Wes partnered early on with Nehemiah (Austin), Evan (Fresh Meat) and Brad (San Diego). He aligned with Beth S. (Los Angeles), Aneesa (Chicago), Tina (South Pacific), and Svetlana (Key West).

He talks about CT (Paris) and his fault in the Duel. He lost a lot of respect for CT, which caused him to explode. He talks about the deal with Evan, where they decided to take out Derrick (Extreme), Brad and CT.

He talks about calling Johanna (Austin) and breaking down a little bit. Wes beat Brad by 1:27, thereby making the two minute head start imperative for Wes (Austin).

Nehemiah: Easily one of Wes' best friends. His relationship with Beth is unpredictable.
Kenny (Fresh Meat): If you see Kenny, he's a stand-up, good-looking kind of guy.
CT: He lost respect for him and he's a beast.
Beth: Has a bad rap, a bullseye on her back.
Casey: She's a fun girl. She hooked up with John (Key West) in 2 days, which he takes credit for because he won her boobs.
Jodi (Extreme): She was excited the whole plane ride home because she won $150,000. The best girl won by far.
SVetlana (Key West): Good person to meet. Svetlana and Brad were the best friends he made on the show.

He says that he's back in school, he probably won't do something like this anymore. He makes the impression that he's done with the Challenges. Blair beats it out of him, and he officially announces his retirement from the shows.

The S#!% You Didn't See: Wes ridicules Evan because the Fresh Meaters were all alternates for Key West. Then the two wrestle.

Wes gives an interview about not liking CT for 25:07. And the producer sums it up at the end by saying "Uhh... Alright."

He says that he would reconsider if there was a $1,000,00 prize pool.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Duel Finale: wes beats Brad by his two minute lead, Jodi beats Svetlana after she falls behind

The Duel began with the cast preparing themselves mentally for the day. The cast is told to meet at 6:30am for their mission.

They are greeted by a helicopter ride to Rio de Janiero, where they fly around the infamous Christ Redeemer statue that opens up the credits. They then land to find their mission.

For the first part of the mission, they have to do a penalty kicks game to decide who wins the two-minute head start. Jodi (Extreme) beats Svetlana (Key West) 2-1, narrowly making her second goal on her last shot. Wes (Austin) beats Brad (San Diego) 2-1, clearly superior over Brad in his soccer skills.

They then start their mission. The first step is to run up a mountain trail to the puzzle awaiting them at the top. There are four huge puzzle blocks which they must transport to the puzzle-solving area. After they solve the puzzle or wait 30-minutes, whichever comes first, they run to another station in which they have to balance a teeter-totter with rocks and their own weight. Once they do that, they run down another trail to grab a flag to win $150,000.

They all meet up at the puzzle. Wes solves it first, only to have Brad solve it seconds later. Jodi solves the puzzle four minutes ahead of Svetlana. Brad narrowly trails Wes for the rest of the race, only to be beaten by a minute and a half, less than the lead Wes had. Jodi also comes victorious, able to finish the teeter-totter mission before Svetlana even gets to it.

There's a beautiful montage of the season, with Brad and Svetlana reflecting postively on their experiences. Wes and Jodi hang-glide to pick up their checks on the beach from TJ. And the Challenge is over.

The Duel Reunion show aired online tonight; Will be shown next week on MTV

The Duel reunion was broadcast live on MTV.com for the first time ever. Although it was not advertised at all, probably to avoid a substantial increase of web traffic on their broadband channel, we were able to catch the last couple of minutes.

Susie Castillo, MTV VJ, hosted once again, and nine Duelers showed up. Wes (Austin), Jodi (Extreme), Brad (San Diego), Svetlana (Key West), CT (Paris), Aneesa (Chicago), Evan (Fresh Meat), Diem (Fresh Meat) and Beth S. (Los Angeles) all showed up to the reunion. These were the last eight competitors, add Beth. Originally, Tina (South Pacific) was scheduled to be on, but she canceled her appearance last minute.

Here's some of the last minute things we caught, nothing too spoilerish for next week:

Evan talked about how CT had played the puzzle game for a while since Diem brought it to Brazil, by chance.

Beth is asked how many more Challenges she's going to be on. She says that she doesn't know, but the caller encourages Beth to keep doing the Challenges.

CT is asked if he felt like he overreacted in his Duel. He says that he didn't, he felt like he was the best competitor there and was robbed by a technicality.

Susie asks who's the best kisser in the house. CT declares himself to be. But only Diem and Evan can vouch for his kissing abilities. CT was the messiest. Jodi was the cleanest. Kenny (Fresh Meat) is the cleanest guy in the house.

