You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, November 03, 2006

Denver Episode Preview: We detail the first half of the first episode of the Real World: Denver

The episode starts out with Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton congratulating the Tulane Class of 2006. It shows Colie (Denver) packing up to leave New Orleans to Denver. Also, the title looks a bit different, with the cast screaming The Real World: Denver Colorado at the end.

Then we go to Jenn (Denver) who is taking Amtrak from San Francisco to Denver. Tyrie (Denver) is leaving Omaha on Amtrak to go to Denver. His family sees him off. We see Jenn and Tyrie meet up at the train station in Denver. Tyrie calls Jenn a "11" and says the first thing he's unpacking is a box of condoms. They get picked up by a horse-drawn carriage.

Alex (Denver) arrives on a plane and meets Brooke (Denver) in the airport. Alex and Brooke establish their single status and they get picked up by a limo.

We see Stephen (Denver) waiting in the middle of Writer's Square and he meets Davis (Denver). Stephen quickly establishes their Baptist religion as the backbone between him and Davis. Colie comes up on a horse-drawn carriage and Davis feels an instant connection with Colie. They get instructions to get to 1920 Market Street.

Tyrie tells Jenn he's studying political science and has a focus in social justice. They arrive to the house first.

Aftershow: A rather bitter Kenny drops by to talk about his experience on this Challenge with Blair

Kenny (Fresh Meat) begins by saying what he did with his winnings on Fresh Meat. Instead of getting Quiet Riot to perform at his party, he spent his money on a wrestling ring, a Harley, and lots of strips to strip clubs.

Then he talks about how Tina (South Pacific) picked Nehemiah (Austin) over him and praises Diem (Fresh Meat) for picking him. Tina then apologizes to Kenny. He then makes a comparison between Beth (Los Angeles) and Tina, and how Beth told Kenny that Tina was in the alliance between Aneesa (Chicago), Wes (Austin), Beth (Los Angeles) and Nehemiah (Austin). He couldn't understand it because Tina hated everyone in that alliance. Then he talks about the weak punch that Tina through.

The basket game starts:

CT (Paris): Two thumbs up, although Tina said to stay away from him.
Kina (Extreme): Wish she didn't have a boyfriend.
Beth (Los Angeles): She isn't that bad. She's cool. Although she's into weird stuff like Nehemiah.
Casey (Fresh Meat): The stripper little sister you never had.
Paula (Key West): Decided to throw all the left-over food on top of him. CT told him it was Paula. Got cold water dumped over him.
Nehemiah (Austin): Not a big fan of him.

The S*$( You Didn't See shows Kenny fighting with Wes (Austin) and Nehemiah (Austin). It's almost joking around, but it's not. Then it shows Evan (Fresh Meat) trying to hit the pool table ball out of Kenny's mouth. Then it shows him successfully doing it to Wes.

Duel Episode #4: Nehemiah and Beth start their "showmance"; Beth strikes back; Derrick wins for the guys and Nehemiah sends Kenny home

This episode was "Beth-centric" as you saw. It opened up showing the relationship between Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth (Los Angeles). As we mentioned before, this was part of the alliance that Beth, Wes (Austin), Nehemiah and Aneesa (Austin) have. While Beth maintains that this is a "showmance" (taking the term off of another reality show, Big Brother.)

The mission, which involved knocking people off a platform was pretty brutal. The girls seem pretty concentrated on getting Beth out of the competition. She actually ended up winning the competition. The guys seemed pretty intense as well, with Derrick (Extreme) knocking off CT (Paris), Eric (Fresh Meat) and Brad (San Diego).

