I don't wrestle... I fucking beat bitches up. -Coral (Inferno II)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Kina and Susie may retire from the Challenges, write good-bye letters on their blogs

In what has been an emotionally taxing situation for the castmembers of this season of Road Rules, it looks like both Susie (Australia) and Kina (Extreme) will be saying goodbye to the reality television experience.

Last month, Susie hinted that she will be saying good-bye permanently to the reality television experience. If you're watching the Inferno 3, you've been seeing that she's being thrown into the Inferno every time and she's the subject of scrutiny from several of her other castmates. This season on Road Rules, she felt relegated to play the game and she played the game hard. She writes a good-bye letter to her castmates, thanks her fans, and seems to be saying good-bye to the Road Rules experience over at the blogs.

Kina (Extreme) may have officially retired from the Challenges as well, explicitly saying that "I am serious", meaning that she's done with the show. Kina also writes a good-bye letter, which seems to be heavily influenced by the negativity directed to this cast in particular. This is the ONLY season which has been aired in real-time and castmembers have never had to adjust to viewer opinions, especially of this magnitude. When the alumni formed an alliance, many lashed out at them for stagnating the game, but they were only playing their part in the game.

Kina and Susie join Mike (Back to New York), Mark (USA Tour 1), and Wes (Austin) as castmembers who have retired from Challenges. Tonya (Chicago) also issued an "unofficial" retirement statement after Fresh Meat, but soon returned in the Inferno 3.

David was most likely voted out for feeding spoilers to website Road Rules Revenge

The most shocking development of tonight's episode was probably the fact that David (Viewers Revenge) was kicked off within the first few minutes of the episode airing. Drew mentioned that he was kicked off because of a major rules violation that occurred within the last few weeks of taping.

Although there are widespread allegations that many of the castmembers were doing the same, David is being accused of leaking information to Road Rules Revenge, a website which spoiled the outcome of each Pit and each mission, each week.

Although Bacchus, the webmaster has not yet officially commented on the scandal, the website has had a heavy favorable slant toward David ever since he won his Pit with Susie (Australia). This past week was the first week in a while where no spoilers were actually offered. Also, in commentary leading up to tonight's episode, Bacchus admits that MTV was looking for spoilerish information earlier this week on their website. Finally, Bacchus claimed earlier today to be done with the website had David been kicked off.

In defense of David, many people got information indirectly from the cast's MySpace pages when friends left comments that hinted at whereabouts, game status, etc., However, this is one of the only instances where a castmember actually revealed spoilers to a specific website. Also, there's some allegations of vote tampering with the online voting system. We'll let you know if David or RRR ever respond to these allegations.

Viewers Revenge Season Finale: David gets kicked off, Dan gets back on, Monte kicks Dan off to win the Final Mission

The episode starts out with the whole cast being called back to the Pit. Drew reveals that there's a "major rules violation" that has been going on for the past couple of weeks. Apparently, David (Viewers Revenge) was feeding information to someone (presumably a website that has been posting spoilers a couple of days before each Pit) and he was kicked off almost immediately. The cast is stunned. Everyone is stunned.

The cast then is informed that Adam (The Quest) doesn't have to compete. Tori (Viewers Revenge) is informed that she's going up against Kristin (viewers' Revenge). Dan (Viewers Revenge) and Shane (Campus Crawl) will compete for the final spot in the RV. The Pit is this weird endurance challenge where the competitors have to stand on a pole on one foot. Tori easily beats Kristin. Dan beats Shane.

So, when the cast gets to their final mission/Pit Stop and they find out that there's a twist. If the Roadies fail to win their mission, they will have to send two more castmembers to a final Pit. The mission is to transfer boxes from one side of a truck to to another truck connected by a platform. The cast has to throw the boxes in the first trailer. The Pit Crew goes first and although Ivory (Viewers Revenge) has problems, the group manages to get three boxes. The Roadies go next and all the girls drop their boxes on the first run. Derek (Viewers Revenge) and Adam get all their boxes in the trailer, but Dan drops his on his run.

The Roadies lose. They have to go to the Pit. Kina (Extreme) decides to step it up and volunteer herself for the Pit. The guys come down to Derek (Viewers Revenge) and Dan with Kina casting the tie-breaking vote for Dan. If Kina and Dan lose the Pit, they will lose the handsome reward. They randomly select Angel (Viewers Revenge) and Monte (Viewers Revenge) to face-off against these Challengers.

The final Elimination Pit is a memory Challenge. Monte easily beats Dan. Kina beats Angel to maintain her spot on the RV. Kina and Monte come back to the RV to collect their prize.

The final Road Rules team stands as: (with three original alumni remaining/Pit Crew returning)

Adam (The Quest)
Derek (Viewers Revenge)
Monte (Viewers Revenge)
Kina (Extreme)
Susie (Australia)
Tori (Viewers Revenge)

The group of six see their cars, the Mazda 3. The group ends their trip on the same cliff in Malibu that it all started at.

