C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
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Inferno 2
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Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, December 08, 2006

Aftershow: Aneesa joins Blair in a very revealing showing this week in the Aftershow

Aneesa said this Challenge is the first in which she had to rely on herself to get through it. She liked the team concept better than individual. They talk about Beth (Los Angeles) and how she couldn't hold any ill feelings toward her. She called Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth "slim pickings."

She talks about the fight that she had with Robin (San Diego). She couldn't believe what was coming out of Robin's mouth. The talk they had goes nowhere, but she gets to pull Robin into the Duel. She says that she needs to be the female Derrick (Extreme) to pull off a win.

The Basket Game:

Svetlana (Key West): "I wish you were a lesbian. I hate her douchebag boyfriend Martin, but they broke up, I think."

Casey (Fresh Meat): "I love Casey. She gives great blowjobs."

Evan (Fresh Meat): He was playing Jodi (Extreme) and Robin. "They definitely had sex on the Challenge."

Jodi (Extreme): She tried to make out with her. Cries a lot when she's drunk.

Kenny (Fresh Meat): The funniest, most uncoordinated person she's ever met. But he's fabulous.

The Sh$* You Didn't See: CT (Paris) and Evan playing with the food. The cast singing/scatting in the car. CT puts fart powder in coffee and gives it to Aneesa.

Duel Episode #9: Robin mouths off when she's drunk, pisses off Aneesa, and it sends them to the Duel

This episode begins with the cast dancing at a club. Robin (San Diego) declares that she's "drunk as a skunk". They get back to the house and she attacks Aneesa (Chicago). This sets off Aneesa. Even Kina (Extreme) is surprised at Robin's outburst.

Aneesa is visibly upset after the confrontation. Brad (San Diego) denounces Robin's actions and tries to distance himself from her. Robin sobers up and says that in all the Challenges she's been in, she can't figure Aneesa out. Aneesa declares that she is done with Robin.

The first challenge is a eating challenge. They're split into two groups. The winning team moves on the next heat. CT (Paris) wins, but is DQed. Evan (Fresh Meat) wins the hockey package. The cast throws up.

Diem (Fresh Meat) wins the Challenge. Then the show is edited to show that Brad has a big decisino to make in whether or not he should pick Robin. He, of course, picks Robin. This pisses off Aneesa. Wes (Austin) is left to pick Aneesa and of course she picks Robin.

They choose Ascender. Robin has trouble releasing the puzzle pieces and this gives Aneesa a huge advantage. Robin is leaving Buzios.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Duel Spoiler Alert: It's a girls Duel day today and a rift between Aneesa and Robin send them to the Duel

Tonight is yet another episode of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel.

If you missed the trailer for this week's episode, you can check it out on a previous post. This week, the girls are up for elimination, which of course, has tensions running high throughout the cast. For whatever reason, which we don't know if it happens before or after the mission, Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) get into an argument because Robin (San Diego) tells Aneesa to choose a side when it comes to her sexuality.

Whether or not this causes tension during selection is unclear. To find out whahappens, highlight this blurb:

Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) are actually picked to go into the Duel against each other. Capping off the argument the two have, Aneesa is able to send Robin packing, further perserving whatever was left of the "tenderoni" alliance and putting a dent in the "drama mafia."

Don't forget, the Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Aftershow: Lacey joins Saul in the Fishbowl where Davis joins to explain himself

Lacey (Austin) is joining Saul this week to talk about the new episode of The Real World. Lacey, by the way, is opening her own salon in Florida. Congratulations to her.

Davis (Denver) joins the show and he gives his own explanation of what happened. He says that this happened the second night they got there. He blames the free drinks, the high altitude, and his drinking problems.

The situation just escalated when they were trying to calm down because they kept taunting each other. Davis calls the night one of the worst nights of his life. He said the n-word to hurt Tyrie because he thought he was leaving.

He says that he's learned a lot, he's grown a lot. He appreciates the experience. Lacey makes the comparison to Nehemiah (Austin) and Rachel's (Austin) fight about the war in Iraq.

Then they move on. He was excited to be the gay guy on the show to break the stereotypes that people have of gay people. He said he wanted to go home because he felt like he negated any positivity that he potentially could spread. He then thought about it for more than a second and knew it would be worse if he had left.

Lacey (Austin) will be joining Saul next week with special guest Tyrie.

RW Denver Episode #4: When drunk, Davis goes off the deep end and the roommates get into a group confrontation

The cast begins the episode by going out. Tyrie (Denver) mentions that he has an alter ego in which he doesn't want to come out. Foreshadowing, anyone?

Davis (Denver) drinks a lot in a very short amount of time and decides to go home because he's not having a very good time. While leaving, Stephen (Denver) is called the n-word by a bouncer. For some reason, probably because he's drunk, Stephen mentions that he's pissed off at Davis for leaving.

Stephen explains to Tyrie why it's unfair for Davis to leave. Tyrie yells at Davis to get out of the tub. And then while Davis tries to walk away, Tyrie begins to get even angrier at Davis. The two begin to start shoving each other, all the while the girls are watching in the tub. Tyrie gets really angry and starts insulting Davis. Brooke (Denver) and Colie try to break up the fight between them, while Davis tells Tyrie to hit him so he can be sent home.

The two finally break it apart. Davis goes back and taunts Tyrie. Stephen then comes in and explains why he was angry at Davis. All the while, tensions between Tyrie and Davis are still at it. Colie then mentions that Davis is the one who keeps getting into the roommate's faces. Davis then confronts Tyrie crying while one of the producers intervenes between the two. Davis then says he can't live in the house anymore and gets on the phone he yells to the house that he's going home because of Tyrie, who he then calls the n-word.

