You are all going to hell. -Cynthia (Miami)
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Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sydney Episode #20: Post your reactions here

The relationships in the house seem to be busting at the seams (No pun intended) when the two couples seem to run into trouble.

On tonight's episode, Kelly Anne (Sydney) and Cohutta (Sydney) experience the second pregnancy scare in the history of the Real World. This time, they let us in the bedroom, as the condom breaks, and the two freak out over impending offspring. Last time, Steven (Las Vegas) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) had a freak-out when Trishelle was a few days late.

On the other side of the house, Ashli (Sydney) and Dunbar (Sydney) run into their own snags, at it seems like the two are finally getting to each other.

Will these relationships last? Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...

Well we already know there will be no offspring. I'd be sorry for the child anyway.

Cohutta does put a good message out there by wanting to be accountable for what happened.

Dunbar just wanted some a$$, and the only person stupid enough to give it was Ashli. The End

Anonymous said...

i hope she's pregnant
it would be different from all the other pregnancy scares

i hope julie bitches out dunbar on the phone for an hour

i hope we finally found out who goes on the vacation

i wish there would be a new roommate

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

i dont really care what happens, but i just wish that they would show a gauntlet 3 preview after this episode!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:05 PM me to! Im dying I want to see the preview so badly he does anyone know when its supposed to air?

Anonymous said...

well it was supposed to air january 8th, so ive heard, but i guess not since rob & big and life of ryan are starting again on that night :/

Anonymous said...

there probably gonna sir G3 januaury 22nd if not than feburaury wither way its getting old and they need to stop filling timwe slots like this out the gauntlet 3 on already mtv

Anonymous said...

Yes I wish they already show the gauntlet 3. And if kellyanne is

Anonymous said...

The Gauntlet 3 starts on January 8th, 2008

Anonymous said...

I met one of the Real World cast members at a bar a few weeks ago. He is on the Gauntlet 3 and says it will be the best one of these challenge shows yet. A TON goes down supposedly!

Could have been just amping it up, but he seemed real passionate about it.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone feel like Noreen is an unofficial member of the cast. She's there all the time and she would kinda fit perfectly into the cast.

Anonymous said...

Umm okkkk Ashli is a boyfriend stealers..any one agree? haha. I never liked her since she come on the show...Oo and I feel really bad for Julie...Dunbar should be DUMBar...hes cheating :< JERK!

Anonymous said...













Anonymous said...

7:16PM, totally agree. Noreen is the new 7th cast member!

Not that it matters anyway. This show is getting boring real quick. KellyAnne isn't pregnant. The Dunbar-Ashli conflict isn't nearly as interesting at the Parisa-Trisha conflict was. I'll still watch though.

Anonymous said...

my god this season of the real world stresses me out. could this season get more boring? and how big of a slut is ashli? she has been throwing herself all over dunbar since she got to the house and as soon as he gave her some, she started acting like he was making her sick, like he is nasty or something. she is just a waste of space. man this show has sure gone downhill since the new orleans season. i wish the producers would realize this and go back to doing what they did back then. whatever that was. first and foremost focus on casting. i really do believe that they are just going to college towns and picking people at random at clubs. the castmembers who used to be on the show had substance and were genuinely there for the experience of learning from people from different backgrounds than themselves. but the past few years have been the same hoebag soriety girls and frat jocks. enough already. the producers Jon Murray and Mary Ellis-Bunim once said "Drama would come from diversity. Growth would come from diversity. Humor would come from diversity. Heck, diversity would come from diversity." I really wish they would go back to that statement during the next season of casting.

wow didn't realize i would ramble on like that. sorry guys but like i said the show just frustrates me sometimes. i know i could turn the channel but why when the should could easily be better.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the show. Run away Julie.

Run... Run away.

Anonymous said...

Geez Ashli - do you see how much Tri(A)sha wants to turn the tables on you? Don't call her a friend. You can, and will do better.

Anonymous said...

Julie... You are one beautiful girl. Pls. don't get caught up in his sh#t. Have fun with him all you want, but please let us all know that you're safe, and in control of the situation. We viewers are worried.

Anonymous said...

Isaac is definitely the most interesting in the house and so is Noreen, they're so cute. I love Isaac's assesment of how Dunbar claims that Ashli is always in his bed, but as Isaac puts it, he doesn't hear Dunbar ask her to get out. It looks like Ashli smartened up and realized that Dunbar is a jerk, I'm glad she let him have it for the name calling. Ashli, you made a mistake, but at least you're seeing him for the pig he really is. I hope his girlfriend smartens up and realizes what a fool he's made of her too. He deserves to be alone. As for Kellyann and Cohutta, let's just say, thank God she's not pregnant.

Anonymous said...

