I always enjoy the updates on your site, they are very informative and often entertaining. -Trishelle (Las Vegas)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Casting for Road Rules 11 and Road Rules 12 is underway; New art for New Orleans cast is available

Hello! Hello! BMP is NOW accepting videos for
Road Rules 11 and Real World 12. Location is already decided upon,
but has not yet been released. The four locations, announced by a BMP
spokesperson, for Real World 12 were Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,
and Las Vegas. Las Vegas was the front runner. And probably because
of what has happened in Chicago, Las Vegas will be picked, because
the kids are most likely not to be bothered in Las Vegas, where there
is filming all the time. If you might remember, Las Vegas has been considered
since Boston. Hawaii's original location was Las Vegas but for
some reason, it was quickly changed last minute. Also, there are only 11 spots open instead
of the usual 13, because two of the original Chicago cast members dropped
out of RW12 because of the shootings. Submit Your Tape at:

Attn: Real World/ Road Rules Casting

6007 Sepulveda Blvd.

Van Nuys, CA 91411

No open calls have been announced or deadlines have been set. Good Luck to those
who apply.

Lionel Milton, who you saw on the RW New Orleans as Melissa's artist friend,
still loves the Real World. He made computer shot-outs that look awesome.
Visit his site to send a shot-out to your
closest friends.

Monday, August 27, 2001

Rumors about the Battle of the Seasons cast; Chicago collage to showcase the new cast

What's going on? Yes! News two days in a row! OK! Here goes nothing. I've been searching around on sites of Real World Chicago pics. I formulated a collage of every possible cast member. It just puts them all together. The majority of the pictures are from liquidgeneration.com. Other pictures are from realityworldtv.com, realworldblows.com, and facelink.com/beck612.

Just go ahead and click below to check it out. These are not our pics, visit the above sites to get access to the originals.

RW11 Cast Collage

I just forget about the most important things! The jobs at Piece are
short-lived. The Chicago Sun-Times report that they are currently not letting
the cast members work. They are reportedly "not currently on the schedule". Thanks
so much for the people who gave us the sightings... WE NEED TO POST THEM! Anyways,
we heard the 45-minute wait for Piece isn't worth it.

Here's the Challenge tally so far peoples:

New York: Heather, Norman

San Francisco: Puck, Jo

Miami: Flora, Mike

Seattle:Lindsay, Stephen

Back to New York: Mike

Australia: Chadwick, Christina

Maximum Velocity Tour: Theo, Holly

The following are TOTAL guesses. It's from speculation
I got and reasoning. Some of them are just total guesses in the
dark. This is pretty fun. LOL.

Los Angeles: Beth S., David

London: Mike*, Sharon

Boston: Jason*, Elka

Hawaii: Teck, Ruthie

New Orleans: Kelley, David*

Back to New York: Lori

USA Tour 1: Shelly, Mark

USA Tour 2: Effie, Devin

Europe: Belou, Chris

Islands: Erika, Jake

Northern Trail: Tara, Jon

Latin America: Josh*, Gladys

Semester At Sea: Veronica*, Shawn*

The Quest: Katie, Blair

* = rumored to be STRONG possibilities.

By the way, it is still VERY unclear if this Challenge will pan out like hoped
for. There are rumors that filming of the Challenge might be pushed back
or whatnot with RW11 going overseas. This is the first time production
will film two different RW/RR projects at one time! It can be done!
Filming is slated to begin in September.

Sunday, August 26, 2001

Mike and Lori rumored to be a part of the new Challenge; Melissa and Danny get into a car accident

It seems that Mike from the current Real World season will be joining the cast of the new Real World/Road Rules Challenge! We're also getting conflicting reports as to the female joining the cast, but we think it's Lori! We might be wrong! But we're almost sure that we're right! LOL... That's it for today kiddies. Got to go. Oh yeah, I've been getting news that the Challenge is still having problems signing people... hopefully that'll work out.

Melissa also got into a car crash with Danny of the New Orleans season. They aren't hurt, but someone else was injured along with them. Read about it at Melissa's site, Princess Melissa.