I don't wrestle... I fucking beat bitches up. -Coral (Inferno II)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, March 04, 2006

We're still collecting MySpace pages of castmembers

By all odds, this is most likely not complete, but in order to expedite the process of collecting MySpace information, we're going to post the current list of castmember MySpaces that have been sent into us. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE: If you see that a castmember is missing from our list, contact us at newrwroad@hotmail.com or use our contact form. The list will eventually be incorporated into our menu, so don't worry about having to save the list. Here it is:

The list has been incorporated into the menu. Please look to the left for the list.

TVGuide cheers Alton for her superb performance at Challenges; Jodi and Alton's relationship takes a step further

Alton (Las Vegas) current leader of the Male Rookies and avid climber is mentioned in this upcoming week's edition of TVGuide. While TVGuide didn't seem to know whether or not Alton makes it to the end, they mention his performance against Jeremy (South Pacific) as proof that Alton should be crowned King of the Gauntlet (if there were such a thing).

Speaking of the Gauntlet, Monday marks yet another new episode of the Gauntlet II. Again, the following are spoilers for the episode. If you want to figure out what happens in this and future episodes, highlight the following text:

As we see in the previews for the episode, Jodi (Extreme) and Alton's relationship is thoroughly examined as the end nears. While there are many criticizing the relationship because of its ephemeral nature, Alton and Jodi contemplate their fate after they leave Trindad and Tobago. Now since it is a Male Gauntlet Day, Derrick (Extreme) and Alton are both up on the chopping block. While we're not 100% sure, it seems like this will be a victory for the Rookies. In that case, expect Derrick to face off against Brad (San Diego). Although Derrick has shown a lot of heart, expect Brad to send Derrick home.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

We're collecting MySpace pages of castmembers of Real World, Road Rules

Since we've received a tremendous amount of requests to list the MySpace accounts of castmembers, we've decided to comply... We posted a short blurb listing all the MySpace accounts of the Key West castmembers. (All seven have one.) So, we're currently searching for any MySpace accounts for all Real World and Road Rules castmembers. Take time to email us at newrwroad@hotmail.com or use the contact form to submit the web addresses of known MySpace profiles.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Key West season premiere was last night and will heavily focus on Paula's issues and a potential hook up with Svetlana and Zach

The Real World: Key West premiered last night to a special one-hour season premiere that introduced us to the seven strangers. Suprisingly, the cast was scheduled to move in when Hurricane Katrina hit. Most of the cast shacked up in hotels in Miami, waiting to move into the house. (Paula and Jose even met in Miami to drive down in the house car to Key West.)

While this season is brand new and spiffy, there already seems to be a variety of storylines developing from this first episode. The most dramatic being Paula's issues with eating. Although the issue has been explored before, the cast has never been so upfront about it. And although John seemed to be the life of the house, he also seemed to be at odds with Paula. Also, definitely look for Svetlana to encounter some tension with Zach as their "will they" or "won't they" status heats up. The tension between the girls will also come to fruition as Janelle, Svetlana and Paula will really start to not get along as the season continues. And don't forget Tyler, who fully admits to have an abrasive personality and will eventually clash with his fellow roommates. So, one hour into it and the fights are raring to start.

Overdrive Episode Summary
Beth S. (Los Angeles) | Monday February 27, 2006

Blair (The Quest) started off by asking Beth about the girls that always want Beth off the challenges. Beth says it's because they were afraid of her and no one liked her. She named Veronica (Semester At Sea), Rachel (Campus Crawl), Ruthie (Hawaii), Montana (Boston) and Aneesa (Chicago). Then she was asked about the Gauntlet. Beth claims the reason she didn't want to go up against Aneesa was because she thought getting oiled up & wrestling around was degrading. Then Beth claimed that she has never been in last place. Again, it is because no one likes her and everyone is afraid of her.

Beat Blair Challenge

This really wasn't too much of a Beat Blair Challenge. He basically made a little wheel of a handful of people on the current challenge and told Beth to talk as much about them as she could. As follows:

Jodi (Extreme): Beth says she is trying to be the next Tonya (Chicago). She sleeps around with the captain's to stay there longer. First she slept with Adam (The Quest), then Alton (Las Vegas), then back to Adam because it was fun, then back to Alton again.

Derrick (Extreme): Aspiring model, but looks 45 because he is an alcoholic. Puffy, "swelly", passes out naked, stupid, drinks himself to oblivion. Hair plugs were also mentioned.

Ruthie: Like Derrick, has a drinking problem. Looks for acceptance because of the drinking problem, is dumb and a bad captain.

Aneesa: Her strategy is working well, which is sleeping with everyone in the house to stay. Was taking showers with Jisela (The Quest), then started coming on to Derrick. Derrick felt good because he thought he got Aneesa away from munching carpet.

(Please remember these are the opinions of Beth only.)

Wheel of Truth - "What if?"

If you were stranded on an island, what one RW/RR-er would you want to be stranded with? Eric (New York). He's sexy. He's the reason I auditioned for the Real World.

If you could live one day as someone else, who would it be as? Eric's girlfriend.

Wheel of Truth - Word 4 Word

Jodi: slut
Tonya: slut
Ruthie: slut
Louis Vuitton: Waterproof
Veronica: tramp
Rachel: penis (She went on to say how she strongly believes Rachel has a penis.)
Eric: sexy
Blair: so cute

Wheel of Truth - Ask Blair

Blair says 3 nice things about Beth: she's his favorite guest, uncompromised opinions, and she gives him $419 after the show. (?)

The Shit You Didn't See

The funniest one is the men on the Veteran's team talking about banging Beth. First it was put on Mark (USA Tour 1). Mark said no. Then David (Seattle) said that if he did it, how much of the winning money would he get. Because he has to have some kind of incentive to have sex with her. He doesn't want to be left with only a bad memory.

Then most of the veteran team does a little thing on what's the best thing about Beth. Derrick says its because they have no more fat people on the team who suck. A few others are: glad she's gone because she can't perform and is a social retard. Robin (San Diego) says the best thing about Beth is that she is gone and can use the phone more. Aneesa said that the words "best" and "Beth" don't even go in the same sentence.

Thanks to Amber for this Overdrive recap!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lori is singing live at the Highland Grounds in Hollywood

Lori (Back to New York) will be singing live in Hollywood this Saturday. For those of you who are in the area, she is performing at the Highland Grounds located on Highland Avenue, just north of Melrose. (Only those over 21 are admitted.) Lori recently returned to her singing roots after a short break. You can check out her MySpace for more information on her more current work.

Dan posts some pictures of the Real World Key West on his website

Dan has posted some photos of the Real World Key West house on his site. He took them while filming the move-in special for MTV. Check out the colorful house and Dan's colorful descriptions here.