8:01 I hear you. I'm old enough to have watched the first season and that was interesting. The originals came to the loft and justed lived life. Julie came from Alabama to be a dancer in New York City. Kevin and Eric fought. Heather B Kept it real. That was a season. Now everyone is trying to out due the Vegas season. And guess what ladies and gentlemen, its never going back to the way I remember it. The producers could get people like the first few seasons but the ratings would tank.

For example look at Road Rules. I used to love that show. Put 5 complete strangers in a winibago and let the conflict arise. By the end of the season you may like or dislike the people, but you knew a lot about them, and not just their sex lives. It was great watching Timmy, Christian, Effie(Remember Her?) going cross country. But look what the producers and/or MTV did to that show. Lose a competion, vote someone out. Just like Survivior. That is why RR ain't on anymore because all shows are like survivior.

Sorry I went on my rant but through the last bad episode of RW that is what I was thinking about. A great show that will never be as good as it once was. Thats a shame for all you teens on this blog that never saw the first three seasons. If you can find them, watch them and I think you will agree with me.

So please tell me what you guys think. I like to hear I'm not alone in my thinking. And also talk about your favorite EARLY RW/RR cast members. Keep their Spirits Alive!!!

Anonymous said...

Right on Deck! Those words are so true. I loved Timmy also. Like when they had to steal the eight ball from the RW Miami house. The look on Dan's face was priceless.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Noirin is the most interesting person hanging in that house, and I'd really like to hear her, Isaac and Parisa talk politics. They are obviously much worldlier than the rest of the bunch and they are being dumbed down because the producers think that is what the viewers want. I bet they had some good political conversations that will never be aired, even though they are so relevant and timely.

Why don't the producers just break mold and grandfather in Noirin? They'd be doing us and the show a big favor.

Yes, what is with the Christian airhead white-bread brigade? Help!

It's hard to dislike Cohutta though. I'd be very interested to learn if he has a conservative or open minded take on things. Given his wit, he seems a little in between, which keeps him from being a stereotype. He actually seemed disapointed that Kelly Anne wasn't pregant. Call me crazy, but it might not have been a bad idea. Although she is terribly immature, if she goes the MTV tour and Challenge route, she will just become more self-involved and sheltered from the REAL world. I hear she’s for animal rights though and the organic movement. Why don’t they talk about that?

Man, I can't fathom why they cast Dunbar or why three girls in the house have liked him or found him attractive. I saw him for the wounded angry ignorant mysoginistic meathead that is from clip one. I do feel sorry for him, but not nearly as sorry as for those who come in contact with him and those of us who are subjecting ourselves to watching him. I keep thinking, why do they keep casting this type, instead of more interesting or artistic people? He has no new perspective to offer. I guess the producers just knew he would degrade women and thought we'd find it entertaining.

Isaac and Noirin were spot-on about calling Dunbar's rationales regarding his cheating. And I'm glad that despite Ashli's immature behavior, she is starting to see how volatile this guy is and ultimately won’t take his crap. I think it is slightly possible she will mature a bit and prove to have half a brain, which is at least a quarter more than I thought she had. Hopefully she learned something about self-respect and respecting others. Well, one can hope!

Of course, I concur with those of you who say run, Julie, run. I hope it doesn’t take her too long to realize she is not doing herself any favors by staying with this guy and blaming it on Ashli.

Please, MTV, go balls out next time and cast interesting individuals next time and allow them to be the interesting people that they are. (For example, we get only very small doses of the more interesting elements of Isaac and Parisa, but based on this board we seem most interested in them.)

Dear MTV, it’s okay to have two Muslims or two Asians or three Black people or two gay people or someone from India and a NATIVE AMERICAN, or even two, or any combination thereof. We had to endure four or five white conservative (or at least totally clueless) people with this cast. We already know about these types, they are everywhere in the media and society. But as teacher I can tell you there are TONS of interesting young people out there as well. Give us the diversity that the post above said you once promised. Not one or two token people, but real diversity and allow them to be smart. Smart people are entertaining and sexy too. A whole lot more so. If you really must, cast one idiot, but don’t fill the house with them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deck Officer's feelings except the part that the ratings would tank. Shows that take risks often succeed and all the young people I have heard speak about the current trend in Real World agree with us.

Look at how revolutionary Comedy Central has become and smart young people watch. The Osbournes and Run's House have a little more meat and genuine humor and likable/reasonably smart characters, albeit eccentric. And those shows are/were wildly popular.

I remember MTV was pretty revolutionary early on and most of us appreciated it. Young people aren't as dumb as you think, but these type of shows do dumb them down.

MTV has sold out with how they let Real World and Road Rules go downhill. But I think it was important earlier on to have the more diverse and interesting cast. How great was the unlikely Heather B and Julie friendship and their political activism with Norm? And the genuine clash about about race with Keven and Julie? The success of those early seasons is how the show's popularity developed. Young people are not inherently more stupid than they were then.

Get it together MTV. Take risks and stop dumbing it down.

Anonymous said...

Dummy-Bear just loves all that attention from the girls. And since when is "just spooning" or "just sleeping in each other's beds for the COMFORT of another person" an innocent act?? That is such a cop-out! Ashli can sit there on camera all she wants and say that she doesn't want to break up any relationships, but CLEARLY she just wanted to win. Now that she conquered Dunbar, she's over it and they are going to fight from now on. And Dunbar is going to just lash out at Ashli because he can't actually take responsibility for screwing up his relationship so he will blame her.

As a side note, though I do feel the casting has gone way downhill in an effort to fuel the challenge shows, I must pose the question: Are there enough diversified people auditioning for this show anymore? Fame and attention is a lot different today than it was when the show started. Maybe the people with substance just don't want their lives splashed all over MTV?


Anonymous said...

when are they gonna go on vacation? anyone know where their going?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dunbar, want to know the real reason you don't get along with the girls? It's because you're a misogynistic pig with a victim complex. As much as I hate CT, I'd LOVE to seem him lay you out on a challenge.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that the castmembers that are auditioning are most likely most the most interesting individuals. but what can you expect when the only place you are casting is at bars on college campuses? you end up with a house full of trisha's and shauvon's. i think that if there was a little more efforts then you would find good castmembers. everyone who applies have only watched the past 5 years and they think that all they are supposed to do is party and have sex. and after the show is over they know that mtv is gonna turn them into almost rock stars and put them on challenges. when i was a teenager the real world was life changing. watching the show was the first time that i had ever seen a gay person, first time that i had ever seen someone with aids. the show put faces to these people that i could never find in my small town. on the first season one of the castmembers spent the night on the streets with a homeless girl. would that happen on todays show??? hell no. this show could be life changing to young people now by exposing them to people and situations that that have never seen or be around before. but instead they get served drunken orgies all the time. and in turn thats what they expect they are supposed to do when they are cast on the show. it's just sad that the show has turn to what it is now.

Anonymous said...

swimwiththefishes -

Do you have a blog? If not, you should.

Again, spot on on the analysis, in my opinion anyway.

I knew everyone that watched the RW couldn't be as ignorant as most of the people they cast on the show.


I think I love you.... lol...

Anonymous said...

That song they played after Ashli was telling everyone to f off was amazing ... something "leave me alone" anyone know where i can find it?

Michelle said...

"If anybody is trashy its Cohutta. God I just want to slap him and tell him to shut up every time he opens his mouth. Talk about 'white trash' personified."

AMAZING! Someone more close minded than Trisha. It's soooo sad that we live in a society where you can be soley judged by your accent!

I really hope you were making some sort of joke that I just don't get.

If not, and you really meant that, maybe you should apply to be on the next season of Real World. They seem to always have room for unworldly idiots!

Anonymous said...

Like Ive said before Dunbar the southern version of CT same rage problems and I hope dunbar gets sent home early on challange by the way noiren should have been a regualr castmember I love that irsh girl she is v=funny and right

Anonymous said...

This episode was soooo boring.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who defends Scum-bar is nuts. (Even you, Ashli) Yeah, we all get that he's been to hell and back in the abused department. And he definitly gets tremendous amounts of points for being in the military. But nothing shown on the show reveals any sense of him wanting to be a good/even better man.

Repeating how much "I love Julie," and then humping every chick on the dance floor, and making love to Ashli (let's face it, after nights of spooning and 'talking' it wasn't just having sex) - does not make a good man. Hell, it doesn't even define a good boy.

He appears WAY manipulative, verbally abusive, off the charts moody and he has serious anger-management issues.

Whomever said "Run Julie" was right on. Instead of Team Anybody... There should be "Run Julie" t-shirts. Our hearts are with ya girl. Please trust yourself and know that you deserve, and will find better.

This season will go down in the history books with Isaac, Cohutta, Parissa, Kelly Ann and yes, Ashli being the stars with all the potential.

Ya know why Trasha wasn't attracted to Scum-bar or vice versa? Because they saw themselves in each other, and knew to run away.

Good luck to all of 'em.

Anonymous said...

Cohutta clearly loves her... and me thinks she loves him too...

The next MTV real world marriage- Coming up!

Anonymous said...

Cleveland ROCKS.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what I have been reading in regards to past seasons of both RW and RR...

I miss that I guess you could say more REAL Real World. I'm only 20 but that's just old enough to have caught as early as Seattle... come on, Irene being slapped (not that it was a good thing), or David's freak out with that chick he loved, or even Janet almost passing out on Mount Everest... CLASSIC. I'm pretty sad to have missed more of the seasons before that, I've only gotten glimpses of Puck and I still want more...

I'd agree that things seemed to go down post- New Orleans. I think, however, Las Vegas was one of the best but merely because I was something special. I agree that the seasons lately have been trying to copy that season and it's NOT alike the real world. Don't get me wrong I do love the RW still but it should be re-titled The College Students Relocating for Six Months Somewhere Show.

I too miss that non Survivor-eske RR. Latin America and USA Tour Season 2 will forever remain my favorite seasons. Oh how I miss you good MTV Reality television...

Anonymous said...

Yea Road Rules is awful, I stopped watching that after like season 4.

Did anyone notice that when Dunbar is trying to apologize to Ashli (by saying stop being mad at me, like it's an order...) that his defense for treating her bad was that he does that to everyone? Like this make it ok. He treats everyone horrible so Ashli shouldn't take any offense to it because that's just "how he is." That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We can only hope that seeing himself on tv and seeing how much he overreacts to everything will help him change his ways. *Side note* When he was on the phone with Julie and freaked out because she didn't pick up her cell phone on the first ring, which then brought on the whole "Dummy-bear" arguement, he yet again orders an end to the situation. "Stop crying." Um...?

Cohutta really is a good guy. Most people are just not used to hearing accents that thick or seeing someone with his background, but he is always polite and considerate and down to earth. So he hasn't experienced the same things in life as all the other roomies, this doesn't make him an awful person. Anyways that's my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

after season I thought road ruels was not that bad but yoar all right they should have left it as it was where I thought the real world went down hill was after las vegeas san diego was good paris was eh philly an austin sucked unbearably key west was good minus tyler he was an moron and denver sucked more however sydney is not that bad but I'd rather see Gauntlet 3

Anonymous said...

This may be an MTV editing thing, but do Kelly Anne and Cohutta (but especially Kelly Anne - it's her body) have any idea how the reproductive system works? Again, this may have been the way it was edited, but the condom broke and K.A. said in the confessional that she was supposed to get her period in a few days and they'd know then if she was pregnant. If you are a few days before your period, chances are so very slim that you will get pregnant - with few exceptions, you have to have at least 10 days between ovulation and your period for the egg to be able to latch. Grr, that drove me nuts in the episode.

Anonymous said...

I have no words for a female, the guy is pretty much dead to me--and I've never met him!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sad...Parisa calls Dunbar a "good person" and how is she rewarded? By being called a whore...what a winner
Dunblow is. These girls better have some sort of backbone at the reunion or I'll lose pretty much all respect for them.

Anonymous said...

it all boils down to this seasons cast lacking depth and captivating the real world we loved and grew up with once had =(

Anonymous said...

Id love to see dummbear interact with stornger peroislaities like the eric nies the miz,ct coral like trasha dunbar would of kept his mouth shut

Anonymous said...

Scumbar needs serious mental help. And so does any girl who stays with him.

When Ashli said she was embarassed she was ever attracted to him, I knew she would survive, and is going to be better person for her mistakes.

Unlike Trisha who not once could bring herself to say "hey, I'm a mean girl, I need to stop and grow up."

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why real world is no longer one of the top rated shows on mtv, and this trend has been going on for years now. The show and it's cast lack substance and any originality. When you have a show like tila tequila's shot at love outshining and outrating you, you know something's wrong. besides, fans have been asking for better casts for some time now... guess they haven't taken the public's opinion to heart yet. hopefully the hollywood one will be a start in that direction.

Anonymous said...

Does Dunbar add people he doesn't know to his myspace? I'm kind of shocked that people haven't left any horrible messages on it.

Anonymous said...

I really cannot comprehend how any woman.. no matter how insecure of self -loathing they must be.. could EVER BE WITH DUNBAR. He is such a skeeze and such a dousche. If I were in that house I would make his life a living hell everyday so he would beg to be sent home.
As for Ashlie, unfortunately she had to learn the hard way about Dunbar.. but maybe the stuff with Dunbar is karma for how she first treated Parissa.
KellyAnne is a moron. She should not be allowed to pro-create.
As for Parissa, Isaac and Cohutta... they are the only remotely normal people in there. The rest are an embarrassment to the United States as well as Humantiy.

Anonymous said...

What Happened to The Real World????? I have watched every season of the Real World since New York.. the first season.. Every season was amazing, I learned so much about other cultures, illnesses..etc. The Real World use to be the eyes for people from small towns to see big problems and learn not judge, or stereotype or show prejudice.. What happened to people like Heather B and Julie from season 1..or John and Tammy from season 2, Season 3 had AMAZING people like Pedro and Judd, Season 4 had awesome poeple like Jacinda and Lars, 5 had people like Dan and Melissa.. seasson six had Genesis and Elka, season seven with lindsay and janet, eight (well, Hawaii was bad) but Nine with Melissa and Danny was FABULOUS!! Where have the years gone???? Why can't they make real world great again like it was. I will forever HATE LAS VEGAS for ruining my favorite show.. and for tarnishing one of the best sociological experiments in televsision history. I will only conclude with Bunim and Murray are freaking bums! and Road Rules WASSSSSS freaking awesome .. if you ever want to catch that type of lightning in a bottle you should have another season like my favorite.. season six Australia, with people like Susie, Kefla, Shane, Chadwick, Piggy and Christina!!!! Why aren't all these REAL WORLD AND ROAD RULES SEASONS ON DVD!!!! I WANT THEM!!!!! AND I ONLY HAVE THE FIRST SEASON BECASUE THAST THE ONLY ONE YOU RELEASED YOU JERKS!!!

