C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Cara and Susie are targeted in their alliance in the next few episodes of the Gauntlet

Monday marks yet another new episode of the Gauntlet II. Again,
the following are spoilers for the episode. If you want to figure out what happens in this and future episodes, highlight the following text:

Like we mentioned last week, the Veterans will finally break their four game losing streak with a win on a female Gauntlet day. After the horrendous debacle that was the "alliance", Cara (South Pacific) and Susie (Australia) feel as if they are being ganged up on. Not only were they accused of an alliance, but they are the only non-Extreme females (Kina, Jodi, Ibis and Jillian) on the Rookie team. As a result, the two have become best friends on the Challenge, but feel alienated from the rest of their team. When the Rookies lose this mission, Kina keeps the promise she made in a previous episode and makes the decision to send Cara into the Gauntlet. Don't expect Cara to bow out of the Gauntlet so easily. She fights every inch of the way, but eventually is sent packing by Kina.

With only two female Gauntlets left, we can guarantee that the female Rookies will see the Gauntlet again. The question is: Will Kina option to completely destroy the Cara/Susie alliance?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Janet is a reporter for KTLA news in Los Angeles after leaving Channel One

Janet (Seattle) has been doing well for herself in the broadcasting world. Janet was a noted reporter with Channel One news, an educational closed-circuit channel that once bosted anchors such as Serena Atschul and Lisa Ling. After leaving Channel One news, Janet headed over to KTLA news in Los Angeles, the local WB affiliate, where she is a field reporter.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Colin is biking across the country to help rebuild the Gulf Coast

Colin from the Real World Hawaii will be taking part in Bike Across America this summer to help support the victims of Hurricane Katrina. On June 1, he, along with four of his friends, will be biking from Virginia to California to raise money to help rebuild the Gulf Coast. They will be filming a documentary about it along the way. You can donate to this great cause by going to the website.

Jodi clears the air between her, Danny, Adam, and Mark in the Gauntlet

Overdrive Episode Summary
Jodi (Extreme) | Tuesday February 7, 2006

Danny, Adam and Mark

So in this week's interview, everyone expected that Blair would get right into the juicy questions, but Jodi managed to avoid them altogether. She spoke briefly about her argument with Danny (Extreme) and how she was just sticking up for herself because he was yelling at her. Then they moved into her hookup with Adam (The Quest). In a previous show, Adam had already told Blair that they hooked up the first day. But when she said it never went past flirting, Blair just let it go. She then explained that the relationship between her and Mark (USA Tour 1) actually happened only a little before this show started taping. Mark actually wrote an email to her mom claiming that he was falling in love with Jodi. (She still has the email!) He lead her to believe that he was serious about her and then soon afterwards told her over the phone that he needed space. She never heard from him until the show, where it was thrown in her face that he was still interested in Robin (San Diego). -(submitted by Heather)

The Beat Blair Challenge

Blair competed against Jodi in a competition to see who could cry first. Overdrive put together video clips of Jodi crying over her reality television experiences which was very entertaining, and she was victorious over Blair.

Finally Blair wanted some dirt on the cast. Jodi participated in a word association game and these were her answers...

-Alcohol : Beer
-Landon (Philadelphia) : Cute
-Adam : Hot
-Alton (Las Vegas) : Hot
-Mark : Idiot
-Robin : Cool
-Danny : &*%$##
-Veronica (Semester At Sea) : Manipulative
-Rachel (Campus Crawl) : Strong
-Blair : Sweet -(submitted by James)

Then it was on to "Me No Likey". Jodi considers not doing what you say will do a deal breaker in a relationship. She also dislikes people reading over her shoulder (kind of a strange pet peeve) and when people complain.

Last but not least, we have the "Sh*t You Didn't See". First we see Landon, Jodi, Katie (The Quest), and Adam (Paris) doing some interesting dance moves. Then we see Jodi and Alton sleeping next to each other in bed all snug and comfy (I wonder what happened!). -(submitted by Ben H.)

