C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, May 06, 2005

Old School versus New School may be based on age not Challenge appearances

There are rumors flying around that the new challenge, Old School vs. New School, will be based on age not on how many challenges someone has been on or when their show aired. Check back for more updates.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Austin cast is profiled in Austin Magazine which is replicated here online

Props go out to RealWorldAustin.com, who replicated an article in AUSTIN magazine which has photos and bios of the new season. Check out the thread here. The seven roommates set to join Real World alumni are:

Melinda, 21-year-old beauty from the midwest, an ugly duckling turned swan and aspiring dentist. She says she will try anything once.

Rachel, a sexy and libidinous Iraqi war veteran, age 21, from Philadelphia. Will she remain loyal to her boyfriend?

Johanna, 21, a stunnin, highly motivated and fiery Peruvian who moved to the US when she was 13. Does she know how to get whatever she wants?

Lacey, an anachronism, was sheltered from television, moves, music, and dancing while growing up in Florida. What will she think of Austin?

Nehemiah, a charismatic graduate from the school of hard knocks, seeks friends and a better life. Can The Real World help him?

Wes, age 20, frat boy, jock, super competitive, bright guy with an entrepreneurial furture. Will this be the guy we love to hate?

Danny, die-hard Bostonian, sensitive and himble, isn't sure he wants to ever leave home. Bet we change his mind!

The site actually has had names and pictures of the cast for a while now. But this is the first time an actual publication recognizes the cast by their names. Welcome Melinda, Rachel, Johanna, Lacey, Nehmeiah, Wes and Danny to The Real World!

CT is also a model in addition to his daily duties as a Bad Ass

If you read this blog then you already know that CT is a bad ass but did you know that he's a model? Check it out here.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Karamo and Willie accept the award for Outstanding Reality Television Series from GLAAD

Karamo (Philadelphia) and Willie (Philadelphia) accepted the award for Outstanding Reality Television Series on behalf of the producers of The Real World at the GLAAD media awards in Los Angeles on Saturday night. Check out the pictures here.

Austin Monthly Magazine publishes photos of the Austin house

The June issue of Austin Monthly Magazine features photos of the Real World Austin house. If you can't pick up a copy there are pictures posted at RWAustin.com. Check them out here.