Anonymous said...

The major problem with Real World is the editing. Much, and I mean much too much time was spent on the girls in the house. Not enough time was spent on Isaac and Cohutta. Too much time was wasted waiting to see when Dunbar would cave in. There had to be more interesting stuff going on in that house. It's funny how the new girl Ashli got more air time than the guys did. She wasn't even there the whole time. The Parisa/Trisha feud got old after the first time. MTV treats their viewers like idiots, thinking thats what we want to see. There had to be more meaningful conversations going on than those two idiots squaring off at each other.

Anonymous said...

Episode Highlight:

"I'd be a great mom!"

*shifty eyes*

Anonymous said...

Dunbar support count: 2/1,000,000,000,000,000

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... just curious why bt "respects" Dunbar?

Oh, and the homophobic response is what made you lack respect for Trisha? How about the ethnocentric ones? And religious bigotry? And general vapid eyes and egocentric personality?

I'm not sure how you can put Isaac in the same category with those two.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and bt, even though Cohutta wasn't shown defending Parisa, it shows your own ignorance to call Cohutta a dumb hick. Because of his hat and accent? His has much more wit and sophistication than the rest of them.

When I say, "no more white bread," I mean no more dumb white bread vapidness. But race or accent don't make a person's character. Cohutta is white and country, but a lot less bland than Dunbar or Trisha, or all the other girls save Parisa.

He doesn't get enough air time, but I doubt you could keep up with his dry humor.

(Even if he is a little too eager to wed...)

Anonymous said...

I love Cohutta. He has the best morals and valules in the house. He knows how to respect women, and he's a southern gentleman. Plus his accent is adorable. Just because he's from the south, doesn't mean he's a stupid hick. I'm pretty sure Dunbar and Kelly Anne are from the south too. So if Cohutta is a dumb "hick" then so is Dunbar right?

Dunbar's a pig who needs psychotherapy. He's so demeaning to women. I feel so sorry for Julie.

Anonymous said...

this blog sucks lately, almost as much as Isaac, can't stand him for some reason, no offense to you Isaac lovers though! I just don't think he's very funny...huh. But really the blog uised to have cool posts and not the same old "Sydney Episode..." every damn week! Get us new stuff, especially with the Gauntlet 3 starting! I mean c'mon, I've alredy read who won and everything and you guys don't have any updates at all!

Anonymous said...

I think Dunbar is the biggest ass in real world history. I have never seen a person with so many internal issues in all my life. He thinks he is some kind of GOD and then the way he talks to the women in the house. I feel so sorry for his girlfriend, the only future I see for him is arrest for domestic abuse or murder. I hope he goes on a challenge and gets his ass handed to him by a girl who won't take his shit and by one of the better men who have bee on Real World. If you read this DUNBAR, NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Danny (Boston) was Dunbar's role model for this season?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but laugh at how cordial and patient Dunbar was when Cohutta refused to get out of bed. If that had been one of the girls...

Anonymous said...

I guess this last episode was so redundant it didn't even merit it's own blog.

Why won't Cohutta get crutches? I generally don't mind this guy but that is some weird machismo. Too bad the cameras didn't catch the fall.

Although she is young and immature, Ashli isn't quite the idiot/follower she first seemed to be. I'm glad she caught onto Dunbar quick. I hope she doesn't relapse.

It was interesting to see Isaac defend her to Dunbar, saying she was the "most valuable player" on the team. Dunbar's face then was classic. Also, both Isaac and Cohutta looked uncomfortable with Dunbar's women-hating tirade at the bar. Too bad they didn't call him out, but it was obvious neither was buying or respecting it. Isaac looked like he was going to crack up and Cohutta turned the other way.

I'm glad we keep seeing Noirin, but I wish they would keep her and Isaac's story more in the foreground. Now that there is no drama with Parisa, we barely see her. Frustrating.

Obviously, Isaac, Parisa, and Ashli will go to Europe. Well, I will be mortified if they don't!

Anonymous said...

7:13 pm Dunbar / Danny ?? I was just thinking the same thing. What a pair of idiots those two would make on a challenge.

Anonymous said...

where's the summary and reaction thread for Episode #21, dammit

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

EPISODE #21??????? HELLO??????????????