Remember, Cara (South Pacific) will be appearing on Overdrive nexr week. This should be a doozy of an Overdrive. I'm also told that Comcast on Demand users can actually access episodes through their TV. Thanks for the visitors who submitted their reviews!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jacinda will star in the Namesake and School for Scoundrels in the upcoming year

An update on one of the castmembers from the earlier seasons: Jacinda (London), who now has a career as a working actress in Hollywood has an impressive film schedule ahead of her this year. For those of you who remember, she had supporting roles in Ladder 49, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and The Human Stain. Jacinda is now starring in two of this year's highly anticipated films. She's the female lead in Wolfgang Petersen's remake of The Poseidon Adventure, appropriately titled Poseidon. The big budget remake follows a group of ship passengers who try to escape a capsized ship. Poseidon is set to be released on May 12, 2006. She was also cast as a lead alongside "Scrubs" star Zach Braff and "The OC's" Rachel Bilson in The Last Kiss. The film is about Braff's character straying away from his relationship with Jacinda's character, in order to have one last fling with Bilson's character. This film is scheduled to be released in the Fall. She's also scheduled to release two other films in 2006: The Namesake and School for Scoundrels. The latter stars Billy Bob Thorton and Napolean Dynamite's Jon Heder.

Also, we haven't received much of a response for reviews of Overdrive. Although we'd love to update for those of you who don't get Overdrive, we still need people to review the episodes (A quick paragraph would suffice). Use the "contact the blog" form to submit your review.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Katie and Kina do interviews with RealityReel to update them on their lives

If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the recent interview that RealityReel.com did with current Challenge participants Katie (The Quest) and Kina (Extreme). Both reveal a little inside information that you may have not have known about.

Katie talks about why she's laying low on this Challenge this time around and her feelings about Veronica (Semester at Sea) and Rachel (Campus Crawl). While Kina talks about her relationship with Randy (San Diego), being team captain, the Danny (Extreme)/Jodi (Extreme) scandal and more. Be sure to check them out.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Jodi's Overdrive airs in the next couple days

After the growing interest in Overdrive, MTV.com's Gauntlet II aftershow, hosted by Blair (The Quest): we will now be accepting summaries for Overdrive episodes starting this week! We will be taking snippets from different summaries and incorporating them into a weekly summary for the Blog, a treat for those who don't have broadband and those who want just want a review. You can submit a summary using our contact form available on the left side of the page ("contact the blog"). When submitting, be sure to check "Overdrive Summary" and include your name, hometown and state (Make one up if you want to remain anonymous). We will give you credit on the Blog! So be sure to look for the Overdrive Summary (this episode features Jodi (Extreme)) sometime with int the next two days on the Blog.

As for everyone else who is submitting emails: we're receiving great ideas and we're still working through them. Thanks for all your continued support and input!

Cara seen a a Super Bowl Party by Pink is the New Blog

Cara (South Pacific) was at the Playboy Super Bowl party yesterday. Check out Pink is the New Blog and scroll down to see a picture of her.

Trishelle is in the Lingerie Bowl as their star quarterback

In Super Bowl news, Trishelle (Las Vegas) participated in the third annual Lingerie Bowl, which is quickly becoming more and more popular every year. The Lingerie Bowl was launched three years ago as an alternative to the Super Bowl halftime show. Although many of you may have been flipping channels and didn't catch it, that's because it's only offered on pay-per-view. Sponsored by Bodog.com, this year's Lingerie Bowl also featured Jenny McCarthy, Cindy Margolis and "American Idol" vet Ryan Starr.

In Blog news, the "contact the blog" button on the left menu bar has been working wonderfully. We're getting a great response and we'd like to keep hearing from you. The number one comment is that people wish that they'd like to see the Blog updated daily. While we make every attempt to update as often as possible, there's often periods of slow news. So, if you think you have a news story you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to use our contact form. Keep those emails coming!