Then Beth confronts Jodi (Extreme) about the alliance the girls have which Beth has termed the "Drama Mafia." Nehemiah ends up being the last man standing. He picks Kenny (Fresh Meat). The two compete in the Ascender. Nehemiah pulls off the win. It interestingly ends with Aneesa, Beth, Wes and Nehemiah conspiring to be the final four.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Strictly for your enjoyment: Men on Men and the T&A Team

Looking forward to tonight's episode. These two clips should keep you rolling until tonight. Here's the "Men on Men" clip and the "T&A Team":

Duel Spoiler Alert #4: Beth's "showmance" begins, Guys Duel Day and who gets booted tonight

So, tonight is another episode of the Duel. Check out the trailer for this episode:

Yes, it seems like a pretty harsh challenge, especially for the guys who will be going pretty hardcore in the mission. Also, you get to what Beth (Los Angeles) herself termed as a "showmance" with Nehemiah (Austin). If you haven't figured it out, Beth is also in an alliance which includes Nehemiah, Wes (Austin) and Aneesa (Chicago). Although we hear that the "tenderoni" relationship between Nehemiah and Beth wasn't 100% "showmance."

Now for the actual Dueling, Kenny (Fresh Meat) and Nehemiah (Austin) are sent into the Duel. However, I don't know who sends who. Highlight to read to find out who wins: Kenny fails to beat the "tenderoni" and Nehemiah gets to stay for one more week.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Results Have Been Tabulated: Your Dream Road Rules All-Stars cast

So, we took an informal poll of who should be on the next season of Road Rules, which is set to premiere in January.

The new cast will bring back old castmembers to once again ride the winnebago and they will be in danger of being voted off by viewers if they don't perform in missions. We took a poll last week to see who you would like to see behind the wheel this time. Here are the results:

Final Six

Kendal (Campus Crawl)
Ibis (Extreme)
Veronica (Semester At Sea)
Derrick (Extreme)
Abram (South Pacific)
Jake (Islands)

By far, Derrick, Abe and Veronica received the most votes. Here are the alternates:

Patrick (Extreme)
Kit (USA Tour 1)
Piggy (Down Under)
Angela (Extreme)

The new season of Road Rules premieres in January.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Spoiler Alert: The Inferno sends its first person home and is someone already being sent home for violence?

Here's the first spoiler from the South Africa challenge, which is being called the Inferno 3. A couple of things have already happened in the short amount of time the castmembers have been there. If you don't want to know what happens, stop reading, these are spoilers.

These spoilers are all courtesy of MM Agency.

First, Ty (Denver) will be the first one to go. He was sent home by none other than Alton (Las Vegas). Now, we reported earlier that Alton was actually scheduled to be at Northern Michigan University tonight in a speaking engagement. However, we can confirm that he's filming the Challenge in South Africa. The school made a mistake and thought Alton would be showing up, but he's not.

also, CT (Paris) has supposedly been sent home for hitting someone. if that's true, CT will be the fourth person sent home from a Challenge for hitting another castmember, following Ayanna (Semester At Sea), Steven (Las Vegas) and Tina (South Pacific).

Monday, October 30, 2006

Vote for one of your favorite RW or RR alumni to be one of VH1's Big in '06

VH1 is currently taking nominations for Big in '06 Awards.

Diem (Fresh Meat) is personally ask that you vote for her, especially since she is promoting her charity and sees the awards as her opportunity to promote her work.

But the form that VH1 offers up a free-range form in which you can vote for any of your favorite reality stars.

So go and vote and see your favorite RW/RR stars be Big in '06.

Tonya will be appearing on VH1 Celebreality: The Celebrity Paranormal Project

After she was on MTV's True Life: I'm a Reality Star where she was suggesting that VH1 was contacting her for an appearance on the Surreal Life, Tonya (Chicago) has actually ended up on the channel.

Tonya (Chicago) will be on this upcoming episode of the Celebrity Paranormal Project. This show combines several celebrities to do a Fear-like show where celebrities investigate paranormal activities in a known haunted location.

The preview prominently featured Tonya, so be sure to catch it next Sunday. Celebreality begins airing at 9PM EST/PST, but check your local schedules.