I always enjoy the updates on your site, they are very informative and often entertaining. -Trishelle (Las Vegas)
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
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The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, June 04, 2004

Theo lands a small part in a national play

Congratulations to Theo (RR Maximum Velocity) for landing a small role in a play called "Wrestling with Love." You can check it out this weekend at the 12th Annual Nationwide Blank Theater Company Young Playwrights Festival in Hollywood, CA.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Cameran is dating Ace, Randy promises an exciting event; Frankie breaks up with Dave

The New York Post printed an interview with Cameran (San Diego) who confirms that she is dating Ace (Paris) and not her TV sweetie Brad (San Diego). She also says that it will begin to get really emotional soon... Prior to this interview, Cameran has said that "something happens that has never happened in Real World history". Even Randy (San Diego) has promised major drama, saying that although the majority of the episodes are already aired, the drama is NOT halfway over. Speculation, speculation, speculation...

The castmembers MAY be referring to the rape incident. In case you have been living under a rock, there was a huge controversy that even made it to the front page of CNN.com. Allegedly, one of Randy's friends from out of town (who goes by the name of Justin) is being accused of rape by a girl that he picked up at a club. Apparently, Jamie helped the girl to bed after the alleged incident and was even questioned by authorities. Officials from the San Diego Police Department actually obtained a search warrant for the house and removed some bedding and tapes from BMP's possession. Who knows if this will actually shown and if this is what the castmembers keep talking about... Link.

And Frankie did this pretty extensive interview with her local paper in Kansas City. As Cameran and Robin were criticizing Frankie's choice for leaving San Diego on Tuesday night's episode, lo and behold, Frankie and Dave broke up for a short time after Frankie came home. Other interesting things, such as what's going on with her sister, cystic fibrosis, her relationship with Robin after the show, and a lot more. Link.

And finally, don't forget to watch Road Rules: Extreme, which will be premiering this upcoming Monday! This is the thirteenth season f Be sure to catch Patrick, Ibis, Jodi, Danny, Derrick and Kina as they hit South America.

Several possible castmembers named for Battle of the Sexes 2

If you are sitting around thinking about how it has been a little over a week since the Inferno ended and it's about time BMP starting filming another challenge, today is your lucky day. Rumor has it that there is another challenge set to begin filming in July. It will be another Battle of the Sexes with 18 players on each team.

Possible cast members include Jisela (The Quest), Abram (South Pacific), Sophia (The Quest), Mike (Back to New York), Ruthie (Hawaii), Tonya (Chicago), Cameran (San Diego), Robin (San Diego), Randy (San Diego), Jacquese (San Diego), and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour. This info comes from Tubescan Board or Tubescan.com.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Kelley and Scott Wolfe get married in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Congratulations are in order for Kelley from the Real World New Orleans. She married Scott Wolfe from Party of Five this past Saturday in her hometown of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Check out this link for more info.