Your site looks really nice. I like the way the site looks and how easy it is to explore. -Nicole (Back to New York)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, August 06, 2004

Derrick will be joining Reality Spot for a chat in the near future

On August 11th, 9pm Eastern time, Derrick (Xtreme) will be joining Reality Spot for a live chat. Every week, the Spot guarantees guest hosts. Last week, the first session was held with Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) and many people didn't show up because of lack of advertising. He answered all of the questions but couldn't say much about the Challenge. But he did say that was a hook-up involving him and another girl. Also, when the Challenge airs he will posting a journal he's been keeping. Fans of Derrick are encouraged to come.

Don't forget to check out Jamie (New Orleans) and his new DVD, Reality Road Trip Bahamas.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Partial cast list for Battle of the Sexes 2 finally appears online

Here's what the cast list stands at so far. Obviously changes are to be made as new information comes to light. Probably most prominently for the girls side.

Girls Team:
Cameran (San Diego)
Robin (San Diego)
Arissa (Las Vegas)
Tonya (Chicago)
Aneesa (Chicago)
Coral (Back to New York)
Ruthie (Hawaii)
Genesis (Boston)
Cynthia (Miami)
Beth S. (Los Angeles)
Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Sophia (The Quest)
Katie (The Quest)
Tina (South Pacific)
Ayanna (Semester At Sea)
Veronica (Semester At Sea)
Angela (Xtreme)
Ibis (Xtreme)

Boys Team:
Brad (San Diego)
Jacquese (San Diego)
Randy (San Diego)
Ace (Paris)
Adam (Paris)
Frank (Las Vegas)
Steven (Las Vegas)
Mike (Back to New York)
Eric (New York)
Derrick (Xtreme)
Nick (Xtreme)
Patrick (Xtreme)
Abram (South Pacific)
Chris (South Pacific)
Shane (Campus Crawl)
Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
Dan (Northern Trail)
Mark (USA Tour 1)

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Mike accepted his award last night from the Challenge; Melissa is not a co-host for the Challenge

For those people who doubted that Mike (Back to New York) was ever on this upcoming Challenge... he accepted his Reality TV Award that MTV aired last night from the Vista Clara Ranch. Thanks to Chris for that info.

Plus, we can also confirm that Melissa (New Orleans) is not co-hosting this Challenge along with good ole' Johnny Moseley.

Don't forget to check out Jamie's (New Orleans) latest project, Reality Road Trip: Bahamas and our store which opened a few days ago.

16th Season of the Real World may land itself in Washington DC

There are some rumors floating around that the next installment of the Real World will be in Washington D.C. There is talk of a loft being prepared in the Adams Morgan section of the city. BMP is in the process of casting for the sixteenth season now so hopefully more information will become available soon. Check back for updates!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Jamie just finished up his own DVD which follows ex-Real Worlders and Road Rulers on vacation

Here's an official update for Jamie (New Orleans): Jamie recently finished up production on a reality DVD called Reality Road Trip: Bahamas. It brings past reality television stars such as Cara (South Pacific), Roni (Northern Trail), Marybeth (South Pacific), Sarah (Campus Crawl), Malik (Back to New York), Eric (New York) and other castmembers to the Bahamas, catching their trip on tape. It's like a whole new season that you will never forget! You can now purchase this exclusive DVD by going to, where the DVD is exclusively sold.

And an additional note to other Bloggers and webmasters: If you want to help promote this video in venues such as chat rooms and email lists, Rockstarz Productions will be happy to get you a free video. Anyone can get involved by contacting the Rockstarz Production team at

Steven, Shane, Theo, Brad, Ruthie, Robin, Ibis, Tonya, Coral are on the Challenge

Kristin at E-Online weighs in on the Challenge this week, confirming and denying some people who are in attendance:

She confirms that Steven (Las Vegas), Shane (Campus Crawl), Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour), Brad (San Diego), Ruthie (Hawaii), Robin (San Diego), Ibis (Xtreme), Tonya (Chicago), and Coral (Back to New York) are all there. But she also mysteriously says that Mike (Back to New York) declined to do this Challenge? Unfortunately, we can neither confirm or deny this.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Theo's comedy act bombs when he tries it out in New Mexico during the Challenge

The following is a little blurb that appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican about Battle of the Sexes 2:

"MTV's reality-TV series, being filmed at the Vista Clara Ranch resort in Galisteo and around Santa Fe, is called The Real World/Road Rules: Battle of the Sexes. It pits 18 men against 18 women in contests like making rafts out of recyclables and melting blocks of ice with their body heat. We know this because a half dozen of the women cast members showed up at the Downtown Day Spa, 112 W. San Francisco St., on July 24 for massages, facials and manicures. "They kill our bodies," one said. They enjoyed their pampering at the spa without the intrusion of cameras.

Cameras were on hand on Tuesday, however, when Theo, one of the male cast members, tried out his stand-up comedy act at the Bar B in the back of The Paramount, 331 Sandoval St. But Theo found out a few things about Santa Fe when his crude joke comparing Hispanic women to piñatas was greeted with a stunned silence. "You racist," someone yelled. Theo tried to fend off the hecklers, but he was visibly unnerved. We'll have to see if they edit that part out when the show airs in October."

And if you have time, we just opened up our store, which offers over 70 Real World/Road Rules related products, it's one of the biggest selections that the internet has to offer. Check it out here.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Someone breaks into the Battle of the Sexes resort and gives us the low down on the Challenge

Chris, a New Mexico native lays out most of the season for Battle of the Sexes 2. Amongst the things he reveals... is the final 7 for both sides and he confirms and denies some castmembers in attendance. Chris contacted us and had pictures of the villas and ranch. If you don't want to know spoilers, do not read it, because it spoils a lot of the season. Check it out his post (which he also emailed to us) at: