Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Christina opens up her very own website; Challenge in Brazil is currently set to film; Denver is filming; Shane dated Ryan prior to Fresh Meat

Christina (Australia) recently opened up her own website at The Unphilospher. She's now a Los Angeles comedienne who's doing shows in the area. She has an upcoming voice credit for TV The Movie, a film by the Jackass crew. She's also starring on the upcoming PBS show "Mental Engineering".

So, the Challenge in Brazil is currently underway. According to various MySpace accounts which have been under scrutiny since filming began, the following castmembers are said to be in Brazil: Beth S. (Los Angeles), Julie (New Orleans), Aneesa (Chicago), Brad (San Diego), John (Key West), Paula (Key West), Svetlana (Key West), Tyler (Key West), Derrick (Extreme) and Tina (South Pacific). We can absolutely confirm that the following three people have already gone home. (Highlight to read) Using the current Fresh Meat as an indication of who's the first to go, it looks like Key West castmembers are being targeted with John and Paula both being sent home. Also, Tina is said to have gone home.

The Real World Denver is currently underway. According to this insider who lives in Denver, he caught a glimpse of a castmember being filmed outside the house this past weekend. Apparently, the cast won't be that hard to spot, as the hot tub is visible from the sidewalk and the cast is being scheduled for regular club appearances.

Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) failed to make the cut in Last Comic Standing. As previously reported, Theo advanced to the semi-finals last week, but he was eliminated in this week's cuts. Timmy (USA Tour II) had a cameo appearance in the audience in last night's episode.

A movie that Landon (Philadelphia) shows up in is currently having screenings in the state of Indiana this month. Check out the movie's website for dates.

Finally, in Fresh Meat news, there's a big hub-bub about Shane's (Campus Crawl) appearance on Overdrive. He apparently talks in great detail about Ryan (Fresh Meat), who dated Shane prior to even applying to be on the show. The two broke up with Ryan applied to be on the Fresh Meat Challenge, which Shane knew that he would eventually be a part of. He even disliked the "stalkerish" quality of Ryan so much, that he lobbied to have Ryan thrown off the Challenge. He also makes a comment about Jesse (Fresh Meat) and the ambigious nature of his sexuality. Just for you not keeping tabs, Ryan is Melinda's (Austin) teammate and Jesse is Johanna's (Austin) teammate.

Theo doesn't make it to the next round in Last Comic Standing; Jose, Johanna, Cameran, Teck, Ace are in Denver

Sadly, if you watched Last Comic Standing, you would know that Theo and his ingredients joke did not make it the next round.

In other news, the cast of the Real World Denver has moved into the house and there will be Real World launch party in Denver this Friday at 9 p.m. at Vinyl. You can hang out with Jose, Johanna, Cameran, Teck and Ace.