I always enjoy the updates on your site, they are very informative and often entertaining. -Trishelle (Las Vegas)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Six Days of Road Rulers: The Quest's Adam is back to create some trouble

Adam Larson
Road Rules The Quest

Age: 28
Hometown: Exeter, NH/Grosse Pointe, MI/Wickford, RI
Currently: Santa Monica, CA
Challenges: Battle of the Seasons, Gauntlet and the Gauntlet II
Challenge Record: 1-2
Elimination Round Record: 0-1

Adam came to Road Rules as the cocky persona who would haphazardly lead his team to victory with his unorthodox leadership style. Probably most remembered for his ADD, he started a relationship with fellow castmember Ellen (The Quest) which seemed to cause friction in the RV.

Later, he appeared on Battle of the Seasons with Jisela (The Quest) only to be voted off early in the game. He returned to win the Gauntlet in which he never went to the Gauntlet. Later, he tried his luck in the Gauntlet II, in which he was made the team captain, to be sent home first by tough Challenge competitor Derrick (Extreme).

Friday, January 26, 2007

A brand new Road Rules fan site opens and has an exclusive interview with David of the Pit Crew

Since Road Rules has been in hiatus for a couple of years, interest in it has died down. What does this mean? No real fan sites. So, a brand new fansite opened up at www.roadrulesrevenge.com.

The site is still in its infintile stages and it's only been open for a couple of days. But the site has contacted David (Viewers Revenge) and has set up an exclusive interview with him at the site.

The interview reveals pretty interesting things about him, like he sent like 40 casting tapes a month, his mom loves Road Rules, and his dad didn't exactly approve of the casting process. Check it out, it's worth your time.

Six Days of Road Rulers: Shane is back for another round of RV tripping

Shane Landrum
Road Rules Campus Crawl

Age: 25
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Currently: Chicago, IL
Challenges: Battle of the Sexes, Inferno, Battle of the Sexes 2, and Fresh Meat
Challenge Record: 0-4
Elimination Round Record: 0-2

Growing up in a military family was tough for Shane. Prior to coming on the show, Shane came out to his mother and he remembered the experience because he was constantly throwing up out the car window. Although he may have been ridiculed as a child for being gay, Shane grew to be a lovable part of his cast and a popular castmember on the show. He made it to the end of the season without being voted off and walked away with a trip around the world.

On the Challenges, Shane made it quite far in both Battles that he participated in, he missed the finals by two or three spots each time. On the Inferno, he was sent home by powerhouse CT (Paris), while on the Fresh Meat Challenge, Shane and Linette (Fresh Meat) were sent home by another powerhouse Wes (Austin) and Casey (Fresh Meat).

Duel Reunion: Things turn up differently in a somewhat re-edited reunion

It was interesting to see the Duel reunion in its final product and then to see it as it was filmed over at MTV.com. The surprise that they pointed to when Susie signed off the air last week, was in fact, Tina (South Pacific).

After Tina said that she wouldn't show up to the show, she did. In fact, this part of the reunion was left out of the online version, as the show switched to an offline feed saying that they were undergoing technical difficulties. Susie announced that Beth (Los Angeles) had to leave the stage because Beth refused to be in the same room with Tina. Tina was actually rather diplomatic about the incident, not really being as boisterous as she usually is. She did not apologize or offer remorse though. It was a bit awkward having Tina there, as all she came to talk about was how she hit Beth.

Some other major details that were important: Wes (Austin) and Johanna (Austin) did not get engaged. The two bought a house in Arizona, a bar in Los Angeles, and Wes is actually going back to school at ASU. They decided that they wanted to have Wes finish school before they commit to marriage, and they're still happily together. Jodi (Extreme) bought a condo in Virginia and donated some of the money to a charity close to her.

Svetlana (Key West) gave herself a pat on the back for coming so far after being such a huge underdog. Brad (San Diego) also gave himself a pat on the back, although he really would've loved to win the money for his company Rockstar Racing.

Then the fights: Svetlana and Beth got into it because Beth accused Svetlana of being hypocritical for calling out Kina (Extreme) when she cried when she lost the Duel, as Svetlana did the same thing with her. Svetlana jumped at the chance to ridicule Beth and you could tell the two are no longer friends.

