I don't wrestle... I fucking beat bitches up. -Coral (Inferno II)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Friday, May 18, 2007

Real World: Sydney cast is finally spotted and pictures are taken

Never before has a Real World cast been shrouded in secrecy. The Real World: Sydney cast, who are living on Darling Harbor and working with Contiki Tours and Travel in Bondi Junction, has not been heard, seen, or even talked about since they started filming in early Spring.

However, Reality Blurred is posting exclusive pictures of two female castmates who were spotted on a tour that the roommates were giving. The post even names a couple of the roommates: Kelly Ann, Tricia, Dunbar, Issac, and Talhada. There are four females and three males.

There might be some castmates from overseas in this season, as has been the tradition in every international season of the Real World. (Jacinda (London) is from Australia, Niel (London) is from London, Sharon (London) is from London, Lars (London) is from Germany, and Simon (Paris) is from Dublin)

This season airs Summer 2007.

Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas website opens and updates you on cast whereabouts

The website of Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas opened yesterday. It has pictures and cast biographies, updating you on what the seven strangers have been doing since they left Las Vegas five years ago. Visit the website.

Alton has been living in California. He broke up with Irulan two years ago and has a new girlfriend. He's looking forward to seeing her again.

Arissa now leaves on the beach with her cat and spends her time cooking and painting. Her bio alludes to leftover tensions between her and her castmates.

Brynn married Austin and now has two kids with him. They are both living in Portland.

Frank is living in California and is attending graduate school.

Irulan is living in New York. She is a photographer and is moving in with her new boyfriend. She too is excited to see Alton again.

Steven is now a personal trainer and going to school to get his degree in psychology. He seems to be more laidback then he was five years ago.

Trishelle has been bit by the acting bug and has a few movies under her belt. She probably has the most high profile career of the seven.

Tomorrow, the casting special airs at 1pm, plus MTV will be airing a marathon of the entire season fairly soon.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Commercial for Las Vegas Reunited shows new hairstyles, Frank and Arissa kissing

Yesterday, during the finale of Denver, MTV showed the first commercial of Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas.

It was an incredibly brief look at the new series, but it showed all seven castmembers arriving at the Palms and select scenes from the new season. Most notably, Irulan (Las Vegas) has a very different hairstyle, shorter than before. Brynn (Las Vegas) has longer hair and is now a brunette. Steven (Las Vegas) has shaved his head.

Two scenes were also shown last night. One was of Alton (Las Vegas) and Arissa (Las Vegas) either arguing or just playing around. The second was a kiss between Arissa and Frank.

The "Casting Special" which will update us on what the seven strangers have been up to. It will air this Saturday. Don't forget to catch it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Denver Season Finale: Post your reactions here

More than a year afterMTV announced it was coming to Denver, six months after it began airing on TV, The Real World: Denver will culminate in an hour-long season finale which bids adieu to the seven roommates.

Interestingly enough, the episode was alluding to a hook-up between Jenn (Denver) and Stephen (Denver) which they were setting up last week. We'll see how that eventually plays out and we'll see the seven roommates sob and cry to say their goodbyes, until we see them at the next Challenge.

The season finale will be proceeded by a reunion show to air next week. After that, Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas will take its timeslot on Wednesday nights. The Real World: Sydney is wrapping production and should air this summer.

Post your reactions, say your good-byes. This is the last episode of the season.

Inferno 3 Episode #9: Tonya tries to make amends, Aneesa has an injury, Ace and Kenny sent to the Inferno

The episode begins with a little Tonya (Chicago) drama. Tonya and Davis (Denver) make out at a club. Tonya is married. Davis is gay. The two go home, but nothing happens. Later on, the Good Guys girls and Davis are playing the "I Hate Tonya" game, but this time, Tonya is listening outside the door. She momentarily breaks down, calls her husband, and vents her frustrations of not being able to get along with everyone at the Challenges.

On the way to the Challenge, we see Aneesa (Chicago) has a nasty knee injury that could potentially prevent her from competing. She lets the cast know that she's going to the doctor to check out her knee and she might be able to compete.

The mission is jumping from trampolines to platforms, but all team members must stand on the platforms in between the trampolines at one time to get to the end. Aneesa cannot compete in this mission. Kenny (Fresh Meat) says that Aneesa may as well go home.

The mission is pretty difficult at first, but both teams get the hang of it by the end. The Bad Asses pull off a win.

At deliberations, both teams select what they believe to be easy targets: Ace (Paris) and Kenny. Both are pretty gracious about it. Meanwhile, the Bad Asses begin to gang up on Aneesa, questioning her value to the team. Aneesa vigorously defends herself and threatens to pull a Gauntlet II where she exploded at Cara (South Pacific).

Inferno 3 Episode #8: Susie vs. Tonya (again), Colie is backed into a corner, Jenn beats Colie

Last night on the Inferno saw an incredibly tense moment between the Good Guys team when Colie (Denver) was basically thrown into the Inferno when the rest of her team had lost faith in her. Susie (Australia), Cara (South Pacific) and Colie had been in an alliance. Susie pledged not to vote Colie in if she won the LifeShield. John (Key West) lobbies hard to keep Paula (Key West), who is his friend and a stronger competitor. Meanwhile, on the Bad Ass team, Tonya (Chicago) wants to win the LifeShield so she can take out Susie.

The group gets their mission. They have to walk on these poles that are supported by the rest of their team from one platform to another. Evelyn (Fresh Meat) and Colie (Denver) both fall and it causes tension and a DQ for each team. It turns out that Susie and Tonya win the LifeShield. Susie has to save herself. Tonya leaves it up in the air that she may go in.

Meanwhile, the Good Guys pressure Susie to send in Colie. It culminates in the guys making Colie cry in the van, so Colie knows that it's coming. Tonya had told Jenn that she'd make her decision once they were at the Inferno. Susie decides to send Colie. Tonya doesn't save Jenn. They have to maneuver around a huge rotating wheel. Colie loses pretty easily. Susie says that they chose the right person to go to the Inferno. Colie graciously steps out of South Africa and the game.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Inferno 3 Episode #8: Post your reactions here

On this week's Inferno 3, both Susie (Australia) and Jenn (Denver) are once again sent to the Inferno. If you don't want to find out what happens, stop reading.

The Good Guys look like they want to send Paula (Key West) into the Inferno, because Colie (Denver) is in an informal alliance with Susie (Australia) and Cara (South Pacific). Talk is about Susie winning the LifeShield and sending in either Paula or Cara. Here's a minor note, Susie gets sent to the Inferno pretty much everytime and almost wins the LifeShield pretty much everytime. Tonya (Chicago), meanwhile, wants to annihilate Susie.

The girls seem to be fully dramatic. Talk about tonight's episode in this post.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Las Vegas Reunited had two cliques; The new season preview airs this Saturday, premiere is May 30th

The Real World: Las Vegas cast has now departed from the Palms Hotel/Casino and it's been a few weeks now. The new season Reunited: The Real World Las Vegas is tentatively scheduled to air a preview special this Saturday, May 19 at 1PM (and again at 9PM). Prior to that, MTV is running a "MTV Special" all throughout the day, which most likely will be a marathon, but no word on that yet.

While the actual premiere is slated to begin on May 30th, MM Agency is already spoiling some information regarding the cast interaction. While the cast seemed to leave on good terms five years ago, it seems that the cast formed two distinct cliques while living in the loft. Frank (Las Vegas), Steven (Las Vegas), and Trishelle (Las Vegas) formed one group, while Alton (Las Vegas), Arissa (Las Vegas), Brynn (Las Vegas), and Irulan (Las Vegas) formed another.

Expect a lot of reminiscing, probably not much fights, and just an all-around good time. The cast wasn't living together for very long, they all are five years older, and are much savvier when it comes to reality television, many having gone through the process the first time, and a few going through subsequent Challenges later on. Should be interesting to catch up with these strangers though. Keep tuned in to find more.

(Remember, this week marks the season finale of The Real World: Denver)