Brad hooked up with no one on the show, because he had a girlfriend on the show.

The reunion airs next Thursday at 10PM.

A very short trailer for the new season of Road Rules has cropped up on MTV.com

Over at the Road Rules website, which currently has nothing on it and should be completely revamped in the next couple of days, a trailer for the new season of Road Rules has opened.

One of the most important things about this trailer, however, is what it reveals. There has been some question to if the pool of replacements would be newcomers or alumni. This trailer makes it seem as if they are newcomers. A casting call back in November also contributes to this notion.

Nevertheless, the trailers shows clips from past seasons and it's a great feeling for old fans who have missed the show since it went off the air in 2004. Here's some highlights:

13 seasons.
(Flashes title cards of several of the seasons)
163 missions.
(Flashes past missions)
And miles and miles of drama.
(Flashes clips of drama)
Road Rules is back.
(Flashes title cards of several castmembers)
But this season the rules have changed, with an all-star cast, and a group of eager newcomers ready to hop on board.
(Flashes of casts getting in their RVs)
This time, you decided who goes on the road, and who gets left behind.
(More random clips)
On this Road Rules, you rule.
(Premieres Tuesday, January 30 @ 9PM)

The several clips that I could gather are all jumbled up into a short one-minute trailer. Here are the clips I could make out:

South Pacific's and catching/bungee jumping mission
Extreme's dog attack mission
Europe's running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain
South Pacific's buried alive mission
Extreme's dune buggy mission
Northern Trail's WWF mission
South Pacific's bungee jump off New Zealand's Sky Tower

A sound byte from one of the Ayanna/Veronica fights on Semester at Sea.
Abe's physical altercation with Donnell on South Pacific.
Pua and Ayanna's fight after Ayanna distances herself from the group on Semester at Sea.

Down Under checking out their RV for the first time.
Maximum Velocity Tour checking out their RV for the first time.
Patrick and Derrick greet Angela when she arrives on Extreme.
Kina tells her castmembers good-bye when she's kicked off Extreme.

Random clips:
Shane and Darrell (Campus Crawl) dancing in a club.
The Extreme cast painted in their naked mission.
The Quest in Spain during a mission.
The South Pacific cast doing the tire-flipping, strongman competition.
Susie and Kefla freaking out on the alligator farm mission in Down Under.
Veronica bungee-jumping in the start of Semester at Sea.

Ayanna recently gave birth to a baby, Madison, and may be married as well

In this digital age, we do gather tons of information from MySpace. Prior to MySpace, most castmembers had to open their own website, which many neither had the time or resources to do. So with MySpace, we're updated on many castmembers who we wouldn't hear much about otherwise.

According to her MySpace, Ayanna (Semester at Sea), who we haven't seen since Battle of the Sexes 2, has recently had a baby, who she named Madison, in the past few days. Ayanna is now living in Southern California doing some post-graduate work after she graduated from Howard University.

Also, although this doesn't seem to be as clear, it seems that Ayanna may have gotten married as well. Congratulations to Ayanna and her new baby. We wish her the best of luck in the future!

Jake steals some "art" from FHM and he hilariously writes an article about the day he got canned

If you remember, Jake (Islands) began to receive tons of notoriety for several things. Mostly, his blog in which he would do crazy, insane things that garnered attention. It all culminated in him getting fired from his job as an editor at FHM, after he made some negative comments about Howard Stern's girlfriend, Beth Ostrosky.

Well, Gawker has two headlines about Jake in the recent days. One in which details how Jake has made off with twelve pieces of "art" from FHM that are Ostrosky-themed. You can actually check out the pictures over at his MySpace.

Also, a more recent item is a piece that Jake wrote for Glamour. It details the fun he had the day he got word he was fired from FHM.

Duel Season Finale: Brad, Jodi, Svetlana, and Wes compete for $300,000 in the final mission

Tonight is the season finale of the Duel. Watch as Brad (San Diego), Jodi (Extreme), Svetlana (Key West) and Wes (Austin) compete for the grand prize of $150,000. To find out who wins tonight, highlight this small passage: Wes and Jodi win the final mission.

Here's a clip for tonight with some behind the scenes footage:

Denver Aftershow #11: Dan joins the fun, Stephen drops in

Dan (Miami) joined the fun last night in the Aftershow. Dan has done three challenges, contributing to TVgasm, is a writer, writes for entertainment publications, has a blog, etc.,

Stephen (Denver) came in as the last roommate to make an appearance on the Aftershow. They discuss the hot tub scene first. He makes excuses for his actions, then says Jenn (Denver) was the most sensible in the house to keep him in check. After a caller calls in blasting Jenn, Stephen defends his choice of picking Jenn to take care of him.

The fight with Jenn resulted from Stephen trying to take something personal and use it against him. Then they get a question about Jenn running the house, which Stephen doesn't agree with. He did forgive Jenn fairly quickly, but didn't seem to think that things stayed the same between them.

He did admit that he was cheating on Mercii. He then gets asked if he was a role model on the Real World and how his Christian values conflicted with the show. He says that he was conflicted, but he never thought he was a role model. He says he wouldn't have hooked up with any of the girls in the house.

Then the last question he asks: He would kick out Colie (Denver) and bring in Janelle (Key West). Next week the guest is Alex (Denver).

Denver Episode #11: Emotions run high as the cast test each other and Brooke/Davis flirt

Last night's episode reach an epoch of sorts: either the cast was so drunk that they just had a breaking point in ridiculing each other or they genuinely learned to respect each other after all these drunken fights.

Two storylines pervaded the episode: the Stephen/Alex/Jenn storyline where they're all entangled in a web of personal insults and the potential Brooke/Davis hookup. Stephen had been out at clubs, making out with girls. Jenn claims to have been told to keep Stephen in check because he has a girlfriend at home, Mercii. Jenn, only doing what she was told, albeit drunk, tries to get Stephen to stop.

It culminates in Stephen and Alex bringing home three girls from a club and having a group kissing session with them in the hot tub. Jenn and Stephen, after they get home from a later night of partying, start to playfully ridicule each other, but it quickly turns menacing as Jenn brings up Mercii. The two explode, causing Jenn to walk away. However, when Jenn walks away, Alex tells Stephen to get back at her by saying the most personal thing he can think of, which for Jenn is her estranged father.

Davis, being the instigator he is, is a part of this conversation. Mid-way through Alex's tirade, he runs up to Jenn and tells her what Alex said. This sends Jenn straight down to Alex, while Brooke, Colie, Davis and Stephen look on, Jenn tears Alex down by saying he's a horrible person.

This has an odd effect on Alex, who begins to cry. After sobering up and a phone call to his mother, Alex tries to patch things up with Jenn and the two seem to be on good footing, for now.

Meanwhile, Davis and Brooke were flirting heavily. But nothing materialized. Maybe in a future episode?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Denver Episode #11: Davis and Brooke flirt, while Stephen's mistake may cause friction in the house

Tonight is another episode of The Real World: Denver. Here's the episode preview. While they return from their Outward Bound trip, it seems that Davis (Denver) may want a little more from Brooke (Denver) than her friendship. Plus, Stephen (Denver) tells his girlfriend back home that he may have cheated on her, only to be ridiculed later by Jenn (Denver), when she questions his true feelings.

Veronica posted pictures of her and Shane at the launch special; She will be wearing College Dropout shirts on air

Veronica (Semester At Sea) posted a blog on her College Dropout MySpace with pictures from the Launch Special which airs on Tuesday, January 23.

The Launch Special will no doubt catch us up with the six returning alumni, Abram (South Pacific), Adam (The Quest), Kina (Extreme), Shane (Campus Crawl), Susie (Australia) and Veronica (Semester at Sea), but it looks like MTV also did some sort of preliminary filming at MTV studios in New York City.

Be sure to catch up with Veronica, who promises new t-shirts on this new season and the rest of her castmembers next Tuesday.

Beth has left for New York to do the reunion; Tina has decided not to appear on the reunion

Beth (Los Angeles) recently posted on her MySpace that she is in the process of leaving for New York to film the reunion. She has stopped accepting questions, but she has had a good survey of questions that people want to know about.

Tina (South Pacific) in a MySpace post of her own has decided not to appear on the reunion. While Beth looked forward to confronting Tina about her actions on the show, Tina has decided to pass up the reunion for personal reasons.

No official word on when the reunion will air, but apparently it will air on MTV.com live. Expect an announcement tomorrow when the Duel finishes its final episode.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Duel Reunion will air next week; Beth and Tina will both be on, while Beth is taking questions

The Duel reunion will air on MTV next week. That means this Thursday, the final four, Brad (San Diego), Jodi (Extreme), Svetlana (Key West) and Wes (Austin) will fight for $300,000, and this will be the last episode of the Challenge until the Inferno III airs later this year.

MTV is doing something special with the reunion this year. They are going to be airing the reunion live on MTV.com. Although there is no official date or time on it yet, expect an announcement soon. This will be the first time they air a reunion live, and this one seems to be shaping up as a good one.

Beth (Los Angeles) is already taking questions at her MySpace, asking you to point out any questions you want her to ask other castmembers. She also mentions that she and Tina (South Pacific) were invited back, although no one else who was voted off early will be there.