Anonymous said...

i guess the blog is off 4 the holidays, but i have BIG NEWS!

GAUNTLET 3 - January 23 @ 10!

i saw a commercial today.
i recognized evan(freshmeat)and derek(viewer's revenge).
i noticed this is on a wednesday, which is when sydney is on. will rw be over by then?

GAUNTLET 3 - January 23 @ 10!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but laugh at how cordial and patient Dunbar was when Cohutta refused to get out of bed. If that had been one of the girls...

8:44 PM

Good point! I did notice him being oddly ok with it, cause usually his temper gets into the way..but I didnt think about the fact that it was a Cohutta a male, that would justify it.. If that was Ashli or Parisa laying there he would have been banging out the walls in their room instead of trying to wake them up by just talking to them. I was thinking shake his ass...if I'm waking you up, my hands are on you saying wake up.

Complete sidenote I saw Aneesa at the mall about a month ago, I work there... she's prettier in person. She was also with some of her fellow rainbow friends too. Which isnt wierd seeing I live in Atlanta... plus, they always call her the fat one in the Gauntlets, she's not even fat. The other females must be all zeros!

Anonymous said...

You're pretty much in the minority there, but keep in mind that the majority of people calling him degrading are speaking from a female perspective, so you (as a male) saying that he isn't is almost like giving your car to a mechanic who has neither driven nor owned a car at any point. You're entitled to your opinion though, but you have to admit the stuff he gets upset over is incredibly petty.

Anonymous said...

dunbar like ive been saying is the new CT in a southernmans body difference is I like CT but he can be pissy hope he wins a challacnge were as dunbar gets voted off early

Anonymous said...

There seems to be alot of "man-haters" on this blog...

I gotta admit he F'D up by cheating on his lady and many of the things he says have douchy qualities...but u also see what he is working with people...c'mooon??? all the girls(aside from parisa) are moronic idiots...

i cant believe you guys hate him so much for talking that way TO THESE GIRLS???? i mean...

Anonymous said...

That's funny, because Isaac and Cohutta live with them too, and they don't seem to have the same issues with them to the extent that Dunbar does...

Anonymous said...

OK I have lost complete respect for Issac...what a pompous ass!!! I'm sorry but they should not have won that trip considering the LOW tactic of sabatoging the other team by bribing their participants. My first instinct was the was low class...should have stuck with that.

Kelly Ann needs to stop being a drama queen. I did like the final scene though...if they would just talk it out there would not be near as much drama. and thank episode almost entirely without Parisa!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey did anyone else see the Gauntlet 3 preview? It came on after that Newport Harbor show. It was awesome!!!

Anonymous said...


by the tone of your post, it seems that you yourself are very low class...

Anonymous said...

How am I low class? I have been watching this show since Season 1 and there are just no people of substance on this season. How is it low class to state your opinion of someone?

Anonymous said...

Dunbar is a serious sociopath to walk around that house with no remorse knowing that he cheated on Julie. Poor girl, he would have never told her if it wasn't on television!

Anonymous said...

Well I hope the owner of this site is doing all right...not like them to be missing episode summaries... anyway, in response to the comments about Dunbar being the "new CT" - CT would never treat any woman the way Dunbar has acted toward his own girlfriend and other girls in this house, mainly Parisa and Ashli. CT has been an ogre toward other men, who are usually physically able to to fight back; Dunbar is an ogre toward women who would be physically unable to fight back. Granted that no one should ever threaten or be abusive toward anybody but any man who is abusive toward woman is someone I'd regard as much more of a coward than a man who is only abusive to other men.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:56 am-
i saw the preview and i am stoked more than ever! that is pretty much all i care about, because this season of real world is pretty boring, if you ask me. i just want gauntlet 3! and the trailer was really good, so i am so excited! :)

Anonymous said...


Its a shame they dont show more of the friggin AWWEESOME!!...

Anonymous said...

i know there have been rumors about real world, road rules, and the challenges ending after real world 20, but on there is a real world 21 casting call, and it is also on bunim-murray.

so your worries are over, the real world will keep going!

Anonymous said...

what happened to this site? all they post anymore are sydney reaction threads and summaries...bums me out, this place used to be really good.

Anonymous said...

this site better be updated after new years!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you can watch the Gauntlet III trailer on youtub.....

seems boring

Anonymous said...

It's really unfortunate that the owner of this blog (seemingly) has abandoned it. It's certainly understandable with the holidays that things get crazy - and I can certainly see this blog taking a back burner on "real life" - but for all of the traffic it seems to generate, a little blurb that says "Hey guys, off until XX date" would be nice. Or, even better, if the author has completely abandoned the blog, I would like to see a "Too busy to maintain. Sorry guys" post. Don't leave us hanging.

Anonymous said...

I thought Tori was a prim and proper Christian? Guess not.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how long it takes to tape a season of the Real World? Is it longer than three months? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think its 4 months...