Then talk turned to Beth and Nehemiah (Austin) and that relationship. CT (Paris) poked fun at Beth and then Beth tried to turn it around on him and Diem (Fresh Meat), which sent Diem into a spin. The two accused each other of being fake, with it ending pretty quickly.

Aside from that, there was minor talk of other things. Aneesa (Chicago) mentioned how she grew up and got along with Beth. She also talked about her dislike of Robin (San Diego) for a bit, especially for what she said in Buzios. Jodi talked about her shortlived fling with Evan (Fresh Meat), which Evan also spent a small amount of time on. CT talked about his loss and how disappointing it was.

Keep on watching for the next Challenge: The Inferno III in Cape Town, South Africa.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Six Days of Road Rulers: Abram is back after a short absence from the Challenges

Abram Boise
Road Rules South Pacific

Age: 23
Hometown: Bozeman, MT
Currently: Los Angeles, CA
Challenges: Gauntlet, Inferno, Battle of the Sexes II, and the Inferno II
Challenge Record: 1-3
Elimination Round Record: 1-1

Having nine brothers and sisters may have not helped Abram stand out as a child, but he quickly grew into a loud, rambunctious personality that caught the eye of many. Having grown up in Montana, Abram admitted to having lived somewhat of a sheltered life that was soon challenged by the likes of his castmates like Cara (South Pacific). While he had a rough time adjusting to his fellow travel companions, things eventually came to a boil when he hit Donell (South Pacific) mid-trip and was sent home.

In the Gauntlet, the Miz (Back to New York) sent him home after a friendly rivalry in the "Knock Your Block Off" competition. He was a little more successful in the Inferno where his team dominated and he made it to the end and won. He was sent home at the Battle of the Sexes II, but came back for the Inferno II to beat Brad (San Diego) in an Inferno and make it to the finale, but only to be beaten by the Good Guys.

Duel Reunion airs on MTV tonight with special footage that is not on MTV.com

The Reunion episode of the Duel airs tonight. Many people have already seen it over on Overdrive, where MTV has put up the LIVE show that they aired online last week following the final episode of the Duel.

If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, be sure to catch the Reunion tonight. Susie and the commercials also promised additional footage that was not on the MTV.com version. They also said something about Tina (South Pacific) making an appearance in footage or something of the sort.

Be sure to check out the reunion, edited with new footage that has never before been seen on MTV tonight at 10pm.

Inside Pulse is bringing you Tyler who is reviewing the Denver episodes and Evan who brings you Road Rules

Inside Pulse always brings several castmembers take on different episodes and posts them so we can see how an alumni conveys the experience that is going on screen.

This time around, Evan (Fresh Meat) is reviewing Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge giving you his take on the new season. And Tyler (Key West) is reviewing episodes of his show, The Real World: Denver.

You can check out Evan's review here, while Tyler's review is here. Enjoy!

Denver Aftershow: Dan joins Saul to talk with Alex about the Outward Bound Episode

Dan (Miami) begins talking about the various illnesses in the show. Dan says that for the most part, the sicknesses were not legitimate. Colie (Denver) is going out with Adam, the Outward Bound guide. Alex (Denver) says that there's a long standing policy against interns and guides hooking up. Alex says that Colie enjoys being in the company of men, not sexually. This is the third relationship Colie has pursued in the series.

Alex claims that Davis (Denver) and Stephen (Denver) had legitimate excuses for not making it to Outward Bound, but Brooke (Denver). Alex makes no decision about Brooke's faking it or not faking it. Dan then makes a comment about Challenges and how he's been busy the past couple of Challenges, but he's open to do more in the future.

He guesses that Brooke not being there made it easier to do Outward Bound. Alex also says that the most difficult part is juggling strengths and weaknesses and working together with them. Dan talks about his own camping experience on Miami where they went to a deserted island in the Bahamas, and how his whole cast loved it, even Cynthia. Alex feels the closest to Stephen and Tyrie (Denver). The hottest girl according to Alex: Brooke is Ginger, Colie is Maryanne, and Jenn is the sexpot.

