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Monday, August 13, 2007

Johanna continues to post her views about the Sydney cast over at RealityDish

Johanna (Austin) first shared her views about the Sydney cast during the casting special. Now she's turned around and given us what she thinks about the first few days of the cast now that they've moved into the house.

Reality Dish posted an article where Johanna talks about the interesting dynamic that took place in Sydney the first day. She blames a lot of the drama on the producers and how they choose who comes to the house first. She was almost certain that KellyAnne (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) were one of the first to arrive, because they were most likely to cause drama. She was also certain that Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) met each other first to stir romantic inclinations. She compares this to her first day where Rachel (Austin) wanted to immediately room with her, but Johanna told her to wait until the other castmembers came through the door. She also says that she and Wes (Austin) were made to meet each other first, as were Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin).

Johanna goes on to comment on the fights between the girls. She says that the only team she seems to be on at this point is "Team Cohutta", although she is taking a liking to Shauvon. Check out the article for more.


Anonymous said...

i was definitely wrong about Shauvon.. i admit that i thought she was going to be a blonde bimbo.. but it doesn't seem to be that way.. i like Shauvon a lot

Anonymous said...

I like Shauvon too. I also like Parisa, even though she seems to be a little too defensive to my liking.

Anonymous said...

i like them all

Anonymous said...

i think that trisha has major problems.

l ron hubbard 4eva

Anonymous said...

No one cares what Johanna thinks.

Anonymous said...

I like to hear Johanna's perspective being a former RWer herself. Plus, she's got a great set of tits.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the girls are stupid. Vapid, maybe. I can't wait to see Coral on the next Challenge!

Anonymous said...

this season looks alright but NOT BETTER THAN DENVER!!! I like Shauvon and Parisa, Trisha and the guys.....but Kelly Anne???? she seems like all she wants is camera time, since she thinks shes so "CUTE" (dont get me wrong I mean she is good looking) but she isn't the BEST like she thinks she is, she needs to calm down, and by the way 1:31 I CARE WHAT JOHANNA THINKS, I dont care what you think because YOU HAVEN'T BEEN on the real world so you dont know what its like (neither have I)and if you have and are a real world alumni...thats just sad that you are on here saying a STUPID ASS comment like the one you made, GROW UP!!!!and let her live, oh and if no one cares what Johanna thinks...WHY THE FUCK would they have her toughts up on a website?????SO NOW WHAT???

Anonymous said...

I also think Shauvon's comment on 'going topless because it's their culture' was a bit rediculous. I don't think she knew what she was saying. She just wanted to try and sound smart by using words like 'dulture' which she probably doesn't use much lol

Anonymous said...

I don't think this season will be better than the Denver season

Anonymous said...

i think all of you need to find something better to do besides comming on here and fighting, and seriously 6:23, who are you tell people to find something better to do when clearly your on here writting commentz more than anyone else?

the exploits of lucinda and sebastain said...

johanna does make some good points..

Anonymous said...

wtf, this is my second time commentin 7:40. so stfu

Anonymous said...

Ew no. Denver was the worst season of all time. Tyrie was the only decent one. I could barely bring myself to watch it. This season is the best in a while. I'm totally feeling the whole Parisa/Dunbar/Kellyanne love triangle, which is great because it seems like the next episode will be focusing on that.