He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Diem filmed an episode of MTV's Made earlier this month to make herself into a dancer and battle cancer

Diem (Fresh Meat) will be making a special appearance on MTV pretty soon. She's been made into a dancer on MTV's popular show, MADE.

She is made to become a pairs dancer with British Open Champion Paul Barris in order to hold an event at Shag in Hollywood, CA, to benefit cancer research. You can check out the photos at WireImage.

Most notably, CT (Paris) showed up to the event, and there's even a picture of CT smacking a kiss on Diem's cheek. The last time we saw the two together, Diem assured the world that they decided to be very good friends since they left the Duel.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Various castmembers indicate on their MySpaces that they are gone doing the Challenge

On several different MySpaces, there were ruminations a couple of weeks ago that several castmembers were being contacted to appear on the next Challenge. Earlier in the month, several castmembers have indicated that they were asked and mulling over the offers.

Now, fans are busy scouring MySpace pages for any indication that a castmember has left for the Challenge. I've gotten several confirmations from various different sources that some castmembers have indeed left for the Challenge earlier this month.

No word yet on what the theme will be for this Challenge. Earlier this year, production indicated that they were intent on casting for Fresh Meat 2, so this could possibly be another Fresh Meat Challenge.

Mary Beth is both expecting and engaged to be married

Mary Beth (South Pacific) announced on her MySpace page that she is both pregnant and engaged.

Although you can't have access to her page unless she lists you as a friend, you can clearly see a picture of Mary Beth's fiancee proposing to her on the beach as her default picture.

She also announced via her MySpace that she is expecting a child as well.

Congratulations to Mary Beth! We wish her and her family the best!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Reunited Episode #4: Arissa pisses everybody off and Trishelle becomes a ninja

The episode begins with Trishelle (Las Vegas) venting her frustrations to Frank (Las Vegas) and Steven (Las Vegas). The three seem to agree that the frustrations surrounding Arissa (Las Vegas) are not worth it. It seems like the group is separating itself into two distinct cliques at this point: those who party and those who don't. While this group seems to think that Arissa is just creating unnecessary drama, they don't want her to leave.

Brynn (Las Vegas) and Irulan (Las Vegas) go up to Arissa's hotel room that she requested for a night away from the roommates. They're fed up with the boys' male agression and violence and they feel that they can't live around the constant partying. Irulan admits that she's breaking down because she's living with Alton (Las Vegas), an ex-boyfriend that she had intense feelings for, which is hard to make go away.

Frank, meanwhile, wakes up fifteen minutes before in the Hardwood Suite, pretty drunk from the previous night. Frank, Steven, and Alton return to clean up the mess in the suite, but they also agree that the two girls overreacted to the situation. They don't like Arissa, but the point of the reunion is for the seven of them to be together once again, hence they don't want her to leave.

The two girls decide to stay. Frank apologizes to both Arissa, which is almost identical to the apology that occurred five years ago. Irulan also gets an apology, although they both think that he might not have wanted to necessarily apologize.

To make amends, Arissa cooks lasagna for the roommates, but although they all enjoy it, Alton and Trishelle both say that they would have rather had Arissa cut down on her dramatics rather than cook them dinner for a night as an apology.

Finally, Trishelle introduces the roommates into her movie, Ninja Cheerleaders. The movie is a hit with her roommates and they celebrate with a huge party in the Palms nightclub.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reunited Episode #4: Will Irulan come back? Arissa and Trishelle throw down

Tonight's episode of Reunited has the cast at a crossroads. After the incident in which Frank (Las Vegas) gleeked at Irulan (Las Vegas), Irulan threatened to leave the house, and at least left the suite for the time being. At the same time, Arissa (Las Vegas) left the house after she found broken dishware in teh kitchen. She threatened to leave the house as well.

We'll see the two resolve their issues with Frank, but Trishelle will have a fight with Arissa, after Trishelle tells Arissa that she believes that she is overreacting to the mess in the house.

Tune in tonight and post your reactions here.

Inferno Episode #14: Kenny and John win the LifeShield, Derrick sends Davis home

Last night's episode of the Inferno marked the first time that Derrick (Extreme) was able to break his own personal curse of losing in the final elimination round before the final Challenge. In the Gauntlet 2, Derrick lost to Timmy (USA Tour 1). In Fresh Meat, he and Diem (Fresh Meat) lost to Darrell (Campus Crawl) and Aviv (Fresh Meat). And in The Duel, Derrick lost to Wes (Austin).

So, now, much to his chagrin, he's voted into the last Inferno. This undoubtedly sends Derrick into panic mode as he wants to break his losing streak. He feels that he has to win this Inferno to prove himself to the team.

The cast gets their mission and they find out that they will be "reeling" the other team in. The guys will be reeling in the girls from a fishing boat, while the girls try to swim away. The team with the fastest average time receives $10,000.

The teams struggle with the Challenge initially, while some pull it off easily. Alton (Las Vegas) fails to reel in Evelyn (Fresh Meat) who seems to be pulling far ahead of the competition. Davis (Denver) seems to pull off an excellent time, as well as Derrick (Extreme). However, Kenny (Fresh Meat) and John (Key West) each win LifeShields, guaranteeing them a spot in the finale.

Derrick and Davis meet in the Inferno, playing "Corner Ball". The two of them have to get a ball at an apex of two walls. Each has to run alongside their side of the wall, grab the ball, and run down their opponents wall to cross the finish line. Derrick easily beats Davis, as the fire and tenacity prove too much for Davis to handle.

The guys are ecstatic that they are going into the final mission. The girls, on the other hand, are both pissed and nervous about the next day's events.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Inferno Episode #14: Post your reactions here

It's Derrick (Extreme) and Davis (Denver) at the chopping block as the two male castmembers vie to get the LifeShield in order to prevent them from going into the Inferno for the very last time.

Derrick, who has been flying under the radar for most of this season, is super anxious because he has a history of losing Challenges right at the end. It's going to be a good episode.

Post your reactions here.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Kendal welcomes a beautiful baby boy this past Friday

Kendal (Campus Crawl) had her baby boy this past Friday.

Mother and son are reportedly doing well. Kendal is now living in Washington State after a brief stint in the entertainment industry.

Congratulations to Kendal! We wish her and her family the best!

Coral comes out of the closet as "venturing toward her lesbian qualities"

Perez Hilton broke this story on Coral (Back to New York), who has presumably come out as a lesbian after years of dating men including some on reality television.

The interview talks about how Coral has recently decided to venture toward women and decided not to do so on reality television because it'd be kinda mean to come out to her parents on a reality television show. She was seen cavorting with Abram (South Pacific) on a Challenge, which is a relationship that she later denied ever happened.

The interview she gives with Outlook Magazine identifies her as coming out more and doing more GLBT events.

She also states that she is mulling an offer to be on the next Challenge, which is reportedly scheduled to be filming now or relatively soon.

Frankie Abernathy, castmember of 'The Real World: San Diego', passed away last week

News that has hit fans hard this past week, The Real World: San Diego's Frankie Abernathy died Saturday, June 9. She was only 25.

Frankie had moved to Shorewood, Wisconsin to be with her mother, when the disease she was living with, cystic fibrosis, had gotten progressively worse. Frankie passed away Saturday night in her mother's home after a rough patch with the disease.

Since last Saturday, internet communities and Real World fans have been taken aback by the news. Frankie, who left the show early because she reportedly said that it wasn't for her, was a fan favorite because she stood out for her unique style and personality.

Services were held this past weekend in Blue Springs, Missouri, and a scholarship fund has been established in Frankie's name at Blue Springs High School, Frankie's alma mater. In lieu of flowers, fans can send donations to the Frankie Abernathy Scholarship Fund, c/o Jackie Langston, 1205 NW Roanoke Drive, Blue Springs, MO, 64015.

The following is a list of links to major stories about Frankie and provides a pretty complete view of the events of the past week.

Our prayers and condolences are with Frankie's family, her mother Abbie, her father Joe, her stepfather Perry, her sister Mamie, and her many friends.

MTV announces Frankie's death
MTV explains Cystic Fibrosis

MSNBC announces Frankie's death
People Magazine announces Frankie's death
TMZ announces Frankie's death
Variety announces Frankie's death

The Kansas City Star announces Frankie's death
The Kansas City Star covers Frankie's funeral
The Kansas City Star profile of Frankie after she left the show
Leave your condolences for Frankie

Jacquese, Jamie, and Cameran respond to Frankie's death
MM Agency tells cast about Frankie's death
Wes and Dan react to Frankie's death

Frankie's MySpace