Denver Episode 12: Brooke gets out of work, Colie ends up with the man of her dreams, Davis and Stephen join the fun

Last night's episode should have been themed, "Outward Bound Sucks". Brooke (Denver) makes it clear that she doesn't want to go on the trip once again. She complains that she'd rather die than have to spend five days sleeping outside. While her desire is imminently clear, she also somehow manages to roll her foot when chasing Davis (Denver) around the house. She concludes that she has to go to the doctor soon.

Meanwhile, Colie (Denver) is falling desperately in love with the Outward Bound Guide she met on the trip. Remember, she spent the night "flirting" with him when she was confined to camp because of her mono? Well, he calls her back telling her that he can't see her anymore because of Outward Bound. She's upset.

Brooke somehow manages to make it to the doctor and the doctor actually give her a note that says that she's not to do any physical activity (hiking, running, etc) for the next seven days. Brooke is elated.

Colie gets an email from her Outward Bound guide telling her that he's quit the job for her. The two meet up in an art show and are excited about exploring their relationship even though Colie is in an open relationship at home.

The group then goes to the local supermarket to buy food for the trip. Jenn (Denver) thinks Brooke is faking it because she's wearing heels with her brace. She begins to get on her nerves.

The cast makes it up to the mountain. Meanwhile, Davis is visibly sick. Once they make it up to the mountain, Davis immediately throws up. When they convene for a quick talk, Davis, Stephen (Denver), and Brooke all make it clear that they're not in their top physical shape. They're sent to get a doctor's clearance, along with Colie to clear her for her mono. The only one to pass is Colie, so Davis, Stephen and Brooke are sent home for the day or at least until they get better.

Then the best shot of the night, as the four who stayed in the mountains are climbing rocks and sleeping in the middle of nowhere with a flimsy shelter, you have Brooke and Stephen in the hot tub at night, drinking. Priceless.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Six Days of Road Rulers: Extreme's Kina is the newest alumni of the group

Here at the Blog, we're going to spend the next six days with bios of each of the alumni who are appearing on the upcoming Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge.

Road Rules' Kina
Kina Dean
Road Rules Extreme

Age: 23
Hometown: Pennsville, New Jersey
Currently: Boston, Massachusetts
Challenges: Battle of the Sexes II, Gauntlet II, and The Duel
Challenge Record: 1-2
Elimination Round Record: 3-1

Kina came to the Road Rules scene as a vivacious, flirtacious, sensual girl who was looking to have fun and creating a bit of drama on her own. Raised by her grandparents when her mother was incapacitated by a brain aneruysm, Kina went on to attend the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She graduated with a degree on psychology and hopes to someday help children.

On her season, she bonded closely with her team, only to be sent home by a random process when her cast chose to draw names from a hat. She returned for a short-lived appearance on the Battle of the Sexes II only to be voted off quickly because of her newbie status. Later on, in the Gauntlet II, she ascended through the ranks of her team to earn the distinction of team captain throughout the whole series, sending three girls home. In the Duel, Kina narrowly missed the final five girls by being upset by underdog Svetlana (Key West).

She is currently dating Randy (San Diego). Can Kina maintain her impressive elimination record and pull off another win? Or will she be doomed to a life on the pit crew?

Tune in tomorrow when we catch up with Abram (South Pacific).

Check out Road Rules every Tuesday on MTV at 9PM.

Denver episode: Brooke rages against Outward Bound while Colie wants to warm up to it

Tonight, the roomies are grappling with returning to Outward Bound, their jobs as guides for Hurricane Katrina survivors. Colie (Denver) is told that she can't see the Outward Bound guide that she began a flirty relationship with and Brooke (Denver) seems to be looking for an excuse to get out of the job. It looks like an interesting episode.

Don't forget to check out the next episode of The Real World: Denver airing tonight at 10PM. Afternoon sneak airs at 4:30PM. Check your local listings.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Viewers' Revenge will have a host, Drew Bell, which signifies that the show's format will be heavily altered

During the Launch Special, Susie Castillo briefly introduced Drew Bell, the new host of Road Rules.

Who is Drew Bell? Here's his IMDB listing. It's pretty scarce and you may not know who he is. He's not the soap actor with the same name. That's a different Drew Bell.

This Drew Bell was formerly on MTV's short-lived show "Call to Greatness". The show aired early last year and it featured five friends trying to break several world records, most of them pretty wacky. It was a "Jackass"-like show where he played the Johnny Knoxville role.

