C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wikipedia reveals castmembers who have won the most and least money on Challenges

A fan has gone through the Wikipedia pages of past Challenges and has ran a tally of how much money each castmember has earned on the Challenges.

Competitors face off for cash in the Challenge
If anything, the list is incredibly interesting, albeit incomplete. These totals only reflect the amount of money won from final missions. Often times, castmembers were given individual prizes and appearance fees. In fact, in the past few years, castmembers have commented on the fact that they are beginning to get paid more than they have in the past for appearing on the Challenge. 

Nonetheless, in terms of prize money, here's the top 10:

1. Johnny (Key West): 8 Challenges/4 wins ($266,543)
2. Darrell (Campus Crawl): 6 Challenges/4 wins ($240,555)
3. Kenny (Fresh Meat): 8 Challenges/3 wins ($236,293)
4. Wes (Austin): 6 Challenges/1 win ($185,000)
5. Landon (Philadelphia): 4 Challenges/3 wins ($184,166)
6. Jodi (Extreme): 3 Challenges/2 wins ($176,666)
7. Derrick (Extreme): 9 Challenges/3 wins ($176,293)
8. Ev (Fresh Meat): 7 Challenges/3 wins ($167,000)
9. Evan (Fresh Meat): 6 Challenges/2 wins ($151,293)
10. Rachel (Campus Crawl): 7 Challenges/2 wins ($135,555)

The Challenger with the most amount of money is Johnny (Key West). However, Landon (Philadelphia) has made the most amount of money per challenge. The most unsuccessful Challengers of all time are tied for a four-way finish:

1. Danny (Austin): 5 Challenges/0 wins -- Last Challenge: Fresh Meat II
1. Eric (Fresh Meat): 5 Challenges/0 wins -- Last Challenge: Cutthroat
1. Ryan (Fresh Meat): 5 Challenges/0 wins -- Last Challenge: Fresh Meat II
1. Tyrie (Denver): 5 Challenges/0 wins -- Last Challenge: Battle of the Exes

San Diego's Ashley threw the first pitch at yesterday's Lexington Legends Game

Since the season wrapped late last year, Ashley (San Diego) moved back to Connecticut to live with family.

Real World: San Diego's Ashley
Ashley threw the ceremonial first pitch at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington, KY. Last night's game marked the first home game for the Legends. The Lexington Legends are the minor league affiliate of Houston Astros. The Legends played the minor league team for the Chicago White Sox. 

Last anyone heard, Ashley and Zach (San Diego) were still dating. You can follow Ashley on Twitter at @AshleyMarieMTV

Names of the Real World St. Thomas cast revealed

Although the Real World: St. Thomas cast is currently in production, details are slowly coming out about the cast.

The Real World: St. Thomas cast 
From left to right, we have LaToya, Trey, Robb, Marie, Unknown, Brandon, and Kate. The identities of six of the seven castmembers have been revealed and here's some pretty basic information about the six castmembers.

LaToya Jackson, 22
From: St. Petersberg, VA

Trey Weatherholtz, 23
From: Dundalk, MD

Robb Schriber, 21
From: Bensalem, PA

Marie Roda, 23
From: Staten Island, NY

Brandon Kane, 24
From: Boston, MA

Kate, Age unknown
From: Location unknown

This year, there are two self-proclaimed models on the cast (LaToya and Trey), a college basketball player (Robb), a self-proclaimed "party girl" (Marie), and a former addict (Brandon). Exact details about two of the castmembers have yet to be revealed, but we broke news about Kate yesterday.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Alex contributes to MTVs Voices series, discussing what confidence means to her

Alex (San Diego) has been keeping busy, working as an official correspondent for MTV's Voices series. 

The Real World: San Diego's Alex Govere
The Voices series is an online collection intended to represent the voice of a generation. Alex contributes regularly with video blogs on a number of different topics. This week, she talks about confidence. But in the past, Alex has talked about topics such as sex, activism, and bullying. You can follow Alex on Twitter @alexgovere and she writes for her own personal blog, The High Fiver.

