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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sydney Episode #7: Dunbar blows his top; Kelly Anne and Cohutta make mountain babies

The beginning of the episode finds Cohutta (Sydney) and Kelly Anne (Sydney) flirting with each other yet again. However, when the potential for love seems unclear, Kelly Anne seems to get a suitor who brings flowers to the door. Carey, an Englishman that Kelly Anne met in Sydney sends her flowers. Dunbar (Sydney) isn't impressed.

Then it turns into this big old thing. Dunbar gets angry. Shauvon (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) defend the gesture, but Dunbar has to apologize to Kelly Anne in private. Kelly Anne later tells Dunbar that he needs to chill or he's going to freak out in the house.

The next morning, Dunbar, Trisha and Isaac (Sydney) begin to talk about sex before marriage. Trisha is pretty admanant that one shouldn't have sex before marriage, but Dunbar doesn't see where its relevancy is in relation to the Bible. Cohutta stops the madness before anyone can get worked up any more.

While Isaac leaves porn in the bathroom for Dunbar to relieve himself, Dunbar confesses to Kelly Anne that his anger issues come from being abused as a child.

Kelly Anne then meets Carey and while this new guy may have money, she seems to realize that he might not be the one for her. Cohutta, meanwhile, mopes around the house without Kelly Anne. Isaac tells Cohutta not to get involved. At the end of the date, Kelly Anne refuses to kiss Carey. And, when she comes home, she jumps into bed with Cohutta, finally cementing the fact that the two at least like each other.


Anonymous said...

WTF was up with Dunbar and the flowers?

i'd definietly would like to see more about the situation, since ik that they don't show everything on reality tv

Anonymous said...

I don't get how pasting their own faces in the porn "gets back at the guys." Wtf were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the artist/song that is playing when Kellyann is crying by the water at the end of the episode?

Anonymous said...


Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the artist/song that is played when they go to the nightclub in the espiode where kelly anne and him are walking back to the house.

Anonymous said...

Thank You!!! You can do a Yahoo search under "Real World Sydney Music" and it will take you to some place on the mtv website that tell you every song that is played in the episode.

Anonymous said...

How can Trisha be such a hypocrite!?!?!?!

She's ADMITTED to having pre-marital sex...she has no room to judge.

Anonymous said...

is the next episode when trisha pushes parisa?

Anonymous said...

...No Parisa = No Good

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the song thats playing when kellyann tells shavoun that cohutta broke her heart?

Anonymous said...

If anyone could help me I'd really, really appreciate it! I have looked everywhere including the MTV homepage and still didn't find an answer. Does ANYONE know the name of song or artist of this song from this episode??? PLEASE HELP. I have been looking for like 3 months. It is played when Kelly Anne and Carey are walking back to the house and he asks to kiss her. The song goes like this....

"She doesn't seem to see what's going on, she can only smile for so long, I don't think she knows what she really knows"