Now he's the Road Rules host. No word on what kind of role he'll take on the show. Maybe he'll interact with the castmembers, maybe he'll take a Challenge-like role and just referee the eliminations, or maybe he'll be a full-on host. Stay tuned.

Road Rules website on MTV.com is updated to include blogs by each castmember

The website is a long time coming. Finally, MTV has revealed their website around this Viewers' Revenge season.

Most appropriately, they have blogs written by each castmember. So far, the alumni have been updating you on what they're doing, how they were casted, and what they are looking forward to in the near future. The "Pit Crew" mostly talks crap about the alumni cast and looks forward to going to the Elimination Arena to face the cast.

So far, it's pretty much the extent of the new website. Susie promised more and I'm sure more is on it's way. The interactive portion of the site has even yet to come online, so look for that in the next few days.

Launch Special: The alumni meet the pit crew and Road Rules finally returns to the airwaves

The following is a recap of the Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge Launch Special that has not yet aired at its normal time at 9PM PST. If you don't want to read the review, please skip this post.

Susie Castillo brings us back to the TRL studios where they filmed the Launch Special "reunion style" with the cast around a couch. She introduced Kina (Extreme), Abram (South Pacific), Veronica (Semester at Sea), Shane (Campus Crawl), Adam (The Quest) and Susie (Down Under.

Then there's this huge montage of the six alumni showing them at their own seasons.

Susie asks them after seeing the footage, what do they think of the trip. Susie thinks that it's time to get Road Rules back.

Susie then addresses some past conflicts with the alumni. Susie and Kina butted heads on the Gauntlet 2. The two are ready to start fresh and they're excited to get to know each other in new circumstances.

Susie then brings up the sexual tension between Abram and Veronica in the Gauntlet where they hooked up in the shower with Rachel (Campus Crawl). Veronica says been there, done that.

Now, the rules: There are 6 alumni, 8 "pit crew" members. After the first mission, a guy and girl are nominated by the cast. The viewers then choose who of the two are going in the elimination round. They choose a person from one

David, 20 (Kansas City, Mo)
He's going to freak everyone out real bad, because he's crazy. He mentions something about not going to college.

Susie: He seems great.
Veronica: His farts would smell.
Adam: He looks fit.
Abram: ...or thick.
Adam: You got to think of space on the RV.

Ivory, 22 (Brooklyn, NY)
She will be the top girl. Everyone wants to be her partner. She will be the wild, unattainable person. If she'd hook up with anybody, she'd school Kina. She would give it to Kina real good.

Kina: She's intense.
Shane: He likes her.
Susie: If they were going into the elimination round, she would be distracted by Kina.

Then they introduce the host of Road Rules, Drew Bell, in Los Angeles at the Elimination Arena in Los Angeles, which they are still constructing.

(Time for some montages of past seasons:)

Best Hookups

Flash of Adam (The Quest) flirting with Ellen (The Quest)
The Extreme cast looks on as Patrick (Extreme) hooks up with Jillian (Extreme)
Kit (USA Tour 1) kisses Mark (USA Tour 1) in New Orleans
Darrell (Campus Crawl) dancing in the club with Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Dan (Northern Trail) and Tara (Northern Trail) caught kissing in the ocean

Best Fights
Belou (Europe) and Antoine (Europe) fight at breakfast
Abe (Latin America) and Gladys (Latin America) fight over Abe's hookup with Susie (Australia)
Donell (South Pacific) gets hit by Abram (South Pacific)
Jisela (The Quest) screams at Adam (The Quest)
The Extreme RV gets hit as Derrick (Extreme) is driving

Next, they keep introducing new castmembers.

Jerry, 22 (Fresno, CA)
He loves girls that he can't have. All he needs is a wakeboard, surfboard, and snowboard.

Abram: I look forward to competing with him.
Shane: He won't have trouble picking up women. He's hot. He's excited about Jerry.

Kristin, 24 (Saline, MI)
She's the worst person to fight with. She's little, but there's a lot of competition in her.

Veronica: She doesn't sound believable when she says she's a bitch. We all can take her.
Susie: She would like to go against her because she feels like they're both underestimated.

Angel, 22 (Springfield, PA)
Her hair stuff alone would take up the RV. Vote for her because she's competitive and share the money with America.

