Overdrive Episode Summary
Jodi (Extreme) | Tuesday February 7, 2006
Danny, Adam and MarkSo in this week's interview, everyone expected that
Blair would get right into the juicy questions, but
Jodi managed to avoid them altogether. She spoke briefly about her argument with
Danny (Extreme) and how she was just sticking up for herself because he was yelling at her. Then they moved into her hookup with
Adam (The Quest). In a previous show,
Adam had already told
Blair that they hooked up the first day. But when she said it never went past flirting,
Blair just let it go. She then explained that the relationship between her and
Mark (USA Tour 1) actually happened only a little before this show started taping.
Mark actually wrote an email to her mom claiming that he was falling in love with
Jodi. (She still has the email!) He lead her to believe that he was serious about her and then soon afterwards told her over the phone that he needed space. She never heard from him until the show, where it was thrown in her face that he was still interested in
Robin (San Diego). -(submitted by
The Beat Blair ChallengeBlair competed against
Jodi in a competition to see who could cry first. Overdrive put together video clips of
Jodi crying over her reality television experiences which was very entertaining, and she was victorious over
Blair wanted some dirt on the cast.
Jodi participated in a word association game and these were her answers...
-Alcohol : Beer
Landon (Philadelphia) : Cute
Adam : Hot
Alton (Las Vegas) : Hot
Mark : Idiot
Robin : Cool
Danny : &*%$##
Veronica (Semester At Sea) : Manipulative
Rachel (Campus Crawl) : Strong
Blair : Sweet -(submitted by
Then it was on to "Me No Likey".
Jodi considers not doing what you say will do a deal breaker in a relationship. She also dislikes people reading over her shoulder (kind of a strange pet peeve) and when people complain.
Last but not least, we have the "Sh*t You Didn't See". First we see
Landon, Jodi, Katie (The Quest), and
Adam (Paris) doing some interesting dance moves. Then we see
Jodi and
Alton sleeping next to each other in bed all snug and comfy (I wonder what happened!). -(submitted by
Ben H.)
Cara (South Pacific) will be appearing on Overdrive nexr week. This should be a doozy of an Overdrive. I'm also told that Comcast on Demand users can actually access episodes through their TV. Thanks for the visitors who submitted their reviews!