Davis leaves the house to stay in a hotel for a night. Brooke asks Tyrie how he's feeling. She too agrees that Davis is in the wrong. Tyrie says he's over it, but he won't be able to forget it. Davis returns home to the open arms of Jenn (Denver). The house has a meeting and Davis personally apologizes to Tyrie. Davis announces to the house that he's leaving, blaming his alcohol problem.

Jenn immediately starts to cry. Tyrie doesn't care and looks like he's bored. Stephen attempts to convince him to stay. Then, Tyrie steps in and tells him that they would be able to work things out if he did stay, although he wouldn't care about him leaving. stephen attempts to befriend Davis to teach him about race issues. Tyrie apologizes to him and wants him to stay, which Davis says that he already made the decision to.

Next Week: Tyrie is juggling two women and he defends Davis when someone confronts him in a club.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tonight - RW Denver Episode #4: Will the drama continue this week or slow down now that the honeymoon is over?

Every season, we're usually presented with a situation in which there's a lot of action/drama/controversy. It's pretty much a rite of passage for each season of The Real World. (Anyone remember Ruthie (Hawaii) having alcohol poisoning? Steven (Las Vegas) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) hooking up in Frank's (Las Vegas) lap? Danny (Austin) getting punched in the face by a local at a bar?)

Well, it's also been somewhat tradition that the cast settles in and begins that awkward phase of getting to know each other. Then we get a couple of episodes where someone temporarily gains a conscience or finds themselves in a 30-minute episode. Well, this season, the fourth of the series, doesn't seem to let up.

After the fiasco that was Alex (Denver), Colie (Denver) and Jenn (Denver), Davis (Denver) and Tyrie (Denver) will be getting a lot more airtime tonight, as an altercation between Davis and Tyrie (that almost seems to be the same one that Nehemiah (Austin) and Danny (Austin) got into...), leads to heated tension between the two. While the preview doesn't show much in terms of a coherent storyline, Tyrie gets angry at a presumably drunk Davis and the two may have hit each other or one hit the other. It's not entirely clear.

However, we see Davis on the phone, crying because he may have to go home because of Tyrie. (He didn't use those words either.) It's a good episode. Don't forget to catch it tonight only on MTV.

Update: So, here's a brief synopsis of tonight's show. Tyrie explodes when Davis leaves Stephen at a club. Davis gets really upset and calls Tyrie the n-word, which also causes Davis to announce he's leaving the house. The next day, Davis sobers up and still makes the same announcement and also says that he's going to seek treatment for his alcohol abuse.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another campus paper, this time American University, profiles Aviv and her selection to be on Fresh Meat

Hot on the heels of the other story we reported on yesterday, another school newspaper, this time at American University in Washington DC, has profiled Aviv (Fresh Meat).

While the last article profiled her win and her selection from being in the larger pool of trying to get on Key West, this article talks in length about her time serving in the Israeli Defense Force. If you didn't know, Aviv went to Israel to serve in their army.

It's a pretty interesting read, check it out at this website.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Inferno III Master Spoiler Thread: Who's on this Challenge, who's in the finals, and who wins

It's that time of the year again. No, not the holidays. Well before the season will even air, we bring you the details of the fourteenth season of The Real World Road Rules Challenge.

These are major spoilers, so if you don't want to know, stop reading!

These are the teams, under the Good Guys/Bad Asses theme used in the Inferno II:

Team Good Guys

Alton (Las Vegas)
Ace (Paris)
Rachel (Austin)
John (Key West)
Paula (Key West)
Colie (Denver)
Davis (Denver)
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Susie (Australia)
Cara (South Pacific)
Team Bad Asses

Aneesa (Chicago)
Tonya (Chicago)
CT (Paris)*
Danny (Austin)
Janelle (Key West)
Jenn (Denver)
Tyrie (Denver)
Abram (South Pacific)
Evelyn (Fresh Meat)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)

Now, for the finalists and to find out which team ends up taking the competition. Highlight the small blurb to read who ends up taking the competition.

A small note (*) before we continue. CT (Paris) is kicked off early on for what has only been described as a "fight" so far. He's replaced with Derrick (Extreme). (This is how Derrick was able to drive Katie (The Quest) from LA to Chicago when the cast was flying out to the Challenge.)

The final Good Guys team is Alton, Ace, Johnny, Paula, Susie, and Cara. The final Bad Asses ends up as Aneesa, Tonya, Janelle, Derrick, Abe, Evelyn, and Kenny.

Rectifying their loss on the Inferno II, the Bad Asses pull off a win.

Again, just a quick update for those of you out of the loop. Castmembers left for this Challenge beginning on October 15. The location of the Challenge is in Cape Town, South Africa. There's no official airdate scheduled for this Challenge. But, this Challenge should start airing immediately after the Duel wraps. That would be in Spring 2007.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Aviv, Winner of the Fresh Meat Challenge, is featured in her school's newspaper

Ever wondered what happened to Aviv (Fresh Meat)? Granted, it's been only a couple of months since her win on the Fresh Meat Challenge, but she hasn't signed on again to do the next two Challenges: The Inferno III and Fresh Meat 2.

So what is the Columbus, Ohio resident up to these days? Ohio State University's newspaper, the Lantern, did a profile on Aviv and her winning ways. Check out the article here.

Some cool facts the article lets us in on: Like the other Fresh Meaters, she was trying out for a spot on Key West. Aviv actually auditioned with her brother, but she made it to the finals. They also list what Aviv won on the Challenge: 32-inch flat screen TV, a five-disc DVD player, free Netflix for one year, $1,500 on an individual challenge, and the grand prize of $125,000. Who would sign up for another Challenge after taking home all that?