Susie: She's a little too high maintainence

Tori, 19 (Midlothian, VA)
She's Teen Miss Virgnia. She cheered competively. She's not living life for anyone else. She runs the show.

Shane: She's fu($ing hot.
Adam: Who wants to date a pageant queen?
Veronica: She seems nice, everyone seem nice. She doesn't care to have any of them on their team.
Abram: He's looking forward to kicking the living daylights out of everyone.

LaMonte, 20 (Decatur, GA)
He's in a dance company and it's a great workout. He has an extensive tie collection. Don't see him as cocky, he has confidence, just give him a chance.

Abram: He's athletic. He's in a dance troupe. He's agile.
Adam: He might go enroll himself in the dance class.

Dan, 23 (St. Louis, MO)
He's a professional wrestler and a US Marine. He's been in Iraq. His heroes are Edgar Allen Poe and Dane Cook.

Susie: Dan makes her nervous. He's so intense.
Shane: If he faces him, he just wants him to throw him around.

Out of the eight people, Veronica is not scared of any of them. Adam is scared of LaMonte and losing to him. Susie then asks them about saying these things to their face. And then introduces the "Pit Crew".

(Even more montages of past seasons)

LaMonte and Adam exchange words. Ivory meets Kina and doesn't give a &$*# about what Kina said and she'll look at her. Angel is pissed about the hair products. Kristin is little, but mighty. Then Abram gives a little word about mental over physical.

Tori tells Adam that she's not fake and Adam confesses to not knowing what he said. David wants Abram to unleash the Donell-fury. LaMonte wants Adam. Jerry also wants Adam. Dan wants to compete against Abe. Dan outright calls Veronica the devil.

Check out http://roadrules.mtv.com for videos and profiles of the cast.

Rachel and Veronica do an interview to discuss Road Rules and College Dropout

In anticipation of the new season, Rachel (Campus Crawl) and Veronica (Semester at Sea) have both done interviews with MediaVillage describing the rise of their company which focuses on shirts they wear on MTV.

The most interesting parts of the article? The company will expand to great proportions this coming season, with new shirts and a new website being introduced. Another good little tidbit was that both Rachel and Veronica were considered, but ultimately you can't have a show that's diverse with two best friends. So, as Rachel says, "You can't have a Road Rules show without Veronica, so they of course offered it to her."

The season preview of Road Rules airs tonight.

Don't forget to check out the recap we'll be posting here as well later on tonight.

Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge Launch Special airs tonight; Adam might have seen RV yesterday

Tonight, the Road Rules Viewers' Revenge Launch Special airs tonight. Although it's not an "official episode", this just means that there's another week until Road Rules is finally back after a long absence.

Adam (The Quest) mentioned last weekend that he'd be gone to do some filming for the new season. In a second post on Monday, he also mentions that he's now back from filming interviews and that he might have got a chance to see the RV yesterday in the Hollywood Hills.

If you're in the RV area, keep your eye out for the infamous horns! The following is the trailer for the show. MTV is airing the afternoon sneak at 4:30pm, and the episode officially airs at 9:00pm, but check your local listings.

Monday, January 22, 2007

CT and Diem are at Sundance together and will throw their own party on Wednesday

CT (Paris) and Diem (Fresh Meat) are both at the Sundance Festival this week. Sundance is the premiere festival in Utah where independent filmmakers and actors go to reveal their films to the world.

The two were spotted at Sienna Miller's party at the Green House. If you're wondering why they're holding bottles of crap, it's because the party was sponsored by the people who make whatever they're holding. Jeremy Sisto and Teri Hatcher were among the stars who were also at the party. In those two pictures, CT is with Kelly Virgulto and Diem is with Jami Miller (Entourage, Bones).

The pair are actually promoting their own party which is being held on Wednesday (for Diem's foundation, maybe?), but not word on if any other castmembers will be in Park City this week to help out the lovebirds' efforts.

Kendal announces on her MySpace that she is pregnant with a baby boy

Kendal (Campus Crawl) recently announced on her MySpace that she is pregnant with a baby boy. She just went to an ultrasound where she found out the sex of the baby.

Kendal has been out of the public eye for a while as the last Challenge she appeared on was the Inferno II.

