C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Kill Reality given a home on the E! Network with Tonya, Trishelle, and Steven

Kill Reality will premiere on the E! Network this Monday 7/25 at 10pm. Kill Reality brings together Reality TV alumni from various different shows to make a scripted horror movie. Who is participating? Tonya (Chicago), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Steven (Las Vegas).

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Yes joins forces with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Do you remember Yes from Road Rules Semester at Sea? Well he has joined forces with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to insist on tougher tobacco regulations. Yes was recently in D.C. with U.S. Representative Todd Platts. Read all about it here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Road Rules premiered 10 years ago to the day

Do you know what happened exactly 10 years ago today? A little show called Road Rules premiered on MTV. You can celebrate by checking out Road Rules Web. They have results from their 10th Anniversary Poll and also a look back with Jake about his RR experience.

Answers to the Gauntlet 2 Finale and who wins the finale is now up online

Here´s the answers to all the clues:

1) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember's ability to perform on the Challenges is no guarded secret.
Answer: Mark (USA Tour 1). He appeared in the soft-porn movie, ¨Guarded Secrets¨.
2) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember swigged cider a couple of times during his season.
Answer: Timmy (USA Tour 2). A favorite hobby of his was to swig cider and sing his song with fellow castmate Christian (USA Tour 2).
3) Veteran. Male. Real World. This person is half of the Virginia pair that were "non-strangers".
Answer: David (Seattle). David and castmate Nathan (Seattle) made Real World history when they were cast even as best friends at VMI. An additional bit of trivia, both Nathan and David claimed to have met Rebecca (Seattle) long before the series started and Stephanie, Nathan´s girlfriend at the time, was also a finalist for the show.
4) Veteran. Female. Real World. This castmember seemed to develop a rift with Veronica during her season.
Answer: Aneesa (Chicago) dated, fought and broke up with a Veronica on her season.
5) Veteran. Female. Real World. This cast member had a love/hate relationship with the armed forces during her season.
Answer: Robin (San Diego) both dated a member of the armed forces and was charged with battery against a member of the armed forces on her season.
6) Veteran. Female. Real World. The pitbull of the Challenge bunch.
Answer: During the Extreme Challenge, Julie (New Orleans) was called a pitbull by the Road Rules team.

7) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person woke up to a poster of Malcom X on his wall every morning.
Answer: Jamie (New Orleans) was criticized by Kameelah (Boston) during the New Orleans casting special because of the fact that he boasted he had a Malcom X poster on his wall.
8) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person was half of the couple that made it to the finale on the first Gauntlet.
Answer: Alton (Las Vegas) made it to the end of the first Gauntlet while Irulan (Las Vegas) didn´t.
9) Rookie. Male. Real World. One of the Real Worlders who has had an infamous underwear modeling career post Real World.
Answer: Although CT (Paris) and Eric (New York) both fit the bill, this is none other than Landon (Philadelphia).
10) Rookie. Male. Real World. One half of Philadelphia's famous Abercrombie twins.
Answer: MJ (Philadelphia) joins his buddy Landon in the final Gauntlet.
11) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown
12) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown

Again, the Rookies wins the Gauntlet.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Clues of the Final Challenge is grouped together for the Gauntlet 2

In lieu of the inconsistency of the clues, I've decided to lump them all together into one posting. There's been question as to who really made it to the Gauntlet's Finale. What I can tell you is that this information comes from an extremely reliable source. Although nothing is 100% confirmable until the final episode airs on MTV, this is the information we have as of yet: (Remember, these clues are in by no means finalized)

1) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember's ability to perform on the Challenges is no guarded secret.
2) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember swigged cider a couple of times during his season.
3) Veteran. Male. Real World. This person is half of the Virginia pair that were "non-strangers".
4) Veteran. Female. Real World. This castmember seemed to develop a rift with Veronica during her season.
5) Veteran. Female. Real World. This cast member had a love/hate relationship with the armed forces during her season.
6) Veteran. Female. Real World. The pitbull of the Challenge bunch.

7) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person woke up to a poster of Malcolm X on his wall every morning.
8) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person was half of the couple that made it to the finale on the first Gauntlet.
9) Rookie. Male. Real World. One of the Real Worlders who has had an infamous underwear modeling career post Real World.
10) Rookie. Male. Real World. One half of Philadelphia's famous Abercrombie twins.
11) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown
12) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown

I've heard that the two girls that make it to the end are from Xtreme, although I cannot say that information is as credible as the others. The answers to the clues will be given in a forthcoming post.

Also, here's a huge piece of information on who wins Gauntlet II:

The Rookies take the Final Gauntlet.