The Real World: St. Thomas -- Third female castmember is Kate?

A couple days ago, a number of pictures crept online from the Real World: St. Thomas cast, MTV's latest and 27th season of The Real World. 

The Real World: St. Thomas' Trey & Kate
So far, the Internet has confirmed a number of castmembers including Brandon, LaToya, Marie, Robb, and Trey. This left one female and male castmember unidentified. Apparently, a fan ran into the cast in a bar in St. Thomas and has identified the last female castmember as Kate. Kate is the redhead that appears in the photo above with Trey

Otherwise, the fan was smart enough to snap two photos of the cast, including a close-up of Trey and a line-up of four castmembers. Check out the photos below. 

The Real World: St. Thomas' Trey
Marie, Trey, Brandon, and unidentified male castmember
Stay tuned, more information should come out soon.

San Diego's Zach is back playing professional football with the Saginaw Sting

One of the castmembers from the most recent San Diego season has rejoined his old football team, the Saginaw Sting. 

Real World San Diego's Zach
Zach is a wide receiver for the professional indoor football team. The team consistently does well and is currently the second place team in the league. In an interview with a local newspaper, Zach briefly spoke about his Real World experience. "It was just a fun experience, I try to stay level-headed. It was an experience that not everyone gets to have, and I got to enjoy it. I got a little more notoriety but that's about it."

This is a little different than the perspective shared on the Reunion, where Zach and Ashley (San Diego) separated themselves from the rest of the cast. Nonetheless, when asked about potentially returning to MTV for a Challenge, Zach leaves the door open. We may be seeing Zach on tv screens soon enough. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mike opens a new business, Greenest Genius, helping schools

Mike (Las Vegas) opened the doors to his new business on Tuesday, Greenest Genius.

Real World's Mike
Mike just opened GreenestGenius.com, a website that buys your old electronics, and then refurbishes them for use in schools. They refurbish old computers, iPads, and iPhones to schools that needs them the most. They also support schools with financial donations. Take a second and check out Mike's latest venture.

Season 28 of the Real World is in full casting mode, even though the series has yet to be renewed

Bunim-Murray is embarking on a nationwide tour this month, looking for the next group of seven strangers.

The last cast of the Real World. 
Bunim-Murray is currently making the rounds, looking for the next group of seven strangers. Production is touring a number of large cities, hitting nightclubs and bars, interviewing people for a new cast. This is extremely peculiar, given that MTV has only greenlighted the St. Thomas season. Nonetheless, casting has drawn crowds in several different cities.

Bunim-Murray has a casting webpage online, where hopefuls can fill out an application. A few lucky potentials are contacted via email, given VIP appointment times, and are asked to appear at the casting call. You can also show up at the casting call without an appointment and try your luck there. The casting call usually consists of a short group interview where everyone is asked to talk about themselves in a small group of hopefuls. Unfortunately, this turns into a free-for-all whoring competition, where people throw out random stories they think make them interesting.

If you think you have an interesting story, casting calls are being held in Missoula, MT, Riverside, CA, Tuscaloosa, AL, Columbia, MO, Columbia, SC, San Francisco, CA, Buffalo, NY, Philadelphia, PA, State College, PA, Norfolk, VA, Providence, RI, Tempe, AZ, New York, NY, Oklahoma City, OK, Las Cruces, NM, Seattle WA, Las Vegas, NV, and Columbus, OH. If The Real World isn't renewed, you may have a shot at the next Fresh Meat.

Real World creator Jon Murray on his production company turning 25

The creator of The Real World, Road Rules, and Challenge series recently gave an interview with the Hollywood Reporter

Jon Murray & the Denver cast in the background
Jon Murray, creator of the Real World, Road Rules, and Challenge, is also responsible for a number of different reality shows. Bunim-Murray is at the helm of the wildly successful Kardashians series, the Bad Girls Club, and are now producing Project Runway. Murray sat down with the Hollywood Reporter to discuss his production company turning 25 and the changing nature of reality television. 

