Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Back To New York
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New Orleans 2010
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, December 10, 2004

Trishelle was not selling herself for a date; You can buy a ticket on the Reality Cruise

So remember that Real World and Road Rules cruise with Trishelle (Las Vegas), Katie (The Quest) and Ace (Paris)? Well, you can actually book the trip now with Carnival cruise line which will depart from Miami in May 2005. Click here for details.

Also, do you remember Trishelle (Las Vegas) auctioning off a date with her on E-Bay? Apparently, this is not even true. Trishelle was never part of the fiasco and is considering her options for what she can do next. The date went for $1000+.

So are you sending out your chain emails? Voting on multiple computers? Mike (Back to New York) is in the final two for WWE's Tough Enough 4. If he comes through with the most votes, he will be crowned Tough Enough's winner and will receive a million dollar WWE contract. The winner will be announced Sunday night on pay-per-view on Armeggedon. Help out Mike and vote for him here.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Mike is close to a WWE contract; Tonya is Playboy's Cyber Girl of the Week

For those of you who are big Miz (Back to New York) fans, Mike has now made it to the final two against his biggest competitor Daniel Puder. I'm hearing rumors abound that a big part of the final decision as to who gets the million dollar contract is going to be the final vote. However, the judges will also factor the winner of a match between Puder and Mike in the final decision. Most give the advantage to Puder, who is a fighting expert as he has several belts for something (or so I'm told). So us Real World fans need to support Mike and push him through to the final contract. Although we've been criticized a bit for our undying support for Mike, here at the Blog, we love to help out any alumni any way we can. If you remember, a huge part of Rachel (San Francisco) being chosen as the final three on The View was huge fan support. So really come out and vote for Mike when voting starts tomorrow. This is where you vote!

Tonya (Chicago) has now joined the growing ranks of alumni who have posed for Playboy. Beth (Los Angeles), Jisela (The Quest), Veronica (Semester at Sea), Flora (Miami), Trishelle (Las Vegas), Katie (The Quest), Arissa (Las Vegas) and Marybeth (South Pacific) have all posed for Playboy in one form or another. Cara (South Pacific) was actually Miss November 2004 and will be up for Playmate of the Year 2004. But Tonya (Chicago) is now a Playboy Cyber Girl of the Week, following Marybeth (South Pacific) who appeared on the site shortly beforing appearing on Road Rules. Check out the Playboy pictures of Tonya, here. Also, if you want to check out the Playboy DVD that some alumni did, go to our store, which is accessible from the menu on the left.

Brynn, Steven, Irulan, Alton, Trishelle show up on the Fishbowl

It's a Real World Las Vegas reunion today at the fishbowl. Check out Brynn, Steven, Irulan, Trishelle and Alton on the Real World/Road Rules Talk radio show at 12:30 p.m.(pt)/3:30 p.m. (et).

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Katie, Trishelle, Ace will be a part of a Reality TV cruise

Ever wanted to spend a 7-day Carnival cruise with some of your favorite Real World and Road Rules castmembers? Well in May 2005, Katie (The Quest), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Ace (Paris) will be part of a cruise that will head to the western Carribean. 1-2 castmembers are also in talks to sign on to this cruise. There will be tons of exclusive parties and events on board. More information is scheduled to come online very soon and you'll hear more about how you can buy a ticket on to the RW/RR Cruise.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Real World houses takes a look at the empty San Diego house; Cameran is still dating Jeremy Bloom, not Mike

Real World Houses has an exclusive with the San Diego house which shows how the house looks during and after the castmembers moved out. You can actually see the San Diego pad stripped down to white walls and non-flashy furniture.

And Kristin reported from E-Online a couple days ago that Cameran (San Diego) was dating Mike (Back to New York). Sounded a little odd. But Cameran showed up at a speaking engagement recently and confirmed that she is still in a relationship with Jeremy Bloom. Apparently, she was really miffed about how things went down on the Battle of the Sexes 2 with alliances being formed with the veterans and how once she got there, she actually volunteered to go home.

Jon Murray is named President and Chairman of Bunim-Murray Productions

Congratulations are in order for Jonathan Murray. He is now the chairman and president of BMP. Check out the article here.