Denver Episode #26: Colie goes wild in Thailand, she fights with Alex, Brooke gets hurt a couple of times

The group arrives in Thailand. They arrive in the middle of the night and they're a bit afraid of walking the streets of Thailand. Brooke (Denver) calls her mom and tells her that she's a bit worried for her safety. Twelve hours later, the group is having an amazing time in Bangkok. They are cruising the streets, finding deals, and experiencing the culture. Unforunately, tensions seem to build between Colie (Denver) and the rest of the group. Stephen (Denver) and Jenn (Denver) seem to be getting along much more.

The group then goes to an island in Thailand, where they participate in what's called the "Half Moon Festival." They are led to a beautiful resort that looks like stuff out of exotic vacations. The group experiences the beach. Brooke and Davis (Denver) are wading in the water. Brooke gets stung by an animal. Colie and Alex (Denver) seem ecstatic to get chance to pee on her.

Later on, the group goes on a tour. Colie and Davis get drunk. The group is at a waterfall later on. Colie slips and falls, but no one cares because she's drunk. Brooke falls on her tailbone and she begins to cry uncontrollably. Colie is annoyed she's getting all the attention.

Later on, Alex and Colie seem to be at each other's throats, throwing insults at each other. Colie meets up with a guy from Australia. She sleeps with him twice.

The group leaves Thailand. They only have a week back in Denver. Next week is the last week of the Real World: Denver.

Viewers' Revenge Season FInale: Will this be the last episode of Road Rules?

It's a very distinct possibility that this may be the series finale of Road Rules. Absent from our television screens for three years, the series was shelved because of unfavorable ratings and a re-tooling. Unfortunately, for MTV, that re-tooling couldn't have gone any more wrong.

The concept, bringing the home viewer into the mix, blew up in MTV's face. When viewers could no longer vote for which person in the RV would ultimately be selected in the Pit, many feel like the show jumped the shark.

Sixteen long weeks later, the show cut short because of bad ratings, the six Roadies, their Pit Crew counterparts, and host Drew Bell will bid adieu to this season of Road Rules. In what seems like a last minute attempt to scrape the ratings from the floor, producers have promised a shocking twist.

Will it be enough to save the series? No word from MTV or BMP if the series will be picked up for a fifteenth season. BMP put out a casting call for Road Rules 15 earlier this year and sometimes claim to be casting for that series alongside Real World 20. If BMP and MTV decides to renew Road Rules... they should ditch the "viewers concept", ditch the real-time nature of the show, kick off no one except the cheesy challenges and product placements, and get back to what the show used to be before radical changes occurred in Season 8/9 of the series. Go back to having six kids living in a RV, traveling around the world, doing things they wouldn't normally do without being on the show. Go back to classic Road Rules.

Post your reaction to tonight's episode in this post or discuss the future of Road Rules.

Denver Episode #26: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the episode where the cast finally gets to their vacation destination: Thailand. Minor note: This is not the season finale of the series. The season finale is currently scheduled to be airing next week.

On tonight's episode, Colie (Denver) lets loose in Thailand, pronouncing that she wants to sleep with almost any guy she can find on the island. Her roommates, unfortunately, don't share her joy. Alex (Denver) and Jenn (Denver), who have been semi-participating in Colie's game of sexual musical chairs, will turn their backs on her when they see things they don't like.

Post your reactions here.

Pit Preview: A "major rules violation" sends the six Road Rulers to the Pit

Jacinda confirms to People Magazine that she is indeed pregnant with her first child

Jacinda (London), the alum who has probably had the most big screen success out of all the alum, is expecting her first child with actor husband Gabriel Macht. People Magazine posted this blurb on their website yesterday:

Australian actress Jacinda Barrett, and her husband, actor Gabriel Macht, are expecting a baby later this year, their reps confirm to PEOPLE exclusively.

This will be the first child for the couple, who have been married since 2004.

Americans first met former model Barrett, 34, when she starred on the fourth season of MTVs The Real World, set in London. She got her big break with the 2003 screen adaptation of novelist Philip Roth's The Human Stain, alongside Nicole Kidman, Anthony Hopkins and Prison Break's Wentworth Miller. She most recently starred alongside Zach Braff in The Last Kiss.

Macht, a New York native who grew up in Los Angeles, most recently appeared in The Good Shepherd and Because I Said So.

Congratulations to Jacinda!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Inferno 3 Episode #6/7: Davis sends Danny home; Tonya starts a feud with Susie

This episode begins with Danny (Austin) going off about being voted into the Inferno. Aneesa (chicago) makes some sort of comment about him not having confidence in himself. The team gets their mission. They have a wall climbing challenge, where the guys have to work with the girls in order to scale a wall.

