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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mid-Season Trailer Shown a Few Weeks Ago Finally Posted Online

That mid-season trailer for the Duel that was shown a couple of weeks ago has finally been posted online. Take a look at it:


Anonymous said...

It looks like Evan is mad at Wes because he (Evan) will be going to a duel. If that is true, it doesn't look so promosing for Evan since in the trailer you can see CT fighting with Wes.. and Brad is still there... I'm guessing that Wes or Brad win today's challange (for the males) which is how Evan ended up getting voted off. It's a shame since Evan had been doing the best so far in all the challanges winning 6 out of the 12 so far.

Next week it seems like Diem will be going to the duel since its doubtful that Svetlana or Aneesa would pick each other. Even if one of them wins next week's challange, the other one goes in since Diem wouldn't pick Jodi. My guess is Aneesa vs Diem. (In of course, an "I Can" duel.)

Anonymous said...

im sooo happy to see evan go home! he's such a know-it-all on the challenges. He does realize that this is only his 2nd challenge, right?

his whole "wes, you can f*ck anyone over but me" attitude just goes to show what a high horse he's on. Like Evan has more significance than the legends CT and Brad? Don't think so. This season is turning out okay. It sucked in the beginning with Casey, Beth, and Paula leaving. But thankfully Kina and Robin followed.

Anonymous said...

Since today's challange is a water challange, this is probably how Wes is going to win. He most likely partened with Svetlana (since it looks to be a partnered challange.) which would explain why Jodi doesn't get to save Evan by voting for him.

This is my guess: Wes, Svetlana, Brad, Aneesa, CT, Diem and then Jodi and Evan are left unvoted for.

Anonymous said...

lol i really dislike Diem, everytime someone picks her to go into a duel/exile, she flips out on them. It's a game, at some pt, you're going to have to step up your game. The cancer card will only exempt her up to a certain point.

Anonymous said...

this preview makes the duel look so awesome! i can't wait to see what else happens!

Anonymous said...

If you check out the trailer carefully, you'll see Wes and Brad running down some sort of cliff. They both look like they have been running for a while since you can see sweat on the front of their shirt. Will that be the final challenge? Some sort of race? Sounds interesting, especially since there will probably be obstacles along the way.

Anonymous said...

too bad the show isn't going to play tonight. :(

Anonymous said...

The show doesn't air tonight? That's horrible! Does anyone know when it will air? (What would have had been tonight's episode.)

Anonymous said...

It's not on tonight but next week on January 4th, there are two new episodes airing a male duel day then a girl duel day but does anyone know where I can watch the fights CT got in on Paris?

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how some people go into the duel {or inferno, gaunlet,etc,) over and over and they are good sports about it. Other people carry on and cry as if they are above everyone else and don't deserve to go in. I don't know why the key west gang was targeted. I would have gone for the fresh meat first.

Anonymous said...

awwww its seems like diem will leave next time noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! i love her! shes amazingggg hope shell win something next time she really needs the money she deserves it more than anyone!!!!!!! DIEM ur hottttttttttt!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait, Wes is hot and totally deserves to win this thing evan was always a good competitor tho, i'll hate to c him go out a sore loser

Anonymous said...

i think it sucks how people want diem to win just because she has cancer. on the after show, svetlana said something about you shouldn't feel sorry for someone just b/c they have cancer, but she still wants diem to win. i think wes should win though, because it's cool to see someone new win. :)

Anonymous said...

wth. why did MTV not show an episode last night?

-_- what is the point of two next week and none this week? so stupid!

Anonymous said...

i think it's because it's christmas vacation, and they'd probably expect no one to watch it since they might be out of state or whatever.

Anonymous said...

This challenge as been boring. I miss the good ole days with Katie, Vanessa, Rachel, Ruthie, Shane, Colin, Miz, etc. Now MTV has to go with picking 4 members from new RW seasons. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

LOL. yeah, i still like the challenges, but they need some new people. :[ they should have a challenge where they bring about every person who's never been on a challenge. :]

Anonymous said...

Diem is def. brave for dealing with cancer and all but i think its gay how she tends to act above everyone and else and she does flip out when ever she is picked to go duel/exile like she thinks shes above everyone

Anonymous said...

Diem has only been in one exile and that was in the Fresh Meat season, which was her first season. She did 'flip out' that time but it was only that one time.

Although, she does seem to get into some sort of argument with Aneesa in the trailer and it looks like it was because Aneesa chose her for the duel. (Since most likely Jodi won that challenge and Aneesa and Svetlana are friends and wouldn't pick each other.)

Either ways, Diem had a lot of strength and courage to have had been able to go through her cancer problem. My aunt had cancer and it was painful to watch her go through everything--it must of surely been hell for her.

Anonymous said...

why is the next one on the 4th. the 4th is a wednesday. does this mean they will change the real world dates.

