Been using your site to grab info for a new reality project I'm working on. It rocks. Cheers. -Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
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Thursday, January 19, 2006

MTV releases profiles of the Key West cast; MJ has activities going on his website; Rebecca keeps her band alive; The Miz is busy in the WWE

MTV updated its website with information on the Key West cast. Check out the website here.

Here are the cast bios:

Janelle, 23 -- San Jose, CA - Strong-willed and independent is how Janelle's friends describe her. This half-black, half-white beauty is not known to avoid confrontation - she's passionate and refuses to take crap from anyone. Janelle just added her recent graduation from University of San Jose to her list of accomplishments. However, Janelle is far from done with her education, and dreams of attending law school in the near future. In the meantime, she is ready to broaden her horizons, and what better place for that than the Real World? Will Janelle stumble for the first time in her life, or learn to lean on those around her?

John, 23 -- Fullerton, CA - With his chameleon-like ability to adapt to his surroundings, recent Penn State graduate John is the Real World's answer to Ferris Bueller. An unpredictable mixture of craftiness, charisma, intelligence and kindness, John more than lives up to his old nickname, "Johnny Bananas." But now that John's golden college years have passed, what's the next step? That's the place we will meet John at as he embarks on his Real World experience. Will this social butterfly find the direction he needs or will he continue to flounder as he revels in his glory days?

Jose, 20 -- Sunrise, FL - Picture the Brooklyn projects where 20-year-old Jose was raised, surrounded by drugs, violence and the influence of "the wrong crowd." Under those circumstances it would have been easy to fulfill his tyrannical father's prophecy that Jose would grow up to be just like him: another deadbeat failure with no future. But since Jose has never been one to take the easy road, we can flash forward to the present, where he is now in his junior year at Florida State University, the owner of multiple rental properties and the proud holder of his real estate broker license. Known to his friends as "The Don," Jose is sure to take the Real World house by storm with his natural leadership, suave nature and love of partying.

Paula, 24 -- Meriden, CT - Since her graduation from Quinnipiac University, Paula has become a corporate slave by day, but makes up for it by partying relentlessly at night. No shrinking violet, this striking girl demands the spotlight from both men and women. Confrontational, yet sensitive; bitchy, yet likeable; damaged, yet self-aware; attractive, yet insecure; Paula possesses a variety of personality traits. Seemingly caught in a downhill spiral, Paula is still connected to her abusive ex-boyfriend, and is battling body image issues. Paula is a wildcard to say the least. Chaos seems follows this beautiful young woman everywhere she goes, and the Real World house should prove to be no exception.

Svetlana, 19 -- Richboro, PA - As a nineteen year old pre-med student at Temple University, Svetlana has the reputation of being the "crazy Russian chick." While this buxom beauty is truly a confident fireball, she's also vulnerable and emotionally conflicted. Svetlana is torn between her dependency on her family, and the need to venture out and embrace all of life's adventures. As a first-generation immigrant, she's expected to live at home and work in the family restaurant. She does this instead of fulfilling her desire to live on her own, and have what she defines as a normal college experience. Let's see how Svetlana does as she finally gets her opportunity to leave the nest--and immerse herself in the Real World.

Tyler, 23 -- Minneapolis, MN - You either love him or hate him, but either way you'll have to admit that 23-year-old Tyler isn't afraid to "tell it like it is." This Midwest guy considers gossiping social commentary, his roommates' property his own, and anyone else's strife ridiculous compared to the adversities he has faced. Openly gay, Tyler was known for parading around his Tufts University campus in drag, sprinkling glitter on his fellow classmates. But there is more to Tyler than his flamboyant acts of vanity, selfishness and martyrdom. He is also a fantastic story teller, an accomplished athlete and a very intelligent kid who is just looking for attention and acceptance. Tyler must decide whether to use his gifts for good or evil as he dives head first into the Real World.

Zach, 22 -- Portland, OR - The proverbial nice guy you want to take home to mom, 22-year-old Zach is sensitive, good-looking and goal-oriented. As a senior studying Communications at Louis and Clark College, Zach has a world of opportunity waiting for him when he graduates. Born into a close-knit Jewish family, he comes from old money and old traditions. Things have not always been so easy for Zach, though. Until recently, he was regarded as the chubby nice guy. Since then, Zach has transformed himself and has emerged as a confident young man ready to take on the world. Zach's high energy and tendency to relentlessly "fix" everyone around him is sure to bring an interesting dynamic to a house guaranteed to be filled with roommates in need of some major repair.

MJ (Philadelphia) has a lot of things going on post-Gauntlet II. Say I Won't Clothing designed a line of MJ t-shirts that are available exclusively on MJ's website. MJ is also running a contest in the gallery section where people can email him the funniest pictures that they have taken with MJ. The Gauntlet Blog will also be posted soon on his website.

Rebecca (Seattle) also kept her band Becky alive after the departure of Keanu Reeves. You can check out the latest updates at her My Space.

The Miz (Back to New York) is also keeping busy in the WWE. After moving to Atlanta to participate in Deep South Wrestling, Mike has yet made another move, this time to Louisville, KY. The Miz is still in pursuit of his WWE dream and is said to be ever closer to getting to the big leagues after doing well in Deep South. Good luck to The Miz. He's providing commentary at WWE Inside every now and then, so be sure to check it out.

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