Don't forget: A new episode of the Gauntlet II airs tonight!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Lori is singing in the Los Angeles area; Article says Challenges suck; Cara opens her website

Those of you who were fans of Lori (Back to New York) and her singing career will be pleased to learn that Lori is getting back into singing. Her participation with her college acapella group, the Boston College Bostonians, was a storyline for one or two episodes during her season. Lori is beginning to sing with Jared Zeus and they have set up a MySpace page for all of you guys to join. You can check it out here. And those of you in the Los Angeles area are in for a special treat as Lori will be singing live in Hollywood next month. Her performance is scheduled for Saturday, March 4th at the Highland Grounds (located on Highland Ave. just north of Melrose). Good luck to Lori!

The Village Voice has also recently published an article on the Challenges themselves. Prompted by this new season, columnist Joy Press delves into what seems to be the now-tired format of the Challenges. While many fans may disagree, Press exposes the attitude that many fans of the first few seasons of The Real World and Road Rules see as the deterioration of a once-great series.

And Cara (South Pacific), currently the subject of suspicion on the Gauntlet II, joins the many former alumni who have opened up her own website. Check out her website, which is still under construction, at www.carazavaleta.com.

The Blog hits nine million visitors today

Maybe we were giddy because of hitting nine million visitors yesterday... Maybe we were excited about the Gauntlet II Halfway There Marathon airing today on MTV... Maybe we were jumping on the bandwagon of elation because Super Bowl Sunday is finally here... But due to that joy, the website has a fresh new look with some minor changes and additions.

We generally cleaned up around here, making everything look brand new and spiffy. Two things are added that we wanted to point your attention to: 1) If you want to contact the blog, you can now click on the "contact the blog" button on the menu at the left side of the page. It'll open up a form you can use to send us an email. (You can also still send email through newrwroad@hotmail.com.) And 2) We added a small gaggle of new quotes from previous seasons. If you want to check them out, keeping pressing the "Refresh/Reload" button on your browser.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday/Halfway There Day to all of you!

Gauntlet 2 airing all over again at halfway point, new promos being shown

Good news for all you Gauntlet II fans out there! MTV will be airing a halfway-there marathon today starting at 3PM (Check MTV's On-Air Schedule for your listings), rehashing every single episode of the Gauntlet. So if you missed Jo's (San Francisco) abrupt departure, Aneesa's (Chicago) now legendary fight with Cara (South Pacific) and the love triangle between Jodi (Extreme), Robin (San Diego) and Mark (USA Tour 1), this is the time to catch it!

Update: Well, if you were lucky enough to catch the marathon while the Super Bowl was airing, MTV was airing new promos of the Gauntlet (alongside the tourist-themed Key West promos), showing scenes from the remainder of the season. Although we're halfway done and some of the more controversial castmembers have stepped out, the promo assures us that there is plenty of drama left in this season.

A new episode of the Gauntlet airs tomorrow, so naturally, we'd like to preview the next episode. So if you don't want to know what happens in this and in future episodes (although MTV has been spoiling which team loses the team mission in their last two promos), highlight to read:

As the promo suggests, the Rookies will continue their winning streak winning the bullriding challenge. As the promo also suggests, the Veterans select Syrus (Boston) to face off against Derrick (Extreme) in the Gauntlet. Expect Derrick to pull through on this one, although I haven't received an absolute confirmation on this yet. The episode will also focus on the relationship between Alton (Las Vegas) and Jodi (Extreme), which will also be a storyline in weeks to come...

Next week, expect the accused alliance come to come back, as the Veterans will finally break their losing streak. Kina (Extreme) keeps a promise that she made in a previous episode making for a great showdown in the Gauntlet.

Also, in Blog news: We hit nine million visitors! To celebrate, we're going to be making some minor changes to the Blog (some of which you may already may see). Thanks to all our visitors for being so loyal and those who keeping coming back day after day. We really enjoy breaking down the latest news for you guys and we hope you enjoy it too!