Anonymous said...

the fourth is a thursday. hahaha. but i'm excited to see two new duel episodes in one day ! ahhhh.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, at least we have two new episodes to look forward to next week. We’ll get to see what three people of each gender will remain for the "semi-final" in the upcoming two weeks. Who ever wins in those challenges gets safety and the other two people will automatically get thrown into the duel.

Anyways, for this next After Show, will there be two people interviewed? In Fresh Meat, Coral and Danny where in the first show and each had their own interview. Hopefully they will do the same this upcoming show because the remaining people will probably have some interesting things to say. Except for Svetlana’s interview, Aneesa’s, Tyler’s, and Derrick’s interview’s the rest of the After Shows were kind of lame. Hopefully they will have Wes, Brad, Evan and CT on at least one After Show.

Anonymous said...

i wonder why aneesa, nehemiah, and svetlana all got different prizes from blair.

Anonymous said...

what the hellllllllll??!! y do u judge diem?? do u even know the reason y she flip out on anessa?? u dont even know the reason!!! the epsode wasnt even air yet!! maybe she has a good reason to "flip out" on anessa so shut the hell up before ur making any comments! Diem is an inspiration to all the cancer survivours out there! she showed everyone that cancer isnt the end of the road so think about the good things this great peron had done to our nation!

Anonymous said...

lol "done for our nation" she's a freakin reality tv participant-does her participation in pop culture garbage place her in the ranks of George Washington and Abe Lincoln? Yes, her reason for for flipping out on aneesa is unknown, but did you see Fresh Meat? Her reason for flipping out on Tina? Because Tina wasn;t loyal?? Precious Diem was the same little trick who dogged out Linette and her only reason for not putting Tina in the duel was because they were a weak group who Diem and Derrick could easily beat out. And honestly, Aneesa is straight up to the pt of being annoying. Its Diem who's fake.

Anonymous said...

I agree who the hell is Diem this is just her second challenge. I am sympathetic to her cancer, however she should be treated like any other participant. She is the one who preaches that she does not want to be treated differently because she has cancer.
I like Jodi because she proves her self. Evan is a snake and I hope he gets what's coming. Svetlana slowly getting a big head. Go Ct and Wes.

Anonymous said...

Of course anyone who has survived Cancer is brave.. but this is a game.. and Diem expects people won't pull the same shit that she does. .. like i said this is a game its the way it works

Anonymous said...

i agree evan is such a snake!!!!! no wonder hes from canada lol i hate him yeah but basically jodi and wed deserve to win no doubt they are the strongest casts. im pretty sure svetlana will be on the finals shes a strong person so many ppl underestimate her... like what the hell shes RUSSIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol anyway evan desreves to die end of story

Anonymous said...

My uncle works for the real world/road rules challenge and told me Wes and Aneesa win.
Voting off next for the guys: Evan, CT and then Brad and Wes in the final.
Voting off next for the girls: Diem, Jodi and then Svetlana is defeated by Aneesa in the final.

Anonymous said...

But the blog people said a different person won (im not going 2 say beacuse u might not want 2 know).

Anonymous said...

^who did they say won?

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that Wes beats Brad in the end. Supposedly Evan will be defeated by CT in ascender, CT will be defeated by Brad in push me, and Brad will be defeated by Wes in the finale declaring Wes the winner.

I know for a fact that Diem is defeated by Anessa in I can, and supposedly Aneesa is defeated by Svetlana because Jodi won the challenge. I am almost possitive Jodi wins.

Anonymous said...

i for one am glad diem leaves. the fact that she has cancer should not play a part in this game.

jodi--- strong and will not stop at anything to win

svet--- underdog of this season and is defenitely a strong player

aneesa--- big mouthed veteran. she might not be as strong as the last two but sometimes having a big mouth helps you win example: veronica, coral, rachel,etc.

diem--- she might be strong and has a lot of endurance but that girl does not have a chance against anyone. she's not as strong as the latter 3 and she, just like evan, just tagged along to the veterans to keep her ass safe. she's really only thinking for herself. so when she gets sent home she cries and wines and bitches a fit because she has this "i had cancer now everyone needs to treat me like im a queen" attitude.

brad--- along with derrick, one of the only strategic and smart and extremely fierce competitors who deserve to win.

ct---big mouth. too cocky. im glad he doesnt win

wes--- he is sooo stupid. he thinks he's a veteran and he has every right in this game but c'mon. its not like he's done 5 challenges or anything. plus he is also to cocky but has every right to be even tho i hate to admit it. i still would like for him to lose.

evan--- sly. he's a snake. like diem, he tags along with the veterans to keep his ass safe and screws the fresh meat over. but he did win the majority of the missions so it kinda sucks for him that he didnt win.

Anonymous said...

how could u even compare diem to evan............. goshhhhhhh!! w.e!

Anonymous said...

hahaha "i'm an mma fighter. I'll make him tap out for his life."

