Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Back To New York
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Inferno 2
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Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Julie is ordered to "stop contacting" Gabe after she hits him in the face and kicks him in the head

After we heard of Julie's (New Orleans) restraining order from Gabe, we contacted our friends over at the The Smoking Gun to see if they had more information. Andrew Goldberg, editor of the site had the following to say about the restraining order Gabe placed on Julie:

"We checked this stuff out a couple of months ago and there is something there. It was allegedly some hair pulling, some hits to his face and a kick from the back seat of an SUV to the head. He wanted her to stop contacting him or text messaging
him or going into his personal online accounts."

Julie's boyfriend files a restraining order against her after she kicks him in the head

Thanks to Steve for the following info!

Well, this week on the Inferno, we saw Julie (New Orleans) challenge Coral (Back to New York) to a wrestling match. Well, Coral obviously declined saying that she didn't want to be sent home in handcuffs for beating Julie up... Well, it looks like if Julie has had some experience in this before.

Hardcore fans will know this... During Battle of the Sexes, Julie had a band and a boyfriend. The band, Bunkbed Incident, and her boyfriend, Gabe, were both well mentioned in that one first episode and with Julie's spat with Melissa (New Orleans) on They played the song on the episode and Julie wore the band's t-shirts. Well, when Julie came to Mexico to play in the Inferno, all traces of both the band and Gabe were gone... Which left people wondering....

Well, shortly before coming to the Inferno, Gabe had filed a restraining order against Julie in a Wisconsin court. The restraining order was filed in September of last year, shortly before filming on the Inferno began, and is classified as a domestic abuse case... Apparently, Julie kicked Gabe while he was driving a SUV. And if the restraining order wasn't enough to end contact between the two, Julie filed a small claims case against Gabe when she came back from the Inferno. The case was filed in November and settled in February. With attorney in hand, Julie went against Gabe winning $2,400 in small claims court.

Once again, thanks to Steve for that! Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The National Constitution Center approached producers about having the cast work for them in Philadelphia

For all of you who are interested in the birthplace of America, I have some more info about the Real World Philadelphia. Apparently, BMP is all about a historical theme with this season. There was an article published in the Philadelphia Daily News claiming that the seven strangers were approached by the National Constitution Center and offered either paid jobs or internships. This has not been confirmed by BMP or the museum but it would be convenient for the cast seeing as the Constitution Center is a very short walk from their new pad. Speaking of the new pad, it is supposedly being decked out with a lot of red, white, and blue. Bring on the patriotism!

Monday, April 05, 2004

Jillian is rumored to be one of the replacements for the new season of Extreme

Here is another rumor about Road Rules Xtreme. Another cast member has been identified. One of the original girls on the show was voted off with three weeks left on the trip. She was replaced by Jillian, an 18 year-old high school student from Coral Springs, FL.