Anonymous said...

Why no updates? There has been so much happening in the last two weeks that I am surprised that it hasnt been posted on here. Oh well, a new one on myspace is starting up with updated information.

Patricia said...

guess this site is done...too bad, used to be good.

Anonymous said...

What is the address for the myspace site?

Anonymous said...


care to provide a link to that myspace? thanks.

Anonymous said...

Since the blog is down and out forever.....

I was reading M'Saada's (RR MAX VELOC.) myspace and there is an entry about what a douchebag Kyle (RW 11 Chicago) is. Its pretty interesting. Check it out. She never actually names Kyle right out but she makes it very apparent that that is who she is talking about.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Vyle and his failed acting career. Wanna see what he's been up to lately?

Anonymous said...

Why were they scared? I mean, she mentioned that she was supposed to have her period that weeks, wasn't she? Or did I misunderstood?

Anonymous said...

Well i know where alot of the real worlders and road rulers have been- if you want to know more you can e-mail me at if the site was still running i am sure they would have told you what they have been up to...

Anonymous said... has updated their site to show the gauntlet 3 trailer.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Those youtube clips are probobaly some of the most entertaining things I have ever seen on that site. Coming from a person with an office job, trust me, I watch a LOT of youtube. Kyle sucks at life. Wow. Are those new clips or are they from a long time ago? I feel like I've watched something very similar, but it had Vyle singing in the shower or something?

Anonymous said...

I think they're a couple of years old, but as of late, he's being busy starring in a major Hollywood blockbuster* due later this year.

*straight to DVD shit film which he makes a one second cameo in.

Anonymous said...

m'saada's blog:

Anonymous said...

I alsway thought coral was notr a bd compittier however with the mouth yea thats why she nevers wins the big one the only reason mike the miz won iferno was beacsue coral was not there to bitch adn hold them back plus darell was on his team

Anonymous said...

anyone here know the creator of this blog? please give us the 411 as to why there are no more updates?

Anonymous said...

OMG this site needs to be updated!

The full cast for next season of the real world has been discovered and ive already found ALL of there myspaces (as there is 9 because 2 get kicked out and replaced)

Anonymous said...

Damn did the blog die or something?

Anonymous said...

This has absolutely nothing to do with this blog, I just wanted to say that this site needs some updates!!!

Anonymous said...

feel free to post those myspaces yourself. we dont need no stinkin moderator here.

Anonymous said...

WHEN is this site getting updated?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Yeah......what happened with this site? Can't really think of any reason why they would no longer update

Anonymous said...

I'm back! I'll be updating the site when the Real World starts getting some characters of substance. Till then...

Anonymous said...

If anyone here is a member of Cameran Eubanks' myspace, would you please contact me? I have a favor to ask.

Anonymous said...

at least post updates for the gautlet 3 mr moderatoer I realize they may not have people of substance but still it is entertainmnet

Anonymous said...

he's not the real moderator ya know...

Anonymous said...

The internet never lies. Never. Seriously, never.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to this blog? USED to be great.

Anonymous said...

what the hell happend? its almost been a month.

Anonymous said...

i hope nothing serious has happened. this guy has been fairly good about telling us when he is taking a break. the way he just left makes me wonder.

Anonymous said...

he's dead.

Anonymous said...

saying that he is dead is a terrible thing to say. there is more than one person that posts on here anyways.

to say that someone is dead is not funny in any way shape or form and you should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

he's dead

Anonymous said...

do we know that there is more than one administrator?

Anonymous said...

Yes we do. A while back there was a post about someone else joining the site, mainly to provide recap type things. I think Jessica was her name.

Anonymous said...

i miss this blog :*-(

Anonymous said...

Well i know the top 20 challenge moments are coming up... I think it might be a pre-show to the gauntlet 3... I hung out with a couple of castmembers last week- they all look good!

Anonymous said...

Best challenge moment? Katie vs. naked Veronica in the first Inferno...priceless!

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern:

I apologize sincerely for the lack of updates. Unfortunately, my wonderful son Alan, who has maintained this wonderful site for several years, has passed away after a strenuous battle with bacterial meningitis. We ask that during this difficult time, you remain sensitive towards the situation and refrain from making calloused jokes out of a serious matter. Alan is leaving behind two beautiful daughters (my first grandchildren!) a 2-year-old named Alexis and an 7-month-old named Jenna. On behalf of my family, we appreciate your patience during this turbulent period in our lives and ask for all of your prayers. God bless.

Diane Krauss

Anonymous said...

wow. im so sorry! will the site remain?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Diane. So very tragic. :(

Anonymous said...

i'm so so so sorry for your loss. life is precious and your son's blog was wonderful to read over the years. may he rest in peace. your family will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I hated the way they ended Sydney. There wasn't a big focus on the job all season unlike prior ones. And then at the end of the episode, they all just left out of the blue!! I liked before when it was like I wonder who's leaving next. O well, i will just forget about it and wait for Hollywood

Anonymous said...

wow that was in a slap in our faces for everyone getting so mad about the site not being updated.