Take your own advice dude and STFU!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all you idiots would be the same way if you had cancer. Diem is not even really playing a "cancer Card". So she was afraid to take of her wig. So what? Don't judge the poor girl until you've walked in her shoes!

Anonymous said...

i think they're all good people. it's just that when you're doing a challenge, it's going to change who you are. if they lasted more than half a challenge, it at least shows that they know how to play the game. wes is really smart, i don't really hate him. diem seems nice, it's just that she needs to stop flipping out when she gets picked to go up against someone. now there's evan. he thinks he's a veteran and acts like he was in a real world or road rules. but at least he won most of the missions. :)

Anonymous said...

oh and ct doesn't seem like such a bad person. he hasn't done or say anything to make him seem like such a bad person. he seems like he's there to play AND have fun. he did say he'd rather flirt with diem. :D

Anonymous said...

Who does everyone think would win in a fight between Wes and Ct, personally I think Wes?

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure wes is stronger

Anonymous said...

ahh. i just saw part of a commercial for the new 10 spot and stuff on tuesdays, and they said road rules. too bad i didn't get to see. :/

Anonymous said...

Wes will win because he looks like he knows a bit about fighting while CT is just a bar brawler with his hands down his waist. WTF is that going to protect? CT will get hit squarely on the jaw and bam its over like rover.

Anonymous said...

for the person who writes all this shit about diem i wanna see u able to do all the stuff that she does after chemo! she does so much to help others in the same situation and im pretty sure that if she would have won she would donate the money to a cancer research or something i just dont get y u have to be such a hater its a game and dont forget that these shows are highly edited so dont hate cause u never know what really really went on there.
happy new year everyone!

Anonymous said...

No I'm not CT. I'm actually female. I don't really understand where your coming from with Diem...but believe whatever you want to believe.

Anonymous said...

I never said you were CT.

You don't understand? I don't argue with the ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Wes seriously deserves to win. he needs the money to propose to johanna & he seems like a pretty cool dude. Guys, quit picking on Diem, who i also thinks deserves to win. K? k.

Anonymous said...

i think diem is pretty good though, shes won a few challenges. so i think you should get your facts straight. kthx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hes cute but not sexy
if anyone`s sexy, its CT :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who is cuter;
ct or wes?
I think wes is =]

Anonymous said...

ewww, you have to be out of your mind right?
ct is wayyyy cuter. girl u got no taste

Anonymous said...

What does one's appearence have anything to do with Diem being a vapid bitch who couldn't play the game fair if her life depended on it?

I think I'm expecting too much from the minds of the average MTV viewer. MY BAD!

Anonymous said...

wes is cuter

Anonymous said...

this isint a beauty pagent
its a flipping game show.
teenyboppers -.-

but i have to admit, wes is hotter

Anonymous said...

WTF were now talking about cuter castmate? Haha. Svetlana takes the gold, followed by Diem, and then Robin(She looked really hot in SD Season but now has gained a little weight still cute though).

Anonymous said...

casey, then svetlana, then jodi

Anonymous said...

nooooooooo! sveti! then diem then casey (love the boobs)! Robin has nice face but dudee shes fat

Anonymous said...

whose hotter? wes or ct?!?!?!
i think wes is hotter (=
didn't u guys see what was in his speedo
while ct only has a rasin in his speedo >.<

Anonymous said...

"nooooooooo! sveti! then diem then casey (love the boobs)! Robin has nice face but dudee shes fat"

She looks good bro, she is a bit overweight don't exagerrate. Maybe compared to Paula she is huge. Plus pounds come off easily, when she's in shape she is super hot(I'll put her #1.)

I forgot about Casey but she is up there. I also like Jodi for some reason and I guess Kina is cute too.

As for the rest Tina, Beth, Paula, Aneesa. I think they are ugly.

6/10 are good looking.
New List

Anonymous said...

whose hotter? wes or ct?!?!?!
i think wes is hotter (=
didn't u guys see what was in his speedo
while ct only has a rasin in his speedo >.<

Anonymous said...

^ Dude STFU

Anonymous said...

dude, i`m expressing my opinions.
how about you sdfu you probably have something even smaller than a rasin

Anonymous said...

^ Sure whatever you say. Even an 11 inch **** will seem small to you. You're vagina is so loose its like trowing a weiner through a hall way.

Anonymous said...

umm. . .i`m a gay guy

Anonymous said...

For me, Svety is the cutest. Can't complain about those tatas! wawa

Anonymous said...

For me, Svety is the cutest. Can't complain about those tatas! wawa weewa!

Anonymous said...

why are all you guys so bent on hating and loving these one dimensional people? WHO CARES.

Anonymous said...

ok so if u dont care why d u visit this blog in first place???? its real world road rules blog aviously we gone talk about these "dimensional people"..... duhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

i heard CT was bisexual. on the aftershow theres a clip of him lifting his shirt to tyler and he tells tyler he might get lucky,like shane did.

Anonymous said...

naww he was jk