In the interview, he discusses his most proudest moment, when Pedro (San Francisco) impacted the nation by sharing his story with the world. Upon Pedro's death, former president Bill Clinton complimented Murray for his work on the series. Murray also opens up with other series including Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the Simple Life, and explains why The Real World wouldn't be picked up as a series today. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cast photos of the Real World: St. Thomas slowly appear online

Through various sightings at nightclubs, the cast of MTVs Real World: St. Thomas has slowly been revealed.

We've seen most of these castmembers while they've been out on the town, partying it up in local clubs. Filming in St. Thomas ends in May. But, we've seen photos of each of the seven strangers appear online. There are three females, four males. More on each castmember in an upcoming post!

The Real World St. Thomas house is on it's own island

The new season of MTV's The Real World will feature a first: the cast will live on their own island.

Hassell Island, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
According to Real World Houses, the 27th season of the series will have its own 15-acre island, with three houses, totaling 15,000 square feet of space. The main house overlooks Saint Thomas Harbor and was listed for sale last year. Some pictures of the house pre-renovation are already up online.

Apparently, you can see the house brilliantly lit up at night. The cast gets to the mainland by using speedboats and have been frequently seen in local bars at night.

Hulu Plus Offers Full Episodes of Real World and Road Rules

Hulu Plus, a web-streaming service, is currently offering full seasons of The Real World and Road Rules for a monthly fee.

Road Rules: USA Tour II
Hulu offers old school seasons including the first two seasons of Road Rules and the first four seasons of The Real World. So, if you're late to the game, you can catch up with Mark (USA Tour 1), who first appeared on the series in 1994. Amazon actually offers recent episodes of The Real World and The Challenge and their catalog is recent, but much more substantial than Hulu. From time to time, old clips will appear on YouTube and other file sharing services, but are usually taken off.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Road Rules: Where Are They Now? Darrell

Darrell (Campus Crawl) originally appeared on the series in 2001. He's been a frequent Challenge winner, but has not been seen since 2010's Fresh Meat II where he was sent home in the first elimination.

Campus Crawl's Darrell Taylor
Darrell recently sat down with Derrick (Extreme) to talk about the Challenge finale and updated viewers on his whereabouts. He gives some great commentary on Derrick's challenge podcast. Although he hasn't been on a Challenge in the past two years, he's up for another go, especially if the next installment is a Duel. Darrell has a two-year old daughter and has a second child on the way.

The Real World: St. Thomas cast has four guys, three girls

According to blogs and sightings, this season of The Real World: St. Thomas will have four girls and three guys.

St. Thomas Daily News writes about the cast arrival.
There have been enough castmember sightings to know that there are three females and four males on this season's cast. A local photographer spotted two males and two females on the beach in March.

Battle of the Exes originally had a 'Final Four' instead of a 'Final Three' finale

In the original rules of the Battle of the Exes, castmembers were told that there would be four teams in the final.

Sarah and Vinny in Battle of the Exes
However, early on in the Challenge, two teams were sent home early despite scheduled eliminations. Sarah (Brooklyn) and Vinny (Fresh Meat II) were sent home for Vinny's bad behavior. In the second episode, Vinny took off Mandi's (Fresh Meat II) top when the cast was at a club. Later on, Heather (Las Vegas) and Dustin (Las Vegas) were also sent home because Dustin had busted open his knee.

After the two teams were sent home, producers changed the rules from a Final Four to a Final Three. Originally, an alliance of Johnny (Key West)/Camilla (Spring Break), CT (Paris)/Diem (Fresh Meat), Mark (USA Tour I)/Robin (San Diego) and Dunbar (Sydney)/Paula (Key West) were gunning for those four top spots. The rule change quickly dissipated the alliance, breaking the bonds between the foursome, eventually leading to some friction that we saw unfold on-screen.