Im SO sorry about your loss. That is so sad. He was awesome at this site.

The Real World Hollywood Cast Myspaces::

Kim -
Brianna -
Brittany -
Nick -
David -
Will -
Joe -
Sarah -
Greg (he was the winner of the casting they had online and he ends up going home in the middle for either quitting there job or something about rehab. not sure which is true)

Anonymous said...

Your condolences are greatly appreciated. Alan had been sick for about a week prior to his admission to the ER (this is according to his wife Kelly.) He is normally in extremely good health, but he assumed that he was just suffering from a severe sore throat, so any life-saving medical attention which he could have received during the onset of his sickness was delayed greatly.

These past few weeks have obviously been very tough on our family. The greatest pain through all of this is the realization that his young girls (the biggest victims) have no father to help them grow. Alan was a wonderful man who gave love and was loved by most everyone. As hard as this situation is, as a mother, I have always found great solace in any opportunity that I have to speak highly of my only son, no matter how much it embarrassed him! It just happens that the Lord needed him more than we did and took him home. Again, thank you for your sincere condolences and well-wishes!

Diane Krauss

Anonymous said...

1.) R.I.P.
2.) *major* kudos to Ashli for not acting like a battered wife and getting into Scumbar's bed after they made up
3.) Julie - pack your bags and run!

Anonymous said...

Dunbar and Julie are still together...check out his myspace. As for the idiot in the post above me...grow up! Unless it defines who you are (ie Hick = Cohutta), name-calling is so second grade!

Must be the girls who keep hatin on Dunbar cuz most of the guys dont have a problem with him. I know I dont.

Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.

Anonymous said...

Dang Im really sorry Diane I definatly pray for him. Anyways I hate Dunbar how could he ever talk to a girl like that. Being mad is not an excuse and its true Ashli is very immature, but thats not a reason to go off at her and degrade her like that. I fer for Julie's life. I hope he doesn't kill her. Im glad this bullshit of a show is over. Can't wait for Gauntlet 3.=)

Anonymous said...

Way to contradict yourself by calling the poster above you a name bt! Very mature way to handle someone having a different opinion than you.

PS - why does Dunbar make you so hard? We got your point in all of your other posts about how much you (and only you) sweat him.

Anonymous said...

Did Julie delete her myspace? I just checked and she's no longer on Dunbar's... ;-)

Anonymous said...


Please accept a "virtual condolence". I am so sorry to hear about your loss but I'm sure your son is in a better place now and will rest in peace. While I posted here occasionally, rest assured I never said anything derogatory after the updates stopped. Your son sounded like a wonderful person and you are more than generous for taking the time to inform us of the recent turn of events. My prayers are with you. R.I.P. Alan.

Anonymous said...

Upadate this

Anonymous said...

OOps.. dont hate me.. I didnt know what happened until I read.. UGH!Sorry Diane for your Loss

Anonymous said...

My since condolences to the Krauss family. I have spoken with Alan time to time about the site and the Real World cast since I work directly with them in booking their appearances.

I know Chris and I would like to continue the blog if Diane could contact us at

Thank You,
Michael Martin
MM Agency

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

just curious but are all you haters on this blog under 16? You sure act like it. Grow up

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, guys...

The owner of this site has passed away. He left behind two young children. Please show them a little respect and stop talking about 'Dunbar' and 'Ashli' for the moment.

It really is sad that, despite this VERY unfortunate occurrence, you children still cannot give due respect to the loss of a fellow human being.

Anonymous said...

How are people being disrespectful? Isn't the entire point of this blog's existance to talk about the likes of Dunbar and Ashli? Bitch please.

I'm sure Alan would have wanted this blog to continue serving its purpose.

Anonymous said...

what song is playing in the background when ashli and dunbar fight??? i thought it was REM but i dont know ...please email ur answers to

Anonymous said...

Everything about the Real World Hollywood Cast including pictures, facebook and myspace pages and spoilers.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be a good idea to post on the main page why the blog isn't being updated... I really doubt most people will read through a good 150 comments to see why

Anonymous said...

Why dont you eat a banana, you battered horsefly? HUH?

HEE! That sounds like it should be in the Orbit commercials.

Anonymous said...

. Experts have talked about this before. How many times have you read about the importance of ‘adding value’ for your audience? How many times have you read about ‘building trust’ with your readers/prospects?
Many, many times. You know it well. Every marketing guru has spoken about this topic. I’m sick of hearing it. But it STILL bears repeating.

viagra prescription said...

I really liked this episode! The reaction of them to know they were going to have another baby, is what we see commonly today!