I would like to commend you on a great site. -Jamie (New Orleans)
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St. Thomas
       Road Rules
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Maximum Velocity Tour
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Campus Crawl
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Viewers' Revenge
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Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
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Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Rachel is taking part in the Battle of the Sexes 2

In it's first day, one of our posters over at the Message Boards found out that Rachel (Campus Crawl) is officially part of the next Battle of the Sexes 2. Find the article here. Thanks to our posters for that...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Blog opens up its very own message boards

Awesome news for the Blog! We now have set up our very own Message Board! Yes, the Blog is beginning to build an interactive community where fans can chat and talk about The Real World and Road Rules. Relish this opportunity to become a part of a brand new community that are dedicated fans to the series. We must note that we are in the infintile stages of this project and this is a pilot project. We're exploring how well this will work and if it does, we will expand it to include more features. Just remember the general courtesy rules if you do post and just have fun with it! Get to know other fans from all around the world and we'll see you at the Blog Boards! Link...

By the way, if it looks like its empty, don't be surprised... It's brand new. It's up to you guys to fill up the boards! If you experience any problems with the board, contact newrwroad@hotmail.com.

Philadelphia Weekly profiles the house at 3rd and Arch

The Philadelphia Weekly was able to snap some amazing photos of the Real World: Philadelphia house. Check them out for yourselves at http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/article.asp?ArtID=7512. Thanks to John for that.

San Diego reunion to air next week; Two will get the boot according to E!Online

Now that the seven roommates have left San Diego and are all sitting cozy at home, you all need your Real World fix! Next week, San Diego will air its regular final installment with the reunion, which will be attended by all eight castmembers and hosted by MTV VJ Vanessa. The Real World: Philadelphia is slated to premiere sometime this fall. Until then, Road Rules: X-treme will be airing all summer. And the next installment of the Challenge is now in production (probably to debut alongside Philadelphia).

And speaking of X-treme, Kristin at E-Online says that two will get the boot this time. She also mentions Nick who was named as a replacement for a booted castmember. But, when asked who Nick actually replaces, (Spoiler, highlight to read)Wanda nixes the idea that Danny is the one to be booted, but rather Derrick is the one to go. No confirmation on this as of yet.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

San Diego season finale allows critics to reflect on the show's history and shortcomings

The very last episode of Bunim-Murray's fourteenth season of the landmark series The Real World will air tonight as Brad, Cameran, Charlie, Jamie, Jacquese, Randy and Robin will say goodbye to San Diego and to each other. According to TVguide, we will see the end of Robin's arrest ordeal as she goes to court. (Note: This is not the first time a Real Worlder has gone to court during filming. Jo (San Francisco) actually went to court to get a restraining order from her boyfriend, but we never saw the trial on camera.) And apparently, according to the teaser for the next episode, Brad gets into trouble once again at the end of their stay.

If you check out RealityBlurred's two articles on the end of the San Diego season, you'll see commentary on the decline of the series since the San Francisco season. Most notbaly, those critics blast San Diego for refusing to focus on the rape incident (One of Randy's friends visited, brought a girl a home, and now is under trial for rape.), and focusing on other demure issues like Robin and Cameran jumping in the ocean to escape work.

Although these critics do have a point and most recent seasons have been far removed from issues that once shined through in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, San Diego does show promise. This has probably have been one of the most likable groups of castmembers in recent memory. They have tackled some rough issues, like Frankie's cutting or her cystic fibrosis. But unfortunately these problems were overshadowed by her confusing departure. Other castmembers also showed other promising storylines this season, such as Jacquese and his estranged father or Jamie and her distant connection to her parents. However, editors opted to constrain these issues into one-episode explanations and dedicated multiple episodes to fights and drinking.

But honestly, who can blame them? The earlier seasons of The Real World cannot be easily repeated. Reality TV is becoming a drastically changing medium that is constantly being redefined by the big networks. Shortly before Hawaii aired, BMP announced in a formal press statement that the tenth season would be the last of the Real World due to its declining ratings. But when Ruthie's problems with alcohol during the first two episodes drew huge ratings, who wouldn't decide to keep the show going in the direction that it has been?

But don't forget to WATCH the final season of The Real World: San Diego tonight!

Trishelle and Frankie are nominated for Teen Choice Awards

Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Frankie (San Diego) have been nominated for a Teen Choice Award. Click here to cast your vote for "Reality/Variety Jackass".

Monday, June 28, 2004

Mallory is in June's Self Magazine as a swimsuit model

Mallory (Paris) has appeared in June's issue of Self magazine as a swimsuit model. Check it out. It's on newsstands now.

Robin will make her court appearance on the last episode of the show

A while back Cameron said in an interview that something happens on the Real World San Diego finale that has never happened before. Well according to the San Diego Union Tribune, you will get to see Robin make her court appearance for battery charges. It's the first time in the history of the show that a criminal matter has been followed from beginning to end. Check out the season finale on June 29 at 10:00 p.m.