You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oops! Susie says that The Sh*& They Should've Shown airs at 10, when Reunited airs

On last night's rather uneventful Denver Reunion, host Susie Castillo made a major oops when she said that Denver's Sh*& They Should've Shown would be airing on Wednesday May 30th.

Literally, ten seconds later, MTV flashed a banner advertising Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas at the same time.

Here's some clarification:

Wednesday, May 30
8pm - Denver Reunion Special
9pm - Denver Sh*& They Should've Shown
10pm - Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas

Tune in next Wednesday for some great television.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Denver Reunion: Secrets, Revelations, and Fights in the last gathering of the Mile High Cast

Tonight is the Real World: Denver reunion. This is a final send-off for the seven strangers who will not reunite until they're lucky enough for BMP to hold another reunion for them.

If you watch previews, you see Brooke (Denver) and Davis (Denver) kiss, which may or may not sprout up into a relationship. Last month, Davis alluded on his MySpace that he and Brooke were together, but then it was quickly removed. It looks more like a joke than it is serious.

Watch tonight, post your reactions here.

Inferno 3 Episode #10: Ace and Kenny save themselves, Timmy retires from the Challenges

Last night's episode of the Inferno started out with Abram (South Pacific) and Derrick (Extreme) both assuring each other that there was no way in hell that Kenny (Fresh Meat) would ever win the LifeShield.

Back on the Good Guys team, Ace (Paris) is also eager to prove himself, and his team discusses who should go into the Inferno. Timmy wants to volunteer, but some castmembers, especially Alton (Las Vegas) are pushing to save Timmy and bring Davis (Denver) back to the Inferno.

The mission is "Dog Day Afternoon" where the cast splits up into teams of two, having to pull two castmembers of the opposing teams on huge sleds. Timmy DQs because he is unable to finish the Challenge due to a torn calf muscle he injured in the ladder challenge.

Surprisingly, both Ace and Kenny pull off the LifeShield win. Timmy volunteers to go once again, much to the dismay of Alton who wants Davis to go in.

At the Inferno, Timmy is brought in, while Abram looks just to volunteer himself. The Inferno is simple. The guys are elevated in a glass box, given a steel ring, and have to break out of the glass box. If one of the panels of glass remained unbroken, they are DQed. There are three layers on each side, except the bottom layer which is the thickest.

It's a close competition, but Timmy breaks through the floor first. However, TJ Lavin informs our friend Timmy that when he went up to break the top panel, he stood up and popped one of the panels off without ever breaking it, therefore DQing Timmy and saving Abram.

Everyone is clearly disappointed and Timmy uses this opportunity to give a speech and retire from the Challenges. And in a first time ever, he gets a montage with footage from his Challenges and Road Rules USA Tour 2. Timmy joins an ever growing gaggle of castmembers who say they will never do another Challenge again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Inferno 3 Episode 10: Post your reactions here

It's a male Inferno day as the two court jesters of the teams are sent to the Inferno. Kenny (Fresh Meat) and Ace (Paris) have to win the LifeShield tonight in order to save themselves from the dreaded Inferno.

Post your reactions here in this blog.

Sydney wraps up production this week and cast is headed back to the States

Maybe it isn't a coincidence in the last two weeks of production, tiny leaks have begun to spring out from Australia regarding the seven strangers who shacked up there in early Spring.

MTV is Real is posting pictures of Kelly Ann (Sydney) and yet another unidentified castmember. The website also posts up the link to Kelly Ann's MySpace, which looks to have a picture of the cast in a bar as its default picture.

She also mentions that she'll be back in the States this coming weekend as her tagline, so this means that the castmembers are getting sentimental right as this blog is being typed up. This season of Real World will air this summer.

Where Are They Now? We get updated on Puck, Ruthie, and Jon

Yesterday, VH1 ran a special about former reality television stars and what they're up to now.

