I love your site because it does not offer opinions on anyone, just facts as you learn them. It's very refreshing. -Lori (Back to New York)
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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Mike needs your vote to advance in Tough Enough; Katie reviews the Battle of the Sexes; Angela auditioned for American Idol

It's that time again already! Time to vote! Mike (Back to New York) is on another reality television show, this time in the running to win $1 million dollars. He's a participant in WWE's latest Tough Enough competition. And how do these Tough Enough competitors win? Well, by your vote! Send Mike to the million dollar prize by voting for him at Tough Enough's website. Although he is one of the smallest guys there, the Miz is sure to win! Go vote now!

Katie (The Quest) is doing some interesting reviews of the Battle over at Inside Pulse. She even gives inside information on some secret alliances the girls may be forming.

And there's some interesting information I received from a fan Darlene. Now, I don't know if this is true, but it's worth posting to see if it actually is. Darlene was flipping through old tapes of American Idol, Season 1. And lo and behold, there was a blonde Angela (Xtreme) auditioning for Simon, Paula and Randy. Is this true?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Eric is jumping rope and selling those ropes

Who knew jumping rope could be so damn fun.

Jacinda's role in Bridget Jones Diary will be on the big screen relatively soon

With scores of magazine articles done on Jacinda (London) and Ladder 49 ending its run on US screens relatively soon, Bridget Jones Diary: Edge of Reason will hit US in a limited release on November 12. This was bumped up by studio execs who felt that the film would benefit from an early limited release, creating buzz about the film. Jacinda plays Rebecca in the film, a co-worker of Bridget. It's rumored that Bridget (Renee Zellweger) and Rebecca will share an odd relationship at points, even sharing a semi-erotic kiss that has been described as "gentle, but hot".

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Timmy, Steven, Coral will be on the Fishbowl today

If you are itching to hear from Timmy (USA Tour 1), Steven (Las Vegas), or Coral (Back to New York), check out the Fishbowl today. Timmy and Steven will be on Trishelle's show at 12:00 p.m.(pt). Coral will be on for a live chat at 7:00 p.m.(pt).

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Melissa says that the next Challenge with be Naughty vs. Nice

An idea of Jonathan Murray, mentioned by Melissa (New Orleans) on her website, it looks like the next season will be Battle of Naughty and Nice. A group of sixty castmembers have appeared on MTV.com asking you to vote castmembers either naughty or nice. Check it out yourself. It's on the BOTS2 Main Page.


Theo posts on his experience with the Battle of the Sexes 2

What would the second Battle of the Sexes be without golf carts, betrayal, and a little romance. Check out Theo's post here to find out about the stuff that you didn't see on last night's episode.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Tomorrow is Election Day; Get out and Vote

Vote Tuesday. It's Easy.

Tomorrow is November 2, Election Day. The day you get out and vote.

Voting is easy-here's what you need to know before you head to the polls.

Bring an ID.
Not sure what you need? Click here.

Vote in the morning, lines are shorter.

Bring 5 friends to keep you company.

Have no fear -- the machines are easy.

Forget your polling place? No problem, find it here:

Make a mistake? Just ask for a new ballot and vote.

Not on the list? Ask for a provisional ballot and vote.

In line when the polls close? Don't worry--you still get to vote.

Get legal help at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Report to NBC at 1-866-MYVOTE1.

Check out www.rockthevote.com for voting tips, compare the candidates, and an overview of the issues.

Polls show a dead heat.
Tomorrow, you pick the winner.

Take 5 friends and vote like you've never voted before.
And remember: Bring Your ID.

It was only by 1725 votes last time. More people visit this webpage everyday. Get out and vote.

Mallory is in the latest A&F catalog; Cara caused a reporter to lose his job

Mallory (Paris) is in the latest edition of the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. She appears on the internet at this photo which was lifted out of the catalog. And to clarify from the last Mal post... she is dating David Blaine, the magician, not musician.

And it seems that Cara (South Pacific) caused a little bit of controversy in her hometown as a piece was done on her in the local Toledo broadcast. A local news legend has resigned as a result of a story he did on Cara. Take a look at the link here.