The Good Guys have an extra guy, so they have to make a girl go twice, while the Bad Asses have to make a girl sit out. Colie (Tonya) goes twice, while Aneesa sits out. Abram (South Pacific) and Tonya (chicago) go first for the Bad Asses. They get great times. Alton (Las Vegas) and Colie (Denver) DQ because Colie drops the flag. Everyone is mistified that Alton would get a DQ.

The Bad Asses end up DQing when Kenny (Fresh Meat) and Jenn (Denver) go up. So the teams even themselves out. Danny and Ev (Fresh Meat) have some trouble communicating through the wall. Davis (Denver) and Colie have trouble and can't beat the previous time of John (Key West) and Paula (Key West). Abe and John win the LifeShields and they have the chance of giving the LifeShields to Davis or Danny.

Danny seems to be intensely involved in winning the Inferno. Abram decides not to use the LifeShield. John decides to let the new guy pay his dues. The Inferno is a glorified game of tag where the two contestants have to run around this apparatus, until one does a complete cycle and laps the other person. Davis, being the ultimate runner, beats Danny, sending him home.

Jenn and Davis talk about being pushed back into a corner and being pushed to go to the Inferno each time. The teams get their mission and the Bad Asses are worried about the fact that they only have three guys left in the competition.

Then comes the Susie (Australia) and Tonya (Chicago) fight. Susie asks Tonya what perfume she's wearing. Tonya tells her. Susie tells her that she smells like a stripper, but in a good way. Tonya tells her that she's not stupid and for her to shut up. Susie tells her that there's people starving over the world and she's complaining about the little things. Susie thinks Tonya is bipolar and needs to be prayed for.

The Challenge is grape smash. They have to take grapes, bring them into wine barrels, smash them up, and transfer the juice with their mouth to group buckets. The most juice, wins. The guys are freaking out about wearing the speedos. Ace (Paris), Alton (Las Vegas), and Timmy (USA Tour 2) don't want to wear the speedos.

They don't compete and the Good Guys are obviously suffering. The Bad Asses defeat the competition. The Bad Asses have about 15 bottles while the Good Guys have about 5. The Bad Asses lead $40,000 to $30,000. The stage is set for a Susie/Tonya battle.

The rest of the episode finds the two at each others throats. Susie is nominated. Tonya is nominated. Susie, Cara, and Colie sit in a circle, eating chips and salsa, taking turns saying why they hate Tonya. Tonya goes on a tirade telling Ev why she hates Susie and wants to send her home.

Inferno 3 Episode #6: An hour long extravaganza has Tonya going off on Susie

Tonight is an hour long episode of the Inferno.

We'll see if Danny (Austin) or Davis (Denver) will win the LifeSaver or if they will have to defend themselves in the Inferno. Danny seems angry that the Good Guys think he's weak, so he's ready and eager to defend himself in the Inferno. Highlight to read spoilers: They both lose the LifeShield and Danny goes home.

We'll also see the first half of the girls competition. Tonya (Chicago), for whatever reason, goes off on Susie (Australia) during this episode.

Should be a great hour. Post your comments here.

A "major rules violation" sends all of the Roadies to the Pit

If you go over to the Road Rules website, you'll see a Pit Preview for the season finale. In it, Drew Bell tells the Roadies that there has been a "major rules violation" in the past couple of weeks.

What's the rules violation? No one seems to know. It could possibly be that the Roadies have spoiled the outcomes of the Pit/missions almost every week since the show started. However, it seems to be more of a ploy to scare up some ratings and prevent the Roadies from revealing tomorrow night's outcome.

So far, there has been no confirmation as to what went down in the Pit, but we'll see once tomorrow rolls around to see which Roadies are here to stay. Also, expect a final Pit Stop as the final mission tomorrow, as a couple of Pit Crewers went out to Los Angeles to do some filming this weekend.

Monday, May 07, 2007

With season finale this Wednesday, Viewers Revenge should have wrapped up filming

This weekend should have been the last of the Pits, the last of the missions, and the fate of the six Roadies who made it to the end, should have been decided.

David (Viewers Revenge), Derek (Viewers Revenge), Kina (Extreme), and Susie (Australia) had all been guaranteed spots in the final mission. Both Adam (The Quest) and Tori (Viewers Revenge) were sent to the Pit one last time in order to defend their spot on the RV.

The last few moments of the episode should have been filmed this weekend, production should be wrapped up, but so far, no inkling of what went down has been leaked as of yet.

The general consensus is that the final mission will be identical to a "Pit Stop" and the remaining six Roadies have to battle it out with the Pit Crew in order to get their handsome reward. So far, there has been no news as to whether Tori and Adam made it out of the Pit, nor who of the Pit Crew faced the two in the Pit, or what happens during this final mission.

Post any information you have here. Stay tuned for more info.