Congratulations to Kendal and we wish her and her growing family the best of luck in the future!

Adam announces on his MySpace that the Roadies left for the show on Saturday, wants you to keep him in the RV

Adam (The Quest) posted on his blog this weekend that he was leaving for Road Rules on Saturday. Rumblings on other people's MySpaces, including some of the other Roadies, indicate that everyone, including the "Pit Crew" meets up tomorrow for the start of the series.

If you're keeping up, everyone has already met each other in the cast, as they all arrived in New York a little while ago to do the photo shoot and the Launch Special. He indicates that the show will last an astounding 17 weeks, which probably means that there are sixteen different episodes. He also mentions that he will be blogging from the road, probably on MTV.com, which is an interesting feature that we have yet to hear about.

The rules, as Adam explains them as after losing a mission, the cast has to vote off a guy and a girl. They will go against whoever we vote in the "Pit Crew" over at MTV.com in a face-off to determine who goes and who stays. Adam also mentions that if they lose two missions, they have to nominate two guys and two girls, which maybe means that both a guy and girl will have to face-off against a member of the "Pit Crew". He also admits to not knowing the rules too well.

The Launch Special airs on Monday.

Tina is engaged to be married, Susie hinted to her appearance on the reunion

Last week, the reunion aired on MTV.com, and host Susie Castillo mentioned that Tina (South Pacific) would be making a return appearance on the Duel reunion show to be aired this Tuesday. Tina was actually scheduled to be there last Thursday, but canceled her appearance last minute. She was invited, as Svetlana (Key West) pointed out, for punching Beth (Los Angeles) in the face.

MM-Agency is reporting that Tina has just recently been engaged to her boyfriend, Bruno. If you remember, they mentioned that she was seeing someone on the Fresh Meat reunion.

Tina has been noticeably absent from the Real World/Road Rules drama the past couple months, but we wish her all the luck in the future. Congratulations!

Re-introducing the alumni of your Road Rules Viewers' Revenge cast

For your viewing pleasure, the cast of Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge:

Abram (South Pacific) | Adam (The Quest) | Kina (Extreme) | Shane (Campus Crawl) | Susie (Australia) | Veronica (Semester at Sea)


And now introducing your brand new cast of Road Rules Viewers Revenge

Again, for your viewing pleasure, the "pit crew" for Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge:

Angel | Dan | David | Ivory | Jerry | Kristen | Monte | Tori


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Road Rules Pit Crew MySpaces are revealed and some new details uncovered

Slowly but surely, the MySpaces of the "Pit Crew" are being revealed. Among the details revealed by the MySpace pages, is that filming has begun or is setting up to begin very soon. Also, the "Pit Crew", who obviously come from various parts of the country, will all be based in Los Angeles for the duration of filming. No word yet if they'll be filming material in Los Angeles to air on MTV or MTV.com. The "Pit Crew" has also met and pictures of them have surfaced on MySpace. They also have met with the alumni cast of Viewers' Revenge.

Here are the first MySpace pages:

Angel, 22, Springfield, Pennsylvania

Dan, 23, Flourrisant, Florida

David Leech, 20, Kansas City, Missouri

Ivory, 22, New York, New York

Tori Hall, 20, Midlothian, Virginia

And here, for your viewing pleasure, is the Road Rules: Viewers' Revenge "Pit Crew":

(From left to right beginning with guy with the hood on: Jerry, Ivory, David, Angel, Monte, Kristen, Dan and Tori.)

Road Rules Wiki is updated to include information on all previous seasons

In anticipation of the new season basically premiering in the next two weeks, with the Launch Special coming out on Tuesday, and the first episode airing next week, I took the liberty of updating the Road Rules Wiki.

Wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia of sorts, is a huge source of information about almost anything you can think of. It's a pretty awesome tool. For those of you who have joined the Real World/Road Rules fandom in the past three years and have never seen an episode of Road Rules, you'll throughly enjoy the updates I made on Wiki.

The page basically listed a couple of seasons, a couple of missions and had a complete listing of castmembers. I tried as much as possible to streamline the pages, adding some information on the handsome rewards, face-offs, and progression of the series on the main page. Then, if you look at each individual season page, you'll find some season highlights and a little trivia on each season.

Hope you'll have fun reading it and remembering at least some old memories!