Puck (San Francisco) is still living in the San Fernando Valley. He's married to Betty, Bogart is now 5, and they have a new son, Rocco. He's doing odd jobs to support his family. One of his passions is photography. MM Agency reveals that Puck is in talks to do his own show on VH1.

Ruthie (Hawaii) is living in Los Angeles. She's an aspiring rapper/writer/poet/artist. We saw a glimpse of her performance last night. She still does promotional appearances about her experiences on the show. She does about 30 a year and talks about the dangers of alcohol abuse.

Jon (Los Angeles) is still living in Kentucky. He's singing and is a youth pastor at his local church. He still has aspirations of becoming the next Garth Brooks. Surprisingly, he says, his Real World-notoriety seems to be wearing off after 14 years. He is still a virgin, saving himself for marriage.

Monday, May 21, 2007

As its nineteenth season is in production, The Real World turns 15 today

Today is a historic moment for MTV.

It's longest running show, The Real World turns 15.

Only May 21, 1992, Andre, Becky, Eric, Heather, Julie, Kevin and Norman were introduced to the world, as seven, young wide-eyed aspiring musicians, artists, actors, and poets, who came to New York City to live a dream.

Fifteen years later, The Real World has visited eighteen different cities around the world, has had 130 different castmembers appear on the show, spanned two successful spin-offs, a made-for-TV movie, and now an upcoming miniseries, it shows no signs of slowing down.

Although the premise, look, and feel of the show may have changed, it still stays true to the formula of having seven 18 to 24 year-olds living in a loft, to record their every move, and to see how seven young people interact with each other in today's world.

With its 20th season on the horizon, The Real World has become MTV's longest running program. Congratulations to the creators, producers, crew, and castmembers of The Real World. It's been a great fifteen years.

Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas casting special showed first five minutes of first episode

If you caught the casting special that aired on Saturday of Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas you're caught up to the story of our Vegas seven strangers.

We were updated on the cast's lives, we relived some of Vegas's craziest moments, and we got an exclusive sneak peek of the upcoming season premiere which airs on Tuesday, May 30 at 10PM.

The episode showed the cast arriving at the Palms and meeting each other at the Suite. Frank (Las Vegas) and Steven (Las Vegas) met downstairs in the casino. Brynn (Las Vegas) and Irulan (Las Vegas) also met downstairs in the casino. The two girls met the two boys. Alton (Las Vegas) comes next and he's ecstatic to see the cast, even Irulan, his ex. Trishelle (Las Vegas) then walks through the door and the cast is astounded by how good/different she looks. Then, finally, we see Arissa (Las Vegas) moving up to the suite.

There's been a lot of tension surrounding Arissa ever since the cameras stopped filming five years ago. Alton and Irulan both publically stated that they were unhappy with Arissa after leaving the house. But this was years ago. Apparently, Arissa alienated herself from the rest of her cast, hasn't talked to anyone, and knows that she's "gonna have to have it out with Irulan." We have to wait until next week to see what happens.

On the season preview: Trishelle throws a bachelorette party for married mother of two Brynn, Irulan chases Steven through one of the newer Fantasy Suites, the cast plays casino games for a chance to win some real money, Irulan cries on the phone that she wants to go home, Frank throws a bottle at Steven's head, Irulan and Arissa have a major argument in a bar, Alton and Arissa having an argument about Arissa being put in the middle of Alton and Irulan's relationship.

There will be a Las Vegas marathon beginning next Saturday, May 26 at 7pm.

"Where Are They Now?" Reality TV Edition airs tonight on VH1

Tonight, VH1 is airing a special called "Where Are They Now?": Reality TV Edition. The special is scheduled to air at 10PM.

We know that Jon (Los Angeles) filmed a segment for the show, while he was performing at a bar in Kentucky. We also know that Ruthie (Hawaii) filmed a segment for the show as well. Ruthie is currently living in Los Angeles. No confirmation as to whether or not their segments will be included, but they were filmed.

Catch up on some of your favorite reality alumni tonight and see what's up with those castmembers that you don't hear so much about.