You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sydney Episode #3: It's girls night out except when Trisha and Parisa fight, again

Tonight's episode of the Real World Sydney saw Trisha (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) liberating themselves from their American significant others and exploring possibilities with others abroad. Trisha begins the episode by breaking things off with Jarod, her longtime boyfriend. Trisha, who says that the two needs time apart, is just looking to explore what Sydney has to offer. Meanwhile, Shauvon is also looking forward to exploring what Sydney has to offer after she broke off her long term relationship.

Trisha invites Alex, the local Sydney boy she met at a club on the first episode, back to the house. While she, KellyAnne (Sydney), and Dunabar (Sydney) look comfortable chatting with Alex, the rest of the roommates question how quick Trisha was able to move on. Later on, Shauvon invites Ky out, another friend that she met at a nightclub.

Parisa (Sydney) decides to let her inhibitions go and begin drinking that night. While Trisha makes it known that she can't stand her, Parisa almost immediately begins losing control. Later at dinner, Parisa passes out at the dinner table and Dunbar carries her home. Shauvon takes Ky home and the two fool around. Isaac (Sydney) laments that he ever hooked up with Shauvon in the first place, especially since they're sleeping next door to each other.

Trisha talks to Cohutta (Sydney) about her relationship and she finally comes to the conclusion that she's pushing things with Alex too fast and too far. In an effort to redeem herself, she sends an email to her boyfriend back home. Parisa, who wants to use the computer, says that Trisha is hogging the computer. The two begin to get into a fight with Trisha throwing insults at Parisa. Parisa just walks away with Shauvon and when Trisha asks if Isaac likes her as a person, Isaac responds, "I don't know yet."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sydney Episode #3: Post your reactions here

Tonight is another episode of the Real World: Sydney. The girls are on the prowl tonight, as Trisha (Sydney) breaks it off with her boyfriend back at home, while Shauvon (Sydney) is looking to get back into the game after she breaks it off with her boyfriend. The house seems to divided on Trisha, as some see that she broke up with her boyfriend only to free herself to date Alex, the local she met in the first episode. Meanwhile, Shauvon also pursues someone she met in the first episode. Finally, we see the tension between the girls rear its ugly head again, as Trisha and Parisa (Sydney) can't seem to get along, even when Parisa goes out of her way to be a part of the group.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Trisha's trip to McDonalds stirs a bit of a controversy Down Under

In a now infamous remark that she surely regrets, Trisha (Sydney) is apparently the center of controversy in the Asian-Australian community over her impatience with a McDonald's employee in Sydney.

If you remember, this is the impetus behind Trisha and Parisa's (Sydney) falling out, after Parisa becomes disgusted after hearing Trisha's comment.

While the article doesn't post any information about the scandal, it links you to a clip of the comment. If you want to know what a Crunchie McFlurry is, consult this Wikipedia entry.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Short article praises Parisa and reveals her YouTube Account

Parisa (Sydney) is profiled over at this online news magazine. They don't reveal much about Parisa, but they contend that she's not the first Muslim to appear on the Real World. Mohammed (San Francisco) was actually the first. The article also reveals that she herself did not pursue the Real World audition, casting producers had asked her to audition.

The article more significantly reveals that Parisa has a YouTube account where she posted a video of her singing the Star Spangled Banner. You can also check out her MySpace Music page.

Monday, August 13, 2007

New Hollywood House may be located in an old television studio on Sunset Blvd.

All signs point to the fact that The Real World: Hollywood house is currently under construction. A new report from LA Curbed states tha the new Hollywood house will be located on the old CBS building lot on the corner of Sunset and Gower just blocks from the world famous Hollywood/Vine intersection, where among other things, the Kodak Theater is located.

While this seems like a perfect opportunity to film a Real World series in an old converted studios that once filmed shows like I Love Lucy and The Jack Benny Show, there are some conflicting reports that has suggested this lot was intended for a massive redevelopment that had nothing to do with the Real World.

To check out the CBS building in all its glory, check out this page which details its past, its Wikipedia entry, a picture from the Los Angeles Times, and this report that suggests that the site is intended for a mixed use project comprising more than 400,000 sf of office and retail space, 400 multifamily units and a 125-room hotel.

This doesn't mean that the Real World can't be filmed here of course. But it does mean that the house will be constructed in the old building, especially since, according to the Wikipedia page, there are heavy efforts underway to protect the preservation of the site. Google Maps has the complete street view of the complex.

Johanna continues to post her views about the Sydney cast over at RealityDish

Johanna (Austin) first shared her views about the Sydney cast during the casting special. Now she's turned around and given us what she thinks about the first few days of the cast now that they've moved into the house.

Reality Dish posted an article where Johanna talks about the interesting dynamic that took place in Sydney the first day. She blames a lot of the drama on the producers and how they choose who comes to the house first. She was almost certain that KellyAnne (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) were one of the first to arrive, because they were most likely to cause drama. She was also certain that Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) met each other first to stir romantic inclinations. She compares this to her first day where Rachel (Austin) wanted to immediately room with her, but Johanna told her to wait until the other castmembers came through the door. She also says that she and Wes (Austin) were made to meet each other first, as were Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin).

Johanna goes on to comment on the fights between the girls. She says that the only team she seems to be on at this point is "Team Cohutta", although she is taking